Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 108: Chapter 108: The Hunter

Chapter 108: Chapter 108: The Hunter

Finally found the treasure, after the surprise, you need to get it to the boat.

But facing the small excavators and forklifts in the cabin, Han Feng and others were a little confused.

Shen Xi also knows that these people are not special forces, they can play with anything.

But you can learn!
So he said: "Open the hatch, drive out first, learn by doing, just be careful, don't mess it up..."

Without making a way out, there is no way to transport so much gold, silver and jewels to the ship.

Of course, it can also be moved manually, but it is too time-consuming.

Anyway, there is no rush, these mechanical equipments have to be learned after all, why not let them practice now?

Therefore, the next day was spent in the process of learning excavator forklifts.

It's not bad, Cheng Hu and Tan Wei have high comprehension skills and have already mastered it.

Just slower.

Another day later, a slightly flat path was finally made. Han Feng drove the off-road pickup in the cabin, and Tan Wei drove a forklift to start moving.

As boxes of gold, silver and jewelry were loaded onto the ship, the draft of the ship began to sink.

The total weight exceeds fifty or sixty tons, which is a shocking wealth.

Shen Xi and Sun Xiu'e were responsible for the security of the sea and land during the few days of road construction and transportation.

During the period, he also called Mr. Qin, and some matters were basically settled.

However, Shen Xi also agreed to take out a copy of the medicinal materials for treating cancer and provide them to the Chinese Academy of Sciences for various researches.

In fact, it is just a fruit juice that removes foreign fruits. Even if this thing is studied again, it cannot be grown on the earth, and its pharmacology has already involved the spirit of the fairy.

Of course, even if it can be researched, its ingredients are composed and can be synthesized, Shen Xi will only be happier.

He also wants to have a special medicine for cancer treatment to be released to treat those suffering from cancer pain.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences made it, and that is also his merit, and he will continue to earn merit points in the future.

It's a pity that Shen Xi knew he couldn't do it.

Unless he waits for him to expand the planting of elixir fruit trees and produce super mass-produced elixir fruits, he will be able to save all sentient beings with immeasurable merit.

Besides, in the Lost Realm, he just explored the vicinity of the valley.

This world formed by fragments of fairyland does not know how many good things there are.

Why stick to one dispelling fruit?
He needs the support of the state, that is beyond doubt.

The layout needs to be bigger, even if it is not for merit points, saving lives and healing the wounded is a doctor's feelings.

Helping the world with one hand and killing with the other can balance the state of mind.

He has a great heart, but also cold-blooded and ruthless.

Three days later, the Mayfair left the coast and began to head towards the South China Sea. When it left the Philippine waters, it flew at full speed.

It is necessary to break through the coast guard patrol line, otherwise it is easy to cause another incident.

Fortunately, fortunately, there was no coast guard patrol.

One day later, when approaching Dongsha, Shen Xi asked Han Feng and others to throw away all the guns and ammunition on board.

They were all thrown into the sea, leaving nothing behind.

Another day later, under the leadership of a ship, the Mayfair entered a dock somewhere in Guangdong Province.

Five days later, when the salvage ship came out again, the color of the ship's hull had changed.

The name of the ship has become three words, Hunter!
Moreover, Hunter Treasure Discovery Company was officially established.

The happiest is Han Feng Chenghu and others, it can be said that they have regained their lives. Now they belong to the members of the Hunter Treasure Discovery Company, and the previous files have become confidential.

In other words, their previous criminal records are no longer in the system.

You can move freely.

These are the conditions that Shen Xi negotiated with Elder Qin and became their guarantor.

Hunter, along the northward channel, headed for Modu.

It was already two days after the Hunter arrived at a small port in Modu.

Many cars have been parked on the pier, and it has been completely blocked.

Shen Xi got off the boat, and a man nearly 40 years old came out of a SWAT team car.

"Hi, I'm Zhao Ximing."

"Hello, Shen Xi, the leader of the hunters."

Shen Xi shook hands with Zhao Ximing, and the two whispered for a while, then Shen Xi returned to the boat and asked someone to open the side hatch.

Immediately afterwards, the pier became busy, and boxes of gold, silver and jewelry were loaded onto large trucks.

It took me two hours to get it all done.

Afterwards, Shen Xi called Cheng Hu and Sun Xiu'e to leave with the cars.

Counting and weighing were handed over to Sun Xiu'e and Cheng Hu.

And Han Feng, Tan Wei, and Wu Qing stayed at the small pier.

This is a small civilian pier, and since then, it has also belonged to Shenxi's private pier.

The nearby villages in this area have also been demolished long ago, and they are very remote.

On the pier, there are several ready-made buildings, all of which are two or three-story structures.

When the pier became completely quiet, Shen Xi began to look around.

At this time, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun was scorching hot.

The three of Han Feng followed.

Shen Xi pointed to the surroundings and said: "This will be our base from now on, and the entire small pier will belong to Hunter Treasure Discovery Company. You will also live here in the future."

The three of them were overjoyed when they heard the words, and finally had a foothold.

Moreover, this place is very good, with convenient transportation, and it is very remote. The main reason is that the area is large and there is enough room for development.

Shen Xi said again: "Renovate these days, not going out to sea for the time being, Han Feng, I will leave the renovation here to you during this time.

For these small buildings, the construction team is invited to completely paint and decorate them according to the highest specifications, and a professional design company is invited to design them.

In addition, contact the steel structure company to build several high-standard warehouses on the other two sides, as well as fences, larger circles, and more open space.

But the greening must be top-notch.

There is also the wharf, which doesn’t look good, it needs to be repaired and some small hoisting equipment needs to be added..."

Shen Xi led the three of them, under the scorching sun, and scolded Fang Qiu to make arrangements.

Finally, after returning to the corridor of a small building, Shen Xi said to the three of them: "This time, each of you is 1000 million, if you have family members, you can send some money back.

But if you have a criminal record, it is not recommended to go back to your hometown, understand? "

Han Feng, Tan Wei, and Wu Qing all nodded with gratitude in their eyes.

They didn't expect that Shen Xi would give so much money, it was a surprise to them.

"Boss, I won't say any words of thanks, it's still the same sentence, my life, Han Feng, belongs to you."

Tan Wei also said, "My life belongs to Brother Shen too."

Wu Qing was crying and pulled Shen Xi's arm, "Brother Shen, it's so good to meet you..."

Shen Xi laughed, "Haha... well, don't be sensational, Han Feng, drive the pickup truck out of the cabin and send me somewhere."

Han Feng rubbed his eyes and grinned, "Hey, I'll go right away."

After finishing speaking, Han Feng trotted away and went straight to the pier.


Returning to the seaside villa again, Shen Xi let Han Feng go back.

Entering the gate of the villa, the first thing that greets Shen Xi is a puppy, circling around Shen Xi, not to be intimate.

Shen Xi had no choice but to squat down and stroke the puppy's head.

At this time, Zhu Changchuan and Xiao Nizi were picking vegetables in the vegetable field in the yard, and Shen Xi walked over with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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