Chapter 68 Before leaving

More than ten days have passed since this farce.

He Yuzhu came to the bookstore to borrow books again.

Lou Xiaoe: "Silly Zhu, my parents asked you to come home tonight"

He Yuzhu: "Okay, I'm so happy to see you again tonight"

Lou Xiaoe: "Don't be poor, remember not to forget"

He Yuzhu still has to go to the factory. Today is the opening day of the guest house of Red Star No. [-] Branch. The kitchen dispatched a few chefs to help out and cook a meal for the leaders who came here.

It was supposed to be trained for a month, but for some unknown reason, it opened a week earlier. It should be a decoration every day. Comrade Li Zhengqing wanted to come here earlier to be the master of the house.

In November of the lunar calendar, there is heavy snowfall in the sky, but it can't affect the enthusiasm of the workers in the guest house. They don't need to help in the cafeteria in the future. It's much easier than the cafeteria here.

Factory Manager Yang is also very happy today. In the future, comrades from other places will not have to spend the night at the main factory, and his side will be more formal in the future.

In addition to today, the leaders of the main factory will come to participate in the opening, and all the leaders of the third branch factory will attend.

So cooking specifications are much higher than before.

Several people were busy in the kitchen, and the reception staff outside were also making preparations meticulously.

He Yuzhu and the others rushed over to the canteen of the factory after finishing the dishes. They had to go back to help when they were done here, otherwise the canteen would be overwhelmed.

busy after get off work
He Yuzhu cleaned up and rushed to Lou's house.

In the living room, Mother Lou went upstairs with Lou Xiaoe

Father Lou: "Tell me about the last time you asked us to sever ties with Xiao'e, do you have a countermeasure in mind?"

He Yuzhu: "Dad, since we are a family, I don't want to hide it from you."

Father Lou: "Now there is no one in the family except Xiao'e and her mother. I have found a new job for the helper at home."

He Yuzhu: "Do you believe there will be a big movement?"

Father Lou: "You tell me, listen, no one will know about this except Xiao'e and her mother, anything you said tonight."

He Yuzhu: "It's almost the end of the year now, I believe you can see that there are some changes in the above, and it will spread to the whole summer in the future. By then, you just want to leave, and it will be too late. This time the campaign is not only aimed at you Businessman, all I can say is everyone, everyone"

Lou's father broke out in a cold sweat. Everyone in Daxia was shocked by these words.
Lou's father: "Zhuzi, if Xiao'e's mother and I leave, can you protect Xiao'e from any influence? Can you think of everything for Xiao'e? Can you protect Xiao'e?"

Father Lou expressed a father's worry. He also wanted to take Xiao'e away, but he didn't know what would happen on Hong Kong Island. There was no foundation for wandering outside, and everything had to start from scratch. He was afraid that Xiao'e would be with them. The past can hurt.

He Yuzhu: "Dad, since I planned to marry Xiao'e, I have already thought about how to protect her, love her, and take care of her in my life. I will use my life to prove it."

Father Lou: "You are a good boy, you want me and Xiao'e's mother to do this"

He Yuzhu: "Leave immediately, take all the things you can bring, donate this building to the street office, and make a clean break with Xiao'e. The louder the quarrel with Xiao'e in the street office, the better. Don't give anything to Xiao'e. "

Father Lou: "Does this have anything to do with your plan?"

He Yuzhu: "That's enough, I will also find a way to add an insurance to her. If the wind direction is good in seven years, you will come back. If the wind direction is bad, don't communicate. Remember that this year, you don't even write a letter." Come back and come back to see us if there are changes in the future.”

Father Lou: "I see, it's too late today, you go back to rest early, after I finish everything, Xiao'e will entrust you to you, you two should love each other for the rest of your life, and you have to support each other to go through any ups and downs , Dad will come back to see you when you are well."

He Yuzhu knew that in the original book, Lou's father passed away on Hong Kong Island. It was because he was beaten badly in prison and left behind a secret illness.
Not in this life, there is no chance in the original book, bring something to Hong Kong Island, so it is not considered developed, this time bring the funds that can be brought, He Yuzhu believes in Lou's father's business acumen, and will wait for soft meals in the future.

He Yuzhu got up and walked out

Lou's father went up to the second floor with tears in his eyes, opened the door and entered Lou Xiao'e's room. Lou's mother and Lou Xiao'e were both there, but they were not present to accompany him just now, because he had some things to say in front of Lou Xiao'e, but after hearing what He Yuzhu said, He no longer has any scruples about spreading to the whole of China.

When Lou Xiaoe saw her father crying, she also cried.

Lou Xiaoe: "Dad, did Sha Zhu say something that made you sad? I'm not getting married anymore, I don't want to make Dad sad"

Father Lou: "Stupid boy, Zhuzi said that he will spend his whole life to prove that he will protect you and love you. Zhuzi is a good boy. Dad didn't cry because of this. What I'm going to say next, if you don't see him in this life Me and your mother, this is not allowed to be mentioned to anyone. Except Zhuzi, you understand?"

Lou's mother looked at her husband quietly, waiting for his next words.

Father Lou: "Zhuzi, he is a good boy worthy of your entrustment for the rest of his life. Do you know your Uncle Wang? Xiao'e"

Lou Xiaoe: "Know a little bit"

Father Lou: "He may not be able to get out for the rest of his life. Dad also wants to take you away with him, but Dad doesn't know if he can protect you when he gets there, so in the future, you and Zhuzi will be left to go on. Now, Dad wants to do a play with you on the street, good boy, this matter is related to your future, don’t screw up the show, I know you don’t want to, your mother and I are like your Uncle Wang, Dad plans to share with your mother Leave here and go to Hong Kong Island, I won’t even write you a letter from now on, you have to live strong, when the wind changes, Dad and your mother will come to see you.”

After speaking, Lou's father couldn't help crying. The pain of leaving his child and leaving his hometown made him feel uncomfortable even to breathe.

Lou Xiaoe: "Can't we leave with Sha Zhu?"

Father Lou: "Zhuzi, there are people who can't be left behind. He can't leave. He has planned the future. You have to be careful. You have to discuss everything in the future. You can't be willful, you know?"

Lou Xiao'e hugged Lou's mother and was speechless. Her heart hurt so badly that she couldn't breathe. The person closest to her was going to leave her.

Lou's mother patted Lou Xiao'e on the back: "My child, you have grown up and become sensible. In the future, mother will not be with you. Do you want to know well? There are pillars to accompany you on the road. No matter whether it is bitter or sweet, you have to be with each other. Be considerate, well, don’t be sad, I will come to see you when I have a chance.”

Lou Xiaoe: "Mom, I don't want to leave you"

The three of them wept silently at home
Father Lou: "If you don't leave now, you won't even have the chance to leave in the future. I believe in Zhuzi, he will take good care of you. You have to discuss everything with Zhuzi in the future, understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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