Chapter 22 Liu Lan
There is not so much food in the space now, but there are quite a few potatoes, which are reserved for pigs.

It takes three days to wait for this batch of corn to mature and add the corn once, it is almost [-] catties.

Go all the way to the steel mill.

He Yuzhu just walked into the back kitchen door of the cafeteria

Director Ye: "Master He will make some dishes later, and the leader will come down to check today." Office Director Ye is already waiting at the entrance of the cafeteria

He Yuzhu: "Do it now or do it later" He Yuzhu said
Director Ye: "Do it now, when the leader comes, after dinner, it's the same when checking the work!" Director Ye said happily
He hoped that the leader would come every day, after all, only under the nose of the leader, would there be opportunities for progress.

Director Ye: "Taste lighter, don't make it too grand, I'm making some wild vegetable steamed buns" Director Ye ordered

These were all told to him by an old classmate of his. The old leader came out of the Long March, and he didn't like big fish and big meat, so he wanted to be frugal and simple.

The last time I went to the first branch of the rolling mill was too grand, and the old leader was furious.

Now many mountainous areas can’t afford food, but you are full of meat and meat, and severely criticized the leaders of the first branch factory.

So the third branch factory has to learn a lesson this time.

Two jeeps were parked at the gate, and Director Yang and Director Ye stepped forward to greet them together.

There are no redundant staff.

After the old leader got off the car, only an orderly followed, and there were no extra escorts

Director Yang: "Welcome to the head, come to the third branch factory and guide the work."

Veteran leader: "Lead the way ahead and see the real working and living conditions of comrade workers"

The old leader was a little happy, he just wanted to go on tour in a low service!You get a lot of people to stand beside you, how do you think about the real working conditions of other comrades.

You don't need to guess to know that the senior leaders are here.

All the way to the door of each workshop, the old leader refused to let Director Yang and Director Ye accompany him in.

Looking at it, I feel comfortable, and now everyone is positive and hardworking.

Director Yang: "Have some breakfast, let's go to work!" Director Yang said
"Alright." The old leader nodded in agreement.

After seeing the meals prepared in the cafeteria, I couldn't help but nod. These are the good comrades who serve the people!No extravagance.

Five wild vegetable steamed buns, one bowl of scallion egg soup, one fried cabbage
After seeing the old leader's face, Director Yang and Director Ye felt relieved, as long as the old leader is happy.

After several people had eaten, the old leader came to the cafeteria to see what kind of food was prepared for comrade workers.

The old leader: "These dishes are prepared for comrade workers," said the old leader

"Yes..." He Yuzhu didn't know where this uncle came in, and there was a young man next to him who looked very energetic.

The old leader: "How did you sell it!" The old leader asked again
He Yuzhu: "1 point for steamed buns, 5 cents for steamed buns, 2 points for vegetarian dishes, and 4 points for meat dishes. For every two steamed buns, or three nests, one or two food stamps will be added." He Yuzhu returned
Now the meat dishes just have a little minced meat in them, and all the meat dishes are fried in lard.

The old leader nodded again and walked out.

Ma Hua: "Master, who is that! Why did you come to the kitchen for nothing?" Ma Hua asked suspiciously
He Yuzhu: "Do you think I'm a know-it-all? Don't inquire about these things, and fry the dishes well, it's better than anything else. You kid asks about these things all day, can you put your mind into cooking?"

Ma Hua: "Oh! By the way, master, after get off work at noon yesterday, Sister Liu Lan secretly packed the vegetables into her food box and took them out." Ma Hua continued
He Yuzhu: "March [-]" He Yuzhu ignored Mahua and went back to work.

Ma Hua: "What does March [-] mean? Master" Ma Hua asked the bottom line

He Yuzhu: "I praise you!" He Yuzhu said speechlessly

Liu Lan is also a hard-working person. After her husband died, she took over her husband's shift and came to work in the cafeteria. There are three children in the family to support, and the salary is not high, and the food stamps are so small, what should I do if I don't take some out.

So when she was caught by deputy factory manager Li, there was nothing she could do if she threatened her. She couldn't conduct a review in front of the whole audience. After being pidou, her salary would be lowered by one level.

Then her three children will really drink the northwest wind.

She can have some money left, but now the food book and food stamps are only so little, what should I do.

So He Yuzhu decided to take her to the black market if she had the chance. Whether she could find a way out was up to her, and it was better than being bullied by Deputy Factory Manager Li.

After work at noon

He Yuzhu: "Liu Lan! Come here and I have something to talk to you"

Liu Lan: "What is it, Master He?" Liu Lan was puzzled

He Yuzhu never called himself after get off work before.

After the two walked out of the factory, He Yuzhu pointed to her food box and said, "It's not safe for you, and something will happen sooner or later. If there is a treat in the future, you should take it with others. If there is no treat, don't do this kind of thing. In case something happens , it's not good for you."

Liu Lan panicked, but then she realized that He Yuzhu was pointing her out. If there are too many people to lead the law together and not blame the crowd, and if the hospitality is not cleaned up, then it will be extravagant and wasteful, and she can occupy her feet, but this is not the case in the university. Pot a dozen dishes,
That is to poach the corners of socialism and steal public finances.

Liu Lan: "There are three children to raise at home, and I only have such a job. Now my mother's rations are only so small, and I have no choice." Liu Lan explained
He Yuzhu: "If you can trust me, come with me, and I will take you somewhere."

Liu Lan felt that everyone was a colleague, and He Yuzhu didn't dare to do bad things in broad daylight, right?Mental thought

But reason still made her follow He Yuzhu.

Since Ma Hua mentioned Liu Lan, He Yuzhu planned to help her once.

So in the factory, I prepared a mask for her, with small cloth strips on both sides made of cardboard.

Why do you have to disguise yourself when entering the black market, because there may be red armbands inside.

It is possible to run away by letting them stare at them, but it is also troublesome.

How will I explain when I meet you on the road in the future.

After paying the money and the two of them went in, Liu Lan felt that he had found a chance here.

Food is sold for everything, and there are all kinds of tickets.

She suddenly felt that it was the right time to come with He Yuzhu.

After I go back, I plan to make some pastries and try them out. I don’t need to take risks in the cafeteria in the future. There are grains for sale here. At worst, the whole family can eat whole grains and they can live on.

She is an honest person, she took care of her children at home since she was a child, and came to work again after her husband died, so she had no chance to get in touch with these things.

She bought some food stamps and went out of the black market with He Yuzhu.

Liu Lan: "Thank you, Master He" Liu Lan thanked
He Yuzhu: "It's okay, try to be careful when you come here in the future, and don't bring people you can't trust, it will be dangerous to you." He Yuzhu explained

He was not afraid that Liu Lan would bite him after being caught by the red armband, because this was the first and last time he came here with her.

The road has been pointed out for you, and how to take it is up to you.

And even if Liu Lan brings people to this black market, it has nothing to do with him.

If someone who has nothing to do with them dares to open a black market in this area, who can say clearly that the managers of both sides have no secret transactions.Doing such a thing in your territory, if you say you don't know, then only a genius knows.

(End of this chapter)

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