Chapter 91 You Stop For Me

Five years have passed in a blink of an eye. In 1966 this year, He Yushui graduated from university and started working as a technician in an agricultural machinery factory, checking the finished machines every day.

The yard has entered the age of no uncle for a few years. Ever since Liu Haizhong fought with Xu Damao and was criticized by director Hong, he was dismissed by everyone. The steward brought his son to beat the crowd. He is not qualified to be an uncle.

Jiye is in the second grade of elementary school, Fangfang is in the first grade, and Bang Giao is in the fifth grade. Xiaodang and Jiye are in the same class.

The canteen has changed a lot. There are already five people from Liujia Village, Liu Lan, Liu Hong, Liu Erdan, Wang Ya, Liu Dasao,

Wang Ya waited for her husband to work as a regular worker, and also transferred to the cafeteria to work as a temporary worker for a year. She gave director Zhang a gift of tens of dollars, and when there was a place, she would become a regular worker.

The couple also went to elementary school, and watched Jiye and Fangfang a few times from afar, seeing how they were doing well, and never disturbed Yi Zhonghai's house, and occasionally asked Yi Zhonghai to bring them something to eat temporarily.

The steel factory has also changed a lot. There is an additional playground for children. Those who have no time to take care of their children at home will bring them to the steel factory to play there. A fence surrounds the playground of [-] square meters, and there are many toys to play in. , Trojan horses, seesaws, slides, and spinning tops are all wooden toys made in the factory.

Neither Qin Huairu nor Xu Damao ever found He Yuzhu unhappy. The past few years have been very peaceful, and the only person who felt uneasy this year was Lou Xiaoe, because people complained to her every day.

After reporting to Director Zhang at noon, when I walked out of the factory, I saw the programs that were staged every day recently.
Lou Xiaoe carried a child on her back, followed by a pair of twins who were about three years old, and He Aijun, who was running in front of her, was crying.

He Yuzhu has worked hard in the past few years. He has four children, the eldest He Aijun, the second He Aidang, the third He Yubing, and the fourth Lou Mancang. He Yuzhu stepped forward and hugged the twins He Aidang and He Yubing. Get on the bike and push it slowly.

Lou Xiao'e: "Stop for me, I will beat you to death today."

He Yuzhu was helpless in the back. This kid used to be so obedient when he was a child. Lou Xiao'e took him to work at the Women's Federation and didn't cry or make trouble. In the past year, he has caused trouble every day on the playground. People push it down on the seesaw, get beaten every day and make mistakes every day.

He Yubing: "Father, eat meat."

He Aidang: "Dad, I want my brother's toy."

He Yuzhu: "We'll talk about it when we go home."

He Aijun, crying, ran into the yard, and ran all the way to the old lady. This kid was very clever, and he knew where to go to save a few hits, and he burst into tears when he ran in.

He Aijun: "Grandma Grandma, my mother is going to kill me, so let me hide."

Lou Xiaoe followed into the old lady's room,
Lou Xiaoe: "Come out, I won't beat you today, when your father comes back, I'll tell him not to beat you."

He Aijun: "I don't believe it, you promise to grandma."

Lou Xiaoe: "Then you'd better not come out today."

Lou Xiao'e loves He Aijun the most, and hates He Aijun the most. Every day, being sued by others makes her head grow bigger.

Lou Xiaoe: "Grandma, I'll go back and cook, and I'll bring it to you later."

The old lady: "Well, just hit it a few times later, children are not sensible."

He Aijun was trembling under the bed, this grandmother is not trustworthy, she should tell my mother not to beat her, she is still a child.

After Lou Xiaoe left, He Aijun crawled out from under the bed,
He Aijun: "Grandma, I'm going back when my mother doesn't get angry."

The old lady: "You monkey, you know your mother is going to beat you and get into trouble, look at the second and third child, they are so obedient every day." She stroked He Aijun's head and said
Lou Xiao'e had just started cooking, and He Yuzhu pushed the two children and followed behind.

When He Aijun came back, He Yuzhu beat him up with a bamboo stick.

He Yuzhu: "Get out and kneel, you like to hit people, you should kneel outside and reflect on yourself." Loudly shouted
After the waiters had eaten, Lou Xiaoe came out again with a bowl.

Lou Xiao'e: "My son has eaten, don't be rude next time, or your father will still beat you."

He Aijun: "If it wasn't for someone beside me, don't show me shame if you hit me, my father wouldn't hit me either." After finishing speaking, he continued to eat while kneeling with a bowl in his hand.

Lou Xiaoe: "Mom, it's for your own good too."

He Aijun: "For my own good, I should stop my father, not tell my father to beat me."

Lou Xiaoe started to turn over the old score with He Aijun. He caused trouble that day.
He Aidang was holding his elder brother's, and was riding happily on the little wooden horse. He looked at his elder brother with an embarrassed look, and turned his head to provoke He Yubing again, causing He Yubing and He Yuzhu to complain.

He Yuzhu felt that his head would be blown by Xiao Louzi and he would cry when nothing happened. He was only one year old and couldn't beat him. It was an embarrassing age.

When He Yuzhu called He Aijun to get up, He Aidang got off the little wooden horse immediately. He was afraid of being beaten by his elder brother, so he dragged the little wooden horse to He Aijun.

He Aidang: "I'll give it to you, big brother." After speaking, he ran in front of He Yuzhu with a small wooden gun, and sat obediently on He Yuzhu's lap.

Hanging by his daughter behind his back, holding one in his arms and sitting on his lap, this feeling is very strange, no wonder He Aijun was beaten, as long as this kid makes a mistake, he is a punching bag, he is a teaching material in front, and the younger siblings will know what to do and get beaten .

He Yuzhu felt a little more relaxed when Lou Xiaoe took away the fourth child. Lou Xiaoe was pregnant again now. If it wasn't for the food in the space, He Yuzhu really couldn't stand it. The food, oil, and pork were all reduced the year before last.

It's time to go to work, and He Yuzhu is pushing the second and third child in front again, and Lou Xiao'e is holding the fourth child on the back and leading the eldest, and he is still reasoning with He Aijun.

He Aijun: "He hit me first, and I pushed him."

Lou Xiaoe was so angry that he slapped his ass a few times,
Lou Xiao'e: "Didn't you say that when someone hit you first, you looked so unbearable? Why didn't I see that?"

He Aijun: "I don't look bad enough to be beaten, why do you and my father beat me every day?"

Lou Xiaoe laughed angrily, what kind of logic is this,

Lou Xiaoe: "If you don't cause trouble, can your father and I beat you?"

He Aijun: "Anyway, I didn't do it first."

Lou Xiao'e: "You are in bed this afternoon, and my mother will take care of you."

When Lou Xiao delivered the three of them, the playground carried the fourth child to work, and it was easy for her to record the documents.

He Yuzhu walked into the cafeteria. There were still ten minutes before work, and few people came. When Ma Hua saw He Yuzhu coming in, he made a cup of tea for He Yuzhu.

Ma Hua: "Master has been very wrong recently."

He Yuzhu: "Don't worry about anything and don't ask anything if you do things well. By the way, Liu Lan."

(End of this chapter)

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