Chapter 90 Qin Huairu Remarried

Liu Haizhong's daughter-in-law has already gone to the sub-district office to find Director Hong, and then sued the Public Security Bureau.

Amidst the noise, the police came in with Director Hong.

Director Hong: "Everyone is gone. You don't need to cook or take care of the children when you are doing something. Go home quickly. Comrades from the police here will take care of it."

The crowd slowly dispersed unwillingly, and when they saw the police coming, Liu Haizhong stopped lying on the ground.

Police: "Received a report, Liu Haizhong and Xu Damao, come with us."

Watching the police leave with the people, Director Hong criticized Liu Haizhong's two sons for helping instead of persuading the fight, which destroyed the unity of the masses.

Qin Huairu returned home

Jia Zhangshi: "Huairu, you were hit by Liu Haizhong just now and it still hurts, do you think Xu Damao will be okay?"

Qin Huairu: "It's okay, he shouldn't be involved in this matter and you don't care."

Some guesses that she didn't want to tell Jia Zhangshi, no wonder she looked at Hong Jingqiu with strange eyes before, so the incident happened here, but it has nothing to do with Xu Damao and her, and Xu Damao will not betray Hong Jingqiu, he hopes that Liu Haizhong will not lie more Some.

public security bureau
The two were questioned separately
Police: "Liu Haizhong reported that you deceived him by taking someone to pretend to be a leader of 500 yuan. What explanation do you have for this matter?"

Xu Damao: "Comrade Public Security, nothing is true. I don't even know where he was deceived, so he just bites at random."

Police: "Liu Haizhong said that you introduced the leader to him. Is this true?"

Xu Damao: "No, I just had dinner with director Lin of the workshop at the state-owned restaurant, and I also invited Liu Haizhong to eat there. Director Lin can testify to this. I don't know what leaders he knows."

Police: "Then he said that you took him to the workshop of the main factory and met a fake political director. Is there such a thing?"

Xu Damao: "Comrade, this is simply slander. He is talking nonsense. Except for eating at a state-run restaurant, I have never gone out of the yard with him. The neighbors can testify to this."

Xu Damao and Liu Haizhong were detained in the Public Security Bureau. The police began to visit the courtyard and learned that Xu Damao and Liu Haizhong had never been there or out of the courtyard together for more than a month.

When they came back, the police took Xu Damao to the workshop of the main factory, and asked those people if they had seen Xu Damao bring people here recently, and they all said no.

When he came back, Liu Haizhong said that Xu Damao took him out at one o'clock in the morning, but Xu Damao refused to admit it, so the police took Xu Damao back to the yard, found Director Hong, and asked if the money at home was a dowry returned by Hong Jingqiu's family. After finding out clearly, Xu Damao was released on the spot .

I have never met Xu Damao in the state-run hotel, courtyard, or the main factory. Xu Damao cannot be convicted based on what Liu Haizhong said alone. Moreover, Xu Damao just introduced him to this fake leader. Where is this person? Liu Haizhong didn't know anything about it.

When the police left, they also warned Liu Haizhong not to bite people because he was cheated, and not to beat Xu Damao again. They will continue to investigate this matter.

The police thought that Liu Haizhong was funny. We met near the owner’s house of the main manufacturer. At one o’clock in the morning at night, we didn’t go to his office to confirm. If this was true, he would be arrested for corruption. This sounds unreliable .

After Xu Damao returned home, he was in a cold state. At this time, Qin Huairu came to see him with hot soup and steamed buns. For the first time recently, he felt that someone still cared about him.

At Xu Damao's house, Qin Huairu comforted Xu Damao and left. Xu Damao had tears in his eyes after drinking the soup. Point to Xu Damao, even if there is no child, even Yi Zhonghai knows that he wants to raise a queen, no matter whether he is a man or a woman, it is good to have a child to send him on his last journey.

Today, Qin Huairu hugged himself to prevent everyone else, and cared about him so much, Xu Damao felt that Qin Huairu was good, especially the two youngest children whose father couldn't even remember him, so he went to Qi Laosan's mother to help him after dinner, Go to Qin Huairu's house to find out what's going on, if you can succeed, it's not bad, otherwise it's really hard to find a wife, on my own terms.

Qi's third mother went to Qin Huairu's house, and when she came back, she told Xu Damao that the matter was over. From now on, Qin Huairu lived with him here, and Jiazhang's over there. It was enough to give money and food every month, and the two families would eat together tomorrow. Meal, just settle things down.

Xu Damao was very happy that he would have a family in the future, and Liu Haizhong, the three father and son, had the opportunity to take care of them.

He Yuzhu was quietly bringing the chicken soup prepared by the space to Lou Xiao'e, and also to the old lady.He Yushui and Lou Xiao'e ate the chicken separately, and they didn't even open the door quietly.

Get off work at noon the next day

Xu Damao and Qin Huairu were distributing wedding candies in the yard, when they saw He Yuzhu, they came over.

Xu Damao: "He Yuzhu, treat you to some sweets. Qin Huairu and I are married, so the banquet will not be held."

He Yuzhu: "Then congratulations to both of you." He Yuzhu accepted the wedding candy and took Lou Xiao'e home

There are two in the yard that they didn't post, Yan Bugui and Liu Haizhong

After distributing the wedding candies, the two returned to Xu Damao's house

Qin Huairu: "Da Mao, I have something to tell you."

Xu Damao: "Say it, I'll listen to everything you say." In the future, when I grow old, it will all depend on Qin Huairu

Qin Huairu: "Don't get too close to Shazhu, and don't provoke him. This person is very weird, and he can't see through it at all. It was the first time he picked up the stick, beat you at the intersection, and drugged you and Hong Jingqiu. You don't care about these things. Clearly, you don’t even have evidence for the last two things, so you’re provoking him, I’m afraid he’s going to punish you, if he tries to kill you, he won’t even leave evidence, so just live a good life with peace of mind.”

Qin Huairu guessed it, she felt that He Yuzhu was weird, he didn't care about anything, and everything was casual, but after he did it, it was too late for you to regret it.

Xu Damao: "When did you see it?"

Qin Huairu: "Don't tell me what's wrong in advance. Regarding the matter of you being beaten, I saw him come into the room in the dark at night. When he gave you laxatives, you didn't even have the strength to speak, and he still spoke like a thunderbolt. Isn't it strange? I don't know how you provoked him, did you get any benefits? Did you take advantage? Listen to me, I don't want to lose a husband again, don't get close to this bastard."

Qin Huairu was really afraid that Xu Damao would push He Yuzhu into a hurry. They tried to kill him. He was able to get so close to the black market managers.

Xu Damao: "I will always listen to you in the future, and we will call them here for dinner in the future, so as to cultivate our relationship since childhood."

Qin Huairu: "That's good, I will tell them to call you dad, don't worry, I will teach them well."

Xu Damao: "I won't let Liu Haizhong go, he hit this matter, I'm not finished with him."

Qin Huairu: "Of course someone will take care of him. You just need to live with peace of mind. Don't worry, you will see him in a few years."

(End of this chapter)

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