Chapter 69 Severing Relationships
The three of them practiced planning for tomorrow at home.

In the early morning, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and there was a little patter of snow in the sky, as if he was reluctant to say goodbye.

The Lou family had already prepared everything, silently waiting for the time to come, and the air was full of quiet reluctance.

The three of Lou's family walked out of the gate, Lou's father brought a little gift, Lou Xiao'e took her own quilt, pushed a bicycle in her hand, and her face was covered with tears.

The Lou family came to the gate of the street office together and walked in slowly.

When Director Gao saw Lou's family coming to the street office, he greeted him warmly.

Director Gao: "Director Lou, what instructions do you have for leaving home so early?"

Father Lou: "Oh! There is a scandal at home, I need your help to solve it." After finishing speaking, he handed the things to Director Gao
Director Gao: "You are all a family, if you have any problems, you can solve them at home,"

Lou's father glanced at Lou Xiao'e and motioned for him to perform.This is the first step in her life, and she will not be able to walk with her in the future.

Lou Xiao'e cried and said loudly: "Now is a new atmosphere, a new trend, and arranged marriages are no longer possible. I have someone I like. What's wrong with me? I have a gay man who I want to walk with. I hate you guys who are so superior. Tone, I don’t like you planning my life like this.”

Lou Xiao'e burst into tears, but no one could see why she was crying.

After listening to Lou Xiaoe's words, Director Gao didn't know how to answer, and looked at Lou's father in confusion, isn't the life of the rich much better?This is the one that made a fuss, but what Lou Xiao'e said, he must deal with it seriously, and he can't arrange marriages now

Lou's father pretended to be furious: "I did it for your own good. Didn't you meet each other? What is an arranged marriage? It's just one thing to come here today. Cut off contact with that cook and marry Comrade Wang, otherwise I won't your daughter"

Lou's mother chimed in and said, "A cook, what's so good, it's worth your trouble with the family"

As soon as this was said, most of the comrades in the sub-district office were not angry anymore. Why did they look down on our cooks? They rely on their own labor and earn everything with their own hands.
"Freedom of marriage is the most glorious thing for working people," everyone chattered
Lou's father and Lou's mother felt relieved a lot, this is exactly what He Yuzhu said
Lou Xiaoe: "I yearn for the freedom of marriage and labor, and it is impossible to listen to your arranged marriage"

Father Lou: "Okay, you have a backbone, don't come to the house to beg for a grain of rice from now on"

Lou Xiaoe: "If you don't come, you won't come"

Lou's mother: "Then cut off the relationship, don't communicate with each other in the future, if you can't live on, if you want to fight the autumn wind, it's impossible"

Lou Xiaoe was sobbing and speechless.

Director Gao was furious, how could he look down on comrade workers, how could he look down on working people, and handed things back to Lou's mother,
Director Gao said angrily: "Then I will be your proof host. Xiao Li went upstairs to get the official seal, wrote it down immediately, and stamped the official seal for them to sign. Comrade Lou Xiaoe, we all support you." over

"We all support you!" More than [-] comrades from the street office shouted.

Lou's father: "Except for this bicycle, which she bought by herself, and this quilt and two pieces of clothes, which belong to her, don't even try to take the rest away from me." He said angrily, and asked Xiao Li to write it down.

Director Gao looks down on Lou's father and Lou's mother very much now, such people are in vain as parents

Fearing that Lou Xiao'e would not have a job, he hurriedly asked: "Comrade Lou Xiao'e, if you don't have a job in the future, come here to find us, and we will support you."

Lou Xiao'e cried and nodded, and signed her name in pain.

Seeing Lou Xiao'e's appearance, several lesbians came up, hugged her and comforted her in a low voice.
I got the severance letter, one copy for each person, and the street office keeps one copy

Lou's father walked to the door: "Take all your things, don't step outside the house from now on"

With that said, he turned and walked out.

After returning home, the husband and wife hugged each other and burst into tears. Seeing their daughter's sad appearance, the two kept holding back their tears.

after crying

Lou's mother: "Let's get in touch."

Father Lou: "Take what you can bring today first, and wait for me at the port of Jin City first. I will meet you after Zhuzi arrives tomorrow night."

With tears in her eyes, Lou Xiaoe pushed her bicycle to the courtyard.

Slowly came to the courtyard and knocked on the door of He Yuzhu's room.

He Yuzhu didn't know that Lou's father would drive Lou Xiao'e out today, so he was still working in the factory.

He Yushui was at home on vacation, when he heard something, he came out to check

Looks like a lesbian I don't know
He Yushui: "Comrade, who are you looking for?"

Lou Xiao'e: "I'm looking for it, my partner He Yuzhu, you are his sister, you really look alike"

He Yushui was very happy when he heard that he was her brother's object, but He Yuzhu kept telling her not to put anything on her face, and deal with things she didn't know when she came back. He Yushui didn't show too much enthusiasm,
He Yushui: "My brother, I'll be back from get off work later, come into my room quickly, there is a kang to keep you warm"

Lou Xiaoe: "Yes! Good"

Lou Xiaoe was chatting on the kang, how did she know He Yuzhu, and how long had she known him.

He Yushui felt that this was his elder brother, he was hiding it too deeply, and he still had a lot to learn

He Yuzhu came home from get off work, just opened the door,

He Yushui came out of her house: "Brother, a lesbian is looking for you"

As soon as He Yuzhu entered the room, he saw Lou Xiaoe with tears on her cheeks

He Yuzhu: "Xiao'e, what's wrong with you?"

Lou Xiaoe: "I was driven out by my parents. I have already severed the relationship and will not go out in the future."

As soon as He Yuzhu understood,
He Yuzhu: "You, rest in this room with my sister. I will ask for a leave in the afternoon and get the certificate the day after tomorrow. I will find Director Zhang tomorrow and give you a job note. You can take it back to the bookstore to apply, and then you will be transferred to work in our factory."

After confirming that it was her sister-in-law, He Yushui became enthusiastic. Lou Xiaoe said that it was He Yuzhu's lover. He Yushui was afraid that she would lie to him, but his brother told him that he should be careful about everything.

He Yuzhu: "You haven't eaten yet, come here quickly. I'll heat it up and you can eat it. When I come back from get off work at night, I'll make braised pork for you."

Lou Xiaoe felt a lot warmer in her heart, and with you as a fool in the future, she would not feel lonely by her company.

He Yuzhu hurriedly heated up the dishes, and then took He Yushui's steamed buns to Lou Xiaoe's hands, and let He Yushui do it by himself. The dishes are all ready, are you waiting to feed her by yourself?
He Yushui was dumbfounded, what about his brother?I don't treat myself so attentively, I'm so disappointed.

He Yuzhu: "What are you looking at, wait for me to feed you like Fangfang? Didn't I take care of you like this when I was a child? I have to coax you when you cry in the middle of the night, so hurry up and eat, what are you looking at?"

He Yushui was right when he thought about it. His brother took care of him, coaxed him, and beat him since he was a child. It was his brother who was right.

(End of this chapter)

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