Chapter 86 Lou Xiaoe's Pregnancy

Fast forward to February, the weather is not too cold, and the snow in the forest is much less. He Yuzhu carried Lou Xiao'e to work as usual. It has been a few days since the salary was paid, and the summer cloth ticket will be available next month.

Lou Xiao'e felt very strange today, she kept feeling sick, wondering if there was something wrong with the food in the cafeteria yesterday, and asked Aunt Li later, she kept holding back
After cleaning for a while, Aunt Li came in, Lou Xiaoe couldn't help throwing up, Aunt Li hurried forward and patted Lou Xiaoe's back,
Aunt Li: "Son, come and sit here first, and Auntie will bring you some water to rinse your mouth."

Lou Xiaoe nodded, but still couldn't help retching

Aunt Li fetched water, rinsed Lou Xiaoe's mouth, and looked at Lou Xiaoe like this
Aunt Li: "Are you pregnant? Go to the infirmary and have a look."

Lou Xiaoe was taken aback for a moment, and stared blankly at Aunt Li

Aunt Li: "Oh, you silly boy, just go and have a look with your aunt."

The two came all the way to the infirmary, the old doctor felt the pulse and nodded

The old Chinese doctor: "It's been a month. In the first three months, the baby is prone to slippery. Don't do heavy work. After three months, the fetus will be stable. Take some nutritional supplements, and everything will be fine."

Lou Xiao'e stroked her stomach gently, and followed Aunt Li to continue cleaning. There are still residues that were just vomited, so they need to be cleaned up
Aunt Li: "You clean the outside, I'll clean inside, lest you see it and throw up again."

Lou Xiaoe: "Thank you, aunt."

Aunt Li: "You child, we have been working together for more than a month, and you are still so polite. Well, you have to be careful yourself."

Lou Xiaoe finds it amazing. Is this what it feels like to be pregnant? Nothing much has changed.

After lunch, He Yuzhu waited for Lou Xiao'e at the door pushing a bicycle
After Lou Xiaoe came out
Lou Xiaoe: "The bicycle is too bumpy, walk with me."

He Yuzhu nodded, pushing the bicycle and walking slowly along with Lou Xiaoe
Lou Xiaoe: "Zhuzi, I'm pregnant."

He Yuzhu was stunned, why did he become a father, why did he keep saying this, what should he do?

He Yuzhu: "Then what, me."

Lou Xiaoe looked at it, and He Yuzhu, who was at a loss, was a little funny again

Lou Xiao'e: "Why are you so stupid again, looking at you like this, you are worthless."

He Yuzhu: "Let's go home first, I'll go to the hospital and ask the doctors later, what to eat is good for you."

Lou Xiaoe smiled: "It's good for the fetus."

He Yuzhu: "You have to be kind to you first, and then consider him. You are not familiar with him. I will spend my whole life with you."

Lou Xiao'e couldn't stand He Yuzhu, talking and laughing all the way back to the courtyard.

He Yuzhu rode his bicycle to the hospital again, and asked the doctor clearly. The staple food can be rice, fine noodles, and the meat can be chicken, beef, pork, fish, etc.For fruits and nuts, you can eat grapes, apples, walnuts, sesame seeds, jujubes, etc. For vegetables, you can eat sweet potato sprouts, garlic sprouts, cabbage, eggs, and milk.

I bought a lot of chicks on the black market, many of them will lay eggs, and the roosters are sold on the black market.

He Yuzhu feels that the space robot has something to do now, kill a chicken a month, make it well in the space, and get a fish in five days, what He Yuzhu thinks now is, how to deal with the two sows, just be a breeding pig, and you have to find a way Get a boar, the current space is as big as ten acres of land, and there are two or three fruit trees, which can be planted now, and the outside is really fragrant.

Ginseng can also be stewed with chicken. What to do if you don’t eat it? I don’t know what’s wrong with this robot. It can use those ginseng plants to breed more ginseng. I haven't signed in other fruit trees, this system is too picky
He Yuzhu returned to the courtyard, and Lou Xiaoe went to the backyard to chat with the old lady.

He Yuzhu went back to the house, locked the door and set up these tasks before going out to find Lou Xiao'e. Before entering the door, laughter came from inside.

He Yuzhu walked in

The old lady: "Silly Zhu, feed Xiao'e all the eggs for the past two months."

The old lady saved all the eggs she picked up every day, and gave Jiye Fangfang one if she had nothing to do, but she seldom ate it herself.

He Yuzhu: "Got it, grandma."

Knowing that my grandma has a good heart, if I don’t take her, I feel that I can’t help, I feel that I’m useless, the old man needs the value of his own existence, the original book also sends shoes to Sha Zhu, and I can’t eat all the eggs in my own space, I just don’t dare Just take it out, and often secretly sell it to Liu Lan, she cooked it and sold it on the black market

When I add food to Xiao'e by myself, I can secretly bring some to her, so as not to be seen by others.

He Yuzhu: "Then I'll take it first. I'm going to work in the afternoon, so I'll take Xiao'e away."

The old lady: "Okay, if there is a way, give Xiao'e something to eat, it will be good for the baby in her belly."

He Yuzhu: "Got it, grandma."

After speaking, he took Lou Xiao'e home, put the eggs away, and went to work together.

He Yuzhu: "Xiao'e, I will send some candies to my colleagues this afternoon to celebrate together. What do you think?"

Lou Xiaoe: "Then you stop at the supply and marketing cooperative, and I'll go in and buy some."

After buying the non-staple food tickets, the two went to the factory with the sugar

Lou Xiaoe went to sort out those aunts and familiar colleagues

He Yuzhu returned to the cafeteria and waited for everyone to start working

He Yuzhu on the platform: "Today, my wife is pregnant, I bought some candy, let's be happy together."

Some of the people below laughed so hard that they couldn't straighten their backs. This squad leader He is too funny. They give out candy when they get married, and red eggs when they give birth. Anyone who laughs will be followed by others.

He Yu: "Don't forget it."

Let's make a fuss and say yes

Ma Hua came up last, with a bitter face

Ma Hua: "Master, you already have a child, and you have someone to introduce to me."

He Yuzhu: "You are the King of Hades rubbing the hemp rope. Don't worry about it. My sister said that I will take you to see it tomorrow."

Peng Mei visited more than a dozen homes of marriageable lesbians, and felt that three of them were okay, mainly because the lesbians were strong and looked like people who lived a life.

I told He Yuzhu this morning, but I was too happy to forget

He Yuzhu: "By the way, you can dress me up and dress me up tomorrow."

Ma Hua nodded, just take a daughter-in-law who can live a good life. If you want to listen to the master, the master has children.

In the evening, He Yuzhu cooked a few eggs and sent them to Yi Zhonghai's home to share his joy
Hong Jingqiu didn't know where, but when she got the news that Lou Xiao'e was pregnant, she became even more dissatisfied with Xu Damao in her heart. Fortunately, she had found a way out, and she could leave after she settled the matter here.

When He Yushui came back from get out of class, he knew that his sister-in-law was pregnant. He was very happy and wanted to hug her in circles. Fortunately, He Yuzhu stopped it in time, otherwise what would happen if he fell.

He Yushui: "Sister-in-law, I have a few dollars left over. Now that I have time, my aunt will make clothes and diapers for him, and save money for him to buy food. Now my clothes-making skills are much better. Department stores like what I do."

He Yuzhu: "You study hard. I will thank you for teaching him to read. Put more effort into getting into a good university. The exam will be in July and August next year."

He Yushui: "It's okay, I won't affect my studies."

(End of this chapter)

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