Chapter 23 Introducing Objects
After separating from Liu Lan, I have to go back to the factory to rest and go to work in the afternoon

After Liu Lan returned home, the three children were already at home after school, and they were all waiting for the vegetables she brought back from the factory to eat.

The family conditions are not good, and the three children are also sensible

The eldest Wan Liying is 10 years old, the second Wan Jianjun is 8 years old, and the third Wan Lili is 6 years old.Knowing that my mother has worked hard, I steamed the steamed buns in the pot early, and I can eat when my mother comes back
When Liu Lan got married in the early days, before the founding of the country, there was no marriage law.The family was poor with 20 catties of food, so the 15-year-old married her to the Wan family.My husband is also a man who knows how to hurt others. He went to work in Lou's factory just after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Let her take care of the big and small affairs of the family, but unfortunately she passed away early, and her father-in-law and mother-in-law also passed away early.

Abandoning the orphans and widows, leaving this family in the old society, I really don't know how to live on.

After the Women's Federation found Liu Lan for a while to comfort her, they told her about the benefits of going to work for women who grow flowers and the fact that the factory replaces her husband's work, which saved her from despair.

Her natal family also asked her to remarry.Fearing that the children would be bullied, Liu Lan did not agree to this matter

When she smuggled factory vegetables in a lunch box for the first time, she was very upset.After a long time, she felt relieved when she saw several people doing this.

But what He Yuzhu told him today, she also knows that if the serious consequences after the accident
After eating, Liu Lan took out the only two catties of flour at home, and bought it from the supply and marketing agency when she came back today, Xiaosu powder and mung bean powder.This is what his mother-in-law taught her to do before she was alive.
After making everything with boiling water and noodles, teach the eldest daughter Wan Liying the final steps
"Mom, do you want to make mung bean cake for us to eat?" asked the third child Wan Lili

Liu Lan? "Well, you are at school, listen to the teacher carefully, Mom is going to work," Liu Lan replied casually

The family affairs are basically done by the eldest daughter Wan Liying, which makes Liu Lan very relieved
after get off work

Liu Lan returned home, took mung bean cakes with her, and rushed all the way to the black market
The harvest of one hour made Liu Lan firm in her mind.

Now there are few non-staple foods and tickets are required, so there are only a few things that can be delivered by someone to handle errands.Therefore, good pastries are also a good market. They can earn a net profit of one dollar each time they are sold, which is already higher than her salary in a factory.
[Beijing's "luxury meal" Jingdefu Roast Duck Restaurant and Xidan State-run Restaurant cost about 10 yuan each time, two people spend on a meal, and the entire living expenses of an adult for a month] Not without high-spending groups , but can't find a place to buy it.

She now pays 22 yuan a month in the factory

There are still a few that I haven't bought, and they all say that I will buy them with her tomorrow.
I bought flour and ingredients on the black market, and hurried home again, not daring to buy too much at one time, for fear of being discovered by putting it on my body.Buy three catties at a time and cook secretly at night, and then just come at noon every day.

The next day

As soon as she got to work, Liu Lan found He Yuzhu

Liu Lan: "Master He, thank you so much for giving this to you" Liu Lan said in a low voice
He Yuzhu looked down, Fengshou brand cigarettes

He Yuzhu: "As long as I can help you if there is nothing, you don't have to be careful in the future." He Yuzhu took the cigarette and said in a low voice
Fengshou brand cigarettes cost 2 cents a pack, and black market tickets cost 3 cents, enough to buy three catties of corn.

Liu Lan: "Then I will work"

He Yuzhu didn't continue the chat, it has nothing to do with him, how much Liu Lan can earn is his own ability.

Ma Hua: "Master, what are you talking about with Sister Liu Lan?" Ma Hua asked out of time

He Yuzhu: "Sister Liu said to introduce you to a partner, I said you don't plan to take it because your salary is not much" He Yuzhu joked

Ma Hua: "Don't! Master, I will become a full-time employee next year. Although I am only 13 yuan now, I don't spend money randomly. I will hand in all my salary when I get married," Ma Hua hurriedly explained
"Then you, tell your sister Liu Lan," He Yuzhu said foolishly

Ma Hua hurriedly ran to Liu Lan's side.

The two of them chatted for some reason, and Ma Hua's face was filled with pride.

After get off work at noon, He Yuzhu came all the way to Xinhua Bookstore

After Lou Xiao'e saw He Yuzhu, she said hello to the others and they walked down the street.

Lou Xiaoe: "Today, the state-run restaurant has new dishes to try together." Lou Xiaoe introduced today's menu of the state-run restaurant with He Yuzhu while walking

Now state-run restaurants are the same as movie theaters

It says on the blackboard that you can order whatever is available today.Don't make yourself uncomfortable.

Don't go in, shout!Hey!Waiter, give me something, what, that way they might throw you out.

After entering the state-run hotel

The setting here is about the same as a larger, later restaurant.

After the two find a place to sit down
"Two comrades, what do you need to eat?": A staff member stepped forward and asked

Lou Xiaoe looked at the blackboard and said: "Crispy pork ribs, braised pork, crispy red beans, and a small bitter vegetable soup, two steamed buns per person, thank you comrades."

"A total of three yuan and two forty-two food stamps" staff

after paying
Lou Xiaoe: "Thank you, Comrade"

"Serve the people": go to the back kitchen
Lou Xiaoe said while eating: "Today's dish is good, especially the crispy ribs are delicious."

He Yuzhu: "I know how to do all these things, I will make them for you if I have the chance"

The food here is really expensive, for less than one yuan, it sells for three yuan and two, no wonder few people can afford it.Even those who come to Beijing for business, they just order bean curd soup, and two or three steamed buns cost 7 cents.
Lou Xiaoe: "After that, I will ask you to cook, you can't shirk it! Oh!" Lou Xiaoe said playfully

He Yuzhu: "Guaranteed to complete the task"

Lou Xiaoe lowered her head a little shyly, with a blush on her face

Lou Xiaoe: "That's settled."

With a hum, the two of them left the state-run hotel.

He Yuzhu happily walked to the factory, thinking about who would be the most suitable person to propose marriage to Lou's family.

Although it is a new society now, matchmakers still have to be found.

You can't come to the door by yourself and say that the old man married your daughter to me.

Isn't that making people look ugly?
While walking while thinking, He Yuzhu felt that Director Ye was the most suitable

, he can talk to the Lou family, and he is quite upright,

I didn't hear in the factory that someone took something from someone and didn't do anything.

Director Yang is also fine, but he is not familiar with them.

I don't think it's enough to say a few words.

Director Ye often dealt with each other. He Yuzhu bought something at the supply and marketing cooperative and rushed back to the factory.

(End of this chapter)

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