Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 109: Chapter 109: Good people are bullied

Chapter 109: Chapter 109: Good people are bullied

Shen Xi decided to live in the seaside villa during this time.

The original house is very suitable for my sister, so let her forget it.

This girl doesn't seem to plan to go back to Sichuan.

Sitting in the living room, Shen Xi was drinking tea, while Zhu Changchuan and Xiao Nizi were busy with dinner.

With Shen Xi's return, the little girl was overjoyed.

You must cook by yourself, let Shen Xi taste her cooking skills, it can be seen that during this time, the little girl is learning how to cook with great care.

After dinner, the three of Shen Xi sat and watched TV and chatted.

It also made Shen Xi feel relaxed, but thinking of Gu Youxuan, Shen Xi felt a little warm.

Send a WeChat message to Gu Youxuan, informing her that she has returned to Shanghai.

Soon, Gu Youxuan replied: Where are you?
Seeing this, Shen Xi smiled slightly, and replied: Du's seaside villa.

Gu Youxuan: I miss you, I'll come over right away, wait for me.

Shen Xi looked at the time, frowned slightly, and replied: It's dark, it's not safe for you to come out so late, let me come over!
Gu Youxuan: Really, that's great, I'll wait for you!

Shen Xi: Well, I just happened to come to visit your grandfather and parents.

After the message was sent out, Shen Xi put away his mobile phone, talked to Zhu Changchuan and his sister, and went to the garage.

He drove in his MG and headed towards Kunshan near the magic capital.

Gu Family, Gu Youxuan was extremely excited.

Running to grandpa, "Grandpa, Shen Xi is back, he said he will come to my house right away."

When Gu Baixun heard this, he was immediately pleasantly surprised.

As soon as this kid came back, he came to his house immediately. What does this mean?
Gu Baixun looked at his granddaughter with a smile, self-evident.

Especially when he saw his granddaughter's unabashed joy, he was even more happy.

Immediately, the ancient family courtyard began to get busy.

This is Shen Xi's first visit, although it is night, but no one in the Gu family cares about it.

It can be said that the son-in-law came to the door, and everyone in the Gu family knew it well.

Especially Gu Baixun's sons, including Gu Youxuan's father, already attached great importance to Shen Xi.

They knew that during this period of time, after Shen Xi left, he had already established a relationship with the above.

Take a look at the current traditional Chinese medicine hospital. Vice President Chen has been dismissed for investigation, Hongda Pharmaceutical has been scrutinized, and the health system has been targeted by the investigation team above.

These are all related to Shen Xi.

And on the Internet, some gossip about Shen Xi having a cure for cancer has all disappeared.

However, the video of Shen Xi and Zhao Yuanwu's martial arts competition is still there.

And Gu Baixun's news is more well-informed, he knows that Shen Xi went to the Philippines this time to do something big.

It seems to be related to finding treasure.

The last time Shen Xi called him, when he called 1000 million US dollars, he guessed something.

But yesterday Du Yueqing told him something even more shocking.

Several treasure hunting organizations in the world have secretly voiced their desire to investigate the Chinese treasure hunting team of Shen Xi and others.

In particular, the International Heavy Metal Exploration Organization is the most severe.

It is suspected that several treasure hunting companies and the missing ship personnel are related to them.

And also condemned Shen Xi and others for killing people and seizing treasures.

There is also news from the Philippine government that it is suspected that the Chinese treasure hunting team has snatched the treasure of Yamashita from several treasure hunting companies that cooperate with the Philippines.

They have already found the cave, but they did not say that the treasure was found by the Chinese treasure hunting team, but twisted the facts, saying that the treasure was found by several other treasure hunting companies.

It's just that the Chinese treasure hunting team killed people and overwhelmed them.

At the same time, they are still going through official channels to file a lawsuit against Shen Xi and the others.

The crime was to kill the local fishermen and destroy the corpses.

Snatching treasures dug by others, murdering others, violating the laws of the Philippines, and smuggling across the border, etc.

As the saying goes, there is no impenetrable wall in the world, and it is true.

The geese leave their voices, and the people leave their names.

As long as it is done, it will leave a clue.

Of course, no one knew what Shen Xi was thinking.

In fact, Shen Xi is not afraid of these people, not only is he not afraid, he is also planning to hold a press conference!
Hunter Treasure Discovery Company, the first time it became famous internationally, needs to rely on the treasure found this time.

Anyway, if they are secretive, foreigners will also make shit up, so it's better to be aboveboard.

This is the most realistic, don't talk about reasoning, in the end we still have to talk about fists.

Don't think that humiliation and perfection will really make people look up to you. Picking the persimmon and pinching it is the most reasonable saying.

Shen Xi is not only high-profile this time, but also plans to pick a place to hide treasures and go for a walk around the world after a while!

Ren Shan was bullied, Ma Shan was ridden by others, Shen Xi had long expected these follow-up reactions.

From the beginning, when recruiting Han Feng, Sun Xiu'e and others, Shen Xi had planned to make this batch of hidden treasures public in a high-profile manner.

Then make a high-profile donation to the sickness relief fund.

This is another kind of seeking stability!
Shen Xi finally arrived, and the car he was driving was still a MG, but the bodyguards of the Gu family did not dare to neglect.

Gu Youxuan was simple and uncomplicated, she directly held Shen Xi's arm, very tired.

In her heart, Shen Xi is her future husband, because Shen Xi kissed her, the two of them are already boyfriend and girlfriend.

Shen Xi also brought some wild fruits this time.

But it made the Gu family very happy. They ate it last time, and everyone was very hungry.

After seeing the ceremony one by one, only Gu Baixun, Shen Xi, and Gu Youxuan's parents were left in an antique hall.

And Gu Youxuan sitting next to Shen Xi.

After drinking tea and chatting, we finally got down to business.

Gu Baixun looked at Shen Xi, and said seriously: "The rough stone you photographed last time was unbelievably top quality, now that you're back, I don't care what to do with it.

Also, the auction of the Yanxia Stone you gave to Youxuan will be held at the end of this month. I think it would be better for you to come forward. "

Shen Xi smiled, glanced at Gu Youxuan, and said: "The jadeite and Hetian jade, leave it to Youxuan!
Let it go first, and there is no shortage of money.
When I have time, I will find Master Xu Changhuai to carve and make some ornaments.

As for the Yanxia Stone auction, I'll just go and see it on the spot. Anyway, it has been stated in advance that the auction proceeds will be donated to the Sickness Relief Fund.

It's just a formality, and nothing will happen. "

After listening to Shen Xi's words, Gu Youxuan's expression of happiness made her parents feel happy when they saw it.

Before, her mother thought Shen Xi was too old, but not now, the more she looked at it, the more she liked it.

Gu Baixun nodded, very satisfied with Shen Xi's words, but he thought of something and hesitated a few times, not knowing whether he should say that.

Shen Xi could tell it, and immediately asked: "If you have something to say, please speak up. If you have any teachings, I will definitely obey them."

Gu Baixun waved his hand and said with a smile: "There is no teaching, but there is one thing, I think I should tell you that you have been away during this time, and I have actually been arranging people to keep an eye on your sickness relief fund.

I was also worried about any problems and difficulties, so I could help in time.

But I found that your old classmate seems to be pursuing your sister, I feel a little..."

(End of this chapter)

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