Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 14 014: The Magical Effect of Medicine

Chapter 14 014: The Magical Effect of Medicine
An Minsheng and Du Junyi couldn't laugh or cry when they saw that Shen Xi actually filled the medicine directly with mineral water bottles.

But the two still don't care about these details, what they want is to keep their daughter alive, as long as they can survive, it doesn't matter anything.

Shen Xi got up, he felt that An Yufei had to drink the medicine first, so that An Minsheng and his wife could feel at ease.

Otherwise, this meal will be unsustainable.

So, under the leadership of Du Junyi, Shen Xi followed up the stairs, followed by An Minsheng.

Arriving at An Yufei's room, An Yufei was lying powerlessly, staring at the ceiling with blank eyes, frowning from time to time.

Shen Xi knew that it was due to headaches, the most common type of tumors were headaches, which could sometimes make people go crazy.

Many people often say that they have a splitting headache, but they have never experienced it, but Shen Xi knows that when An Yufei's illness occurs, she really has a splitting headache.

That kind of pain can be said to be the most cruel punishment in the world.

Even, some people will die of pain.

Hearing the sound, An Yufei turned her head, and suddenly saw Shen Xi, her dull and empty eyes brightened up in an instant, full of surprise and expectation.

Shen Xi smiled at him, unscrewed the cap of the mineral water bottle, and handed it over.

"Drink and sleep, you will feel different."

Although he said it with confidence, in fact, his heart was a little bit drummed.

In any case, it is also the first time for him to use Quyiguo, and he has not yet witnessed its curative effect.

Now he just believes in the map description and the said efficacy.

Neither Du Junyi nor An Minsheng dared to speak, but looked at it full of hope. They hoped to see a miracle happen in the mineral water bottle.

An Yufei also stared at the brown liquid in the mineral water bottle in Shen Xi's hand.

It seems to be able to smell, a faint herbal smell, which smells very good, and it smells very comfortable.

With trembling hands, she took the bottle carefully, and when she put it to her mouth, the herbal smell became more intense, and An Yufei only felt that her headache had disappeared.

This time, she suddenly looked at Shen Xi, her eyes were shocked, it was the surprise that she really saw hope.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly began to drink.

"Slow down, don't choke."

Seeing this, Shen Xi smiled lightly, and finally gained confidence in his heart.

Du Junyi and An Minsheng also smelled the smell of herbs, and both of them also felt something unusual. They just felt refreshed. During this period of time, because of their daughter's illness, their exhausted spirit seemed to improve a lot in an instant.

After seeing their daughter's expression, the two of them also showed shock and surprise in their eyes.

Just the smell of herbs can make people feel refreshed, and this recipe is incredible.

It is likely that the medicinal materials needed are rare and rare. No wonder Director Shen asked for 1000 million. It is estimated that at 1000 million, Director Shen may not have earned much.

The couple looked at each other, tacit understanding.

An Yufei drank it quickly, not a single drop was left, and even held up the bottle, waiting for it to drip.

Shen Xi stepped forward with a smile, took the bottle, screwed on the cap, and said: "Now take a good rest, I will stay here in the afternoon and observe the situation."

The reason why I stayed to observe is also to have an understanding of the efficacy of the medicine, so that I can know it in my heart in the future.

An Yufei lay down obediently. At this moment, she seemed to have felt that the effect of the medicine had begun, and there was a sense of coolness all over her body, especially in her head. It was so comfortable!
How long has it been since you felt so comfortable?

Just like that, An Yufei smiled, closed her eyes, and fell asleep.

"Let her sleep and we'll go down to eat."

Shen Xi stuffed the mineral water bottle into his pocket, and walked out of the room.

Du Junyi accompanied her daughter to cover the thin quilt before leaving the room with An Minsheng.

However, the couple were very surprised. Seeing that Shen Xi even carried the mineral water bottle with the medicine, they understood that the formula of this medicine was not simple, and Shen Xi didn't want people to detect it.

