Chapter 85 Applying for Housing
second noon
He Yuzhu came to the office of the Women's Federation, knocked on the door and walked in

Peng Mei: "Zhuzi, why are you here looking for my sister?"

He Yuzhu: "Sister, I would like to ask you to help MCA and introduce it to someone in this factory."

Peng Mei: "Okay, I'll visit the workshop these two days to find out which one has a suitable lesbian."

He Yuzhu: "Then, I'll trouble you to make a trip."

Peng Mei: "This is also our job."

He Yuzhu walked towards the gate of the factory, and Lou Xiaoe was still waiting for her
Promised Ma Hua to introduce someone, I just remembered it today, and I feel a little embarrassed

He Yuzhu walked out of the factory with Lou Xiaoe on his back
Lou Xiao'e: "Zhuzi, Yu Wenyan, a college student, invited the people in the workshop to have a wedding wine today, saying that he will get married at the end of this month."

He Yuzhu: "Please."

Lou Xiaoe: "Everyone in the workshop has been invited."

He Yuzhu: "Where did you marry?"

Lou Xiaoe: "I heard that she is the daughter of the director of the main factory, and the introducer is made by the director of the factory."

He Yuzhu: "No, I want to cut leeks."

Lou Xiaoe: "Now what kind of leeks are there?"

He Yuzhu: "When he gets married, he will be transferred to the main factory. Can we invite him back in the future?"

Lou Xiao'e: "It's not good if you don't go. Let's go together and get one yuan for food."

He Yuzhu nodded. It's a good idea. I won't be able to transfer it for a while, and it would be embarrassing to meet Lou Xiaoe in the workshop.

Back in the courtyard, He Yuzhu saw Qin Huairu washing clothes. Since she was in charge of her home, she had never seen her doing laundry. It was rare.
I saw Qin Huairu washing and scrubbing by the pool with a cold face, her face was frightening

Ever since He Yushui beat Jia Zhang, He Yuzhu hadn't spoken to her family, and Lou Xiao'e had never seen her family when she saw her.

Jia Zhang hugged the seven-month-old little pagoda tree crying on the bed. Qin Huairu gave her two big mouths when she came back today. She didn't even say the reason. She felt so wronged. Qin Huai obeyed her advice, and never offended the family in the courtyard. Up to now, she dare not go out. There are slap marks on her face. If she goes out, she is afraid that the neighbors will see her and ask her, and she will be beaten if she says the wrong thing.

He Yuzhu and his wife lay down on the kang when they got home. It’s so easy now, there’s no need to bring vegetables for the rain. Aunt Yi will deliver meals to the old lady at noon, and they can just cook a meal by themselves in the evening.
Qin Huairu was dumbfounded when she heard the news of Yu Wenyan's marriage today. She has been in love with Yu Wenyan for a long time, but she also understands her identity. Now she is content to be a second-level fitter, but she still feels angry, so Jia Zhang It's her punching bag, now she feels that she has to learn from Yi Zhonghai, and strive to be promoted by the end of the year, and with her current salary, she doesn't need to rely on anyone for food.

Yu Wenyan found her at noon and gave her 50 yuan, saying that it would be good to get together and get together, and it would be hard for everyone to get into a fight. She agreed that she couldn't play by herself, and she had to set an example for her children

I have to say that she has a super IQ, and she can be calm and calm when encountering anything
Liu Haizhong returned home today with a very happy face, Xu Damao took him to the state-owned restaurant today, met the leader of the main factory, although he just offered him a glass of wine, he was very proud
Looking at the man in his forties, with a sleek back, a straight Chinese tunic suit, a pair of big leather shoes, and a pen pinned to his chest, he looked full of style, even more impressive than Director Yang.
He feels that his promotion is hopeful, and next time Xu Damao takes him to the leader's house, presents him with gifts, and behaves well, that's it, take the food from the family and send it to Xu Damao's house, and go there happily after delivery walk to the factory
Lou Xiaoe woke up He Yuzhu, and the two also went to work
When I went out, I saw Yan Bugui, who was pushed to the ground and started arguing with others.

He Yuzhu didn't want to be troublesome, so he rushed to the factory with Lou Xiao'e
As soon as he entered the cafeteria, Liu Songgui walked over
Liu Songgui: "Master He, Liu Lan took the afternoon off this morning and forgot about it in the morning, so I came to tell you."

He Yuzhu: "Can you be too busy over there?"

Liu Songgui: "Yes."

He Yuzhu: "That's fine."

Liu Lan took her brother Liu Hong to the logistics department to find director Zhai Junhui. Although his elder brother worked in the guest house, he was also in charge of Zhang Steel Factory.
Although Liu Hong is here and has been working for almost three months, he has never been to the logistics department. Regarding the matter of their guest house, other comrades have come to communicate with the logistics department, but he has to go to the logistics department to write an application for housing allocation, etc. There are relatively few formal workers in the housing in the logistics part, and most of them are people from the vicinity, but those who have married and established businesses will also come to apply for a house

Carrying a gift of nearly 20 yuan, the two rang Zhai Junhui's office. Now as long as you don't give money directly and don't let others violate work discipline, this matter is easy to handle. As long as there are spare vacancies in the factory, regular workers can arrange , but they put you in the back, there is nothing you can do, after all, you are not the only one who applies, and everything is in accordance with the rules and regulations, who can you ask to sue?

Wait for the two of you to put the gift on the table and explain clearly
Zhai Junhui: "Comrade Liu Lan, the house next to yours has only one room. Comrade Liu Hong will pick up his children here in the future. I'm afraid there won't be enough room. Now there are two vacant rooms not far from your yard. Bring a boy's room, you think about it."

You see, this is considered for you
When Liu Lan heard it, it was better this way. What He Yuzhu said was right. To be a human being, one must learn to be flexible. Why should people help you? What are the benefits? You just wait and live?
Liu Lan: "Then please trouble the director. On the day of the move, I have to invite the director to have a few drinks."

Zhai Junhui nodded, and there is food and drink, this comrade will come

Zhai Junhui: "Well, I think it will be fine in the afternoon. The approval procedures will be taken back for you. If you solve the problems in life early, you can work with peace of mind. This is the service purpose of our logistics department."

Liu Lan took the note and ran all the way down with Liu Hong. The two clerks read the note and approved the procedures to Liu Hong. The two followed the people from the logistics department to the yard near Liu Lan's house and got the key. to Liu Hong

The two brothers and sisters happily went home to clean up the house and brought the luggage to Liu Hong. When Mrs. Liu transferred to a regular job, the child could transfer to the city

Liu Hong: "The eight yuan, I will give it to you after this month's salary is paid, so you took half a day off and worked hard all day."

Liu Lan: "We are brothers and sisters, you won't help me if I have something to do? Don't say such things in the future."

Liu Hong: "Okay, okay, it's my brother's fault. I brought my parents over this month to have a look, and I can find them later. I persuaded them a few times, but they don't want to come to the city."

Liu Lan: "Remember to invite Director Zhai over for a few drinks tomorrow. Since you promised to invite him, you must do it. Otherwise, it will be difficult to find someone else in the future."

Liu Hong nodded, feeling that his sister knew more than himself
Seeing that Liu Hong was about to get off work, he went to wait for his wife at the gate of the factory, and took her back to his home. Now that he has a house, there is no need to listen to Liu Lan's neighbors gossip. They took advantage of his sister's house.

(End of this chapter)

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