Chapter 92 Mud Monkey

Everyone arrives after work
He Yuzhu went to the old cafeteria to find Liu Lan,
He Yuzhu: "Liu Lan, come here."

Liu Lan followed He Yuzhu to the outside of the cafeteria. He Yuzhu checked that there was no one else.
He Yuzhu: "Liu Lan, don't go to the black market these days, go in half a year, if you don't have enough food, then go again, I think you are not short of money now, the accident is not like before."

Not long after I started working, a major event happened in the factory.

Before he could say a few words, the factory director Yang suppressed him to sweep the floor and was supervised by the whole factory. Qiao Weimin was the factory director, and a picket team was formed. Director Zhang was the team leader, and You Zhengya was the deputy team leader.

The second one is Lou Xiao'e, who was taken to the office by the picket team for questioning, and then followed to the street office where Lou's family used to be. After returning, she was awarded the Advanced Times Youth Award.

The afternoon was delayed for an entire afternoon, the cafeteria didn't even make a meal, everyone went home, and the compound was rushed in by the red armbands. I don't know who reported He Yuzhu's bicycle, and the Lou family bought the sewing machine with money.

The red armband took the lead and walked in front of He Yuzhu: "Hello, comrade, I received a report that you bought these things with money from the Lou family."

He Yuzhu: "Comrade, I have records of these things. The sewing machine is a ticket given by the factory, and the bicycle is my partner's wages from working in the bookstore. We are all hard workers."

He Yuzhu didn't return, and watched them leave quietly. All of He Yushui's books and He Yuzhu's books were thrown into the space. Since He Yushui went to college, He Yuzhu told her not to touch foreign knowledge, and she couldn't say a word. There is nothing other than Baoshu and Laosanpian, and all the things that are not notated have been dealt with long ago.

Looking at what happened today, Lou Xiao'e finally understood why He Yuzhu did that five years ago.

When He Yushui returned home, his face was still full of horror and disbelief.

Fortunately, my elder brother forced my sister-in-law to take her with me, otherwise I would stay and study with her today.

A week later, the factory has returned to its original state, and the production output has not decreased like other factories. Except for a few people who have been sent down, the leadership of the factory has not changed. He Yuzhu became the temporary deputy director of the cafeteria today. In the cafeteria, I have to manage the tasks of the security department.

Liu Songgui was assigned to be the squad leader of the cafeteria, and He Yuzhu was in charge of the logistics department and some trivial matters. He had his own office, which was small but okay.

There are many children missing in the playground, and for some unknown reason, none of them came to play in the factory.

He Yuzhu was waiting for Lou Xiaoe to get off work at the door, but he saw He Aijun covered in mud and completely invisible. Behind him, Lou Xiaoe's face was furious, but with the child on his back, he couldn't run away from He Aijun at all. He Yuzhu grabbed He Aijun and led him slowly out of the gate. Don't run and fall again.

He Yuzhu: "How did you play? Your whole body is covered in mud. You played with the mud, or the mud played with you."

Lou Xiaoe rushed over in a few steps. She wanted to hit her but didn't know how to do it. She was afraid that her clothes would be dirty. She kept saying that she owed He Aijun all her life. He Yuzhu stopped and waited for the twins. Walking, pushing the twins slowly behind him.

He who was not beaten didn't cry or make a fuss, and when he returned to the yard to startle He Yushui, he might not be a mud monkey.

He Yushui: "How did this play, did you jump into the mud?" After speaking, he hugged He Yubing and looked at He Aijun in disbelief.

Lou Xiaoe: "I'm not willing to let him piss me off."

He Yubing: "Brother and Gundam run in the mud and fight, not playing in the mud."

He Yushui smiled helplessly, was beaten every day, and had no memory at all, there is no such person,

He Aidang looked at his elder brother carefully, and secretly stuffed the candy from his aunt into his mouth. If he had good things, he didn’t distinguish between elder brother and He Aijun, so he ate them secretly, and spit out half of the leftovers for He Aijun. ,
Sometimes He Yuzhu sees them, but He Yuzhu doesn't know that these children are really not afraid of getting dirty?People eat everything they put in their mouths. I have taught He Aijun a few times, but I have never seen him eat other people’s food, but he wants to snatch everything from He Aidang’s mouth. I don’t know why he wants to harm He Aidang. I have taught him a few times Dozens of hits are completely useless.

He Yuzhu took off his clothes for him, slowly helped him take a bath, looked at him thinking that he would not be angry with himself, washed him clean, carried him back to the bed to change clothes, wanted to give him a few showers, and thought about how he was with him when he was a child. He is the same

Seeing that he was clean, Lou Xiaoe grabbed her in her arms and slapped her buttocks twice. He Aijun didn't cry, but just looked at Lou Xiao's hippie smiling face.

He Aidang ran to the backyard to find his little uncle and aunt, because he came here often, and the two secretly gave him something to eat,
The three happiest times are after school. He Aidang doesn’t like to play with his elder brother, who doesn’t have as many snacks as his younger uncles.
So he likes to play with them. He Yubing likes He Yushui the most, because her clothes are all made by He Yushui, and He Yushui is also the one who hugs her the most.

He Yuzhu took out the Roujiamo from the space, and brought out He Aijun. This kid eats like a piglet, as long as he is not picky and can eat enough.

He Yubing likes to eat chicken, and the second child doesn't know what he likes to eat. Anyway, he likes to eat anything, and he likes to hide things. I don't know who he learned from.

When the candy in his mouth was only half small, He Aidang came back, spit out the candy and handed it to He Aijun.

He Yuzhu is about to vomit
He Yuzhu: "Can you stop eating what other people spit out, you really can't hold a stick when I'm old?"

He Yuzhu hammered He Aijun a few more times, making him kneel on the ground, and kept kneeling without vomiting.

He Yuzhu looked at him speechlessly before spitting out the candy after it was melted. Each person would take one each time. Why is the one in the second child's mouth more delicious?Why not grab the third one, wouldn't it be easier to grab the fourth one?I will be five years old soon, and I will know how to be annoying in a day
(End of this chapter)

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