Back at the restaurant downstairs, An Minsheng and Du Junyi toasted Shenxi very enthusiastically, and they had already experienced a bit of magic. The couple's attitude changed from being polite to respectful.

But thinking of the observation of the efficacy of the medicine in the afternoon, Shen Xi didn't drink much, two small cups.

After eating and drinking, the two nannies began to clean up, and the couple invited Shenxi to drink tea in the living room.

"Director Shen, drink tea. This tea is top-quality Longjing tea. If you like it, I will bring you some back. Our family has a tea mountain in West Lake, all of which are produced by ourselves."

Du Junyi said after making tea for Shenxi.

Shen Xi was used to seeing the family members of patients, so he didn't think it was a big deal to be so respectful.

Of course, when he was in the hospital, the things sent by the patient's family members could not be accepted, but now he does not belong to the hospital, so he can accept them.

Coincidentally, he also likes to drink tea, so there is no need to be hypocritical.

You can ask for 1000 million, do you still care about a little tea?

Immediately, he laughed and said: "Then I won't be polite to you, but you two don't need to call me you, it sounds awkward."

Hearing what Shen Xi said, Du Junyi also relaxed a lot. She feels very good about Director Shen's character, going straight and not going around the corner.

Next, the three drank tea and chatted. An Minsheng also talked about Shen Xi's medical accident, and Shen Xi also expressed his doubts about Hong Xueming.

After An Minsheng heard this, he was very angry. He didn't expect that there would be such unscrupulous people in the hospital.

In order to be superior, he actually committed the act of framing.

Du Junyi properly revealed that Shen Xi now called the leader instead of An Minsheng's job position and level.

An Yufei slept for almost two hours before waking up refreshed.

After waking up, she found that her whole body was refreshed, without the feeling of listlessness and weakness in limbs that she had before.

Especially in the head, there was no slight discomfort, as if it had returned to the state before the illness.

Director Shen's folk prescription is really amazing.

"I don't have to die, I don't have to die..."

An Yufei smiled excitedly and whispered, but she couldn't stop crying.

After getting out of bed, An Yufei ran out of the room and rushed downstairs.

In the living room, seeing their daughter running downstairs, An Minsheng and Du Junyi stood up suddenly, dumbfounded.

The daughter who was dying of illness has become so energetic.

Walking was already unstable before, let alone running like this, just as energetic as before.

The couple couldn't control their tears at the moment, weeping with joy.

Shen Xi also stood up, maintaining a calm smile, like a worldly expert.

It's just that An Yufei, who was so excited, ruined the image of an expert with a hug.

"Director Shen, thank you, thank you, you saved me, I feel like I'm cured, really cured..."

An Yufei was crying and laughing, speaking incoherently.

Hearing what their daughter said, An Minsheng and his wife also bowed deeply to Shen Xi.

Shen Xi couldn't laugh or cry, especially when he was hugged by An Yufei, his two hands felt like there was no place to put them.

As a last resort, he quickly said: "Calm down, An Yufei, you are only in the first course of treatment now, so don't get too excited for now, you need to cultivate calmly.

Besides, how can it be so fast, you are a fairy medicine?
After recuperating at home for a few days, go to the hospital for a CT scan. After getting the film, try not to let other doctors see it, take it back and call me.

If you have a way, you can find someone to arrange it, and it is best not to let people see the test results. I don't want to shock the world, and I think you can understand.

Medicinal materials are scarce, once the world is shocked, I will be very embarrassed at that time. "

An Minsheng and Du Junyi both agreed deeply and understood what Shen Xi said.

It is conceivable how many people will flock to Shen Xi once he is able to cure cancer.

Those who have no power or power are fine, but what should Shen Xi do when he meets someone with money and power?
There is no medicinal material to cure it!

At that time, it will offend people, and it may cause serious trouble.

Shen Xi continued: "What I mean is that even if An Yufei recovers from her illness, she still needs to recuperate for a year, so don't make too much publicity about her recovery.

To the outside world, it is enough to say that it is getting better step by step. "

(End of this chapter)

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