Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 15 015: Infinite, super body

Chapter 15 015: Infinite, super body

Leaving the villa, Shen Xi carried a few kilograms of top-quality Longjing in his hand.

Du Junyi's 1000 million check was rejected by him on the spot, and he will accept it after he recovers.

This is not hypocrisy, but a bottomless heart.

Because he still doesn't know whether there will be a conflict between collecting money and merit points. If there is a conflict, the merit points will be lost if the money is collected. Wouldn't it be a waste of trouble.

So he waited to get merit points before collecting money.

In fact, his thoughts have always been paying attention to the map in his head, watching the changes of merit points.

But the strange thing is that until now, no merit points have appeared.

Do you have to wait for recovery?

Shouldn't it be?

After getting into the car, he waved goodbye to An Minsheng's family, drove away slowly, and drove for a certain distance. When the An family returned to the yard, Shen Xi stopped again.

Although the merit point has not yet appeared, what he is paying attention to at this time is the Huayu Lake by the roadside.

Because the map shows that there is a purple light spot almost in the center of the lake.

The brightness of this light spot is very high, Shen Xi is very curious about it.

But now he is not capable of digging treasures in the lake.

So I can only look at the lake and sigh.

From this, I also thought of the gold, and I must find a way to deal with it as soon as possible, even if it is donated, as long as I can get eleven merit points.

Up to now, the eleven merit points are all uncertain.

Looking at the merit point but not getting it, Shen Xi is very uncomfortable.

Without merit points, he would not be able to start his cultivation, and would not have the power to protect himself. From now on, his reputation as a miracle doctor will slowly spread.

There will be more and more troubles ensuing.

Looking at the sparkling lake surface through the car window, Shen Xi was a little worried.

But at this moment, the upper right corner of the map in his consciousness flashed.

Immediately, Shen Xi looked in surprise.

Sure enough, it was a point of merit. Seeing the number, his heart finally settled down.

Seventeen merit points, so many.

This is still not cured, completely cured, is there still?
Finally, I have merit points, and I can try to start practicing, so I hurried home.

Shen Xi didn't delay any longer, and quickly drove away from the villa complex.

After returning home, Shen Xi immediately started to prepare and start practicing exercises.

Sure enough, with a thought, one merit point is needed to activate the kung fu, and this one merit point is only to open the kung fu.

The moment the exercise was activated, a stream of mysterious information entered the consciousness.

Because of this, he also knew that the name of this exercise is only two words, infinite!
Carefully going through the information, Shen Xi was baffled, and couldn't understand anything.

Is this still a fart?

When I practice the exercises, I feel that it is mysterious and mysterious, and it is wonderful, but I just don't understand it.

But at this moment, a piece of information appeared, ten merit points, you can directly cultivate to the first level of perfection.

Seeing this information, Shen Xi was overjoyed. He only needs merit points to improve his skills. It is really convenient.

Suddenly, Shen Xi seemed to understand.

Immeasurable, immeasurable merit?
Could it be that one needs merit to be able to cultivate?

And the first layer is called superbody.

super body?

Does that make him as powerful as a superman?

Thinking of this, Shen Xi was so excited, and with a thought, ten merit points were consumed instantly.

In a short period of time, out of seventeen merit points, eleven were removed.

However, Shen Xi didn't care about these anymore. At this moment, he only felt an inexplicable energy transforming his body.

From the inside to the outside, like ten thousand ants devouring the body, the pain has reached the limit and cannot be described.

Shen Xi only persisted for less than a second before losing consciousness.

Passed out from pain.

I don't know how long it has passed, Shen Xi's consciousness returned, and he woke up slowly.

Open your eyes, you are still in the living room, the light is very dim, like evening, when you get up, look out the window, but there are thousands of lights.

No, he immediately took out his phone and checked the time, it was already midnight.

But why can he see it?
Is it?
Thinking that he might have the ability of night vision, Shen Xi was really shocked.

So, he went over and turned on the light. Immediately, his eyes were bright. When he turned off the light again, he could see everything clearly, but the light was very dim.

It's true, his eyes are capable of night vision.

Immediately, he turned on the light and began to examine his body. Thinking of Superman's destructive power, he deliberately controlled the strength.

Afraid of messing up the house.

In fact, he was thinking too much.

He has clear eyes and ears, a strong body, terrifying strength, and a solid body. These are all under control, and he is not in a state of being out of control.

After clenching his fist, he felt a sense of strength that he had never felt before, filling his body, as if a punch could really punch a hole in the wall.

Of course, he would not experiment with his own home.

Decided to go out tomorrow, find a ruin in the wilderness, and thoroughly test the super physical ability he has now.

At this time, he also discovered that his body really had a layer of greasy stains.

Wash the hair and cut the marrow?
It seems that what is said in the novel is not all fabricated, and this kind of situation can really happen.

At the moment, I went to the bathroom to take a bath in a happy mood.

With super physical ability, Shen Xi is really relieved, and has the power to protect himself, otherwise, he will have no bottom in his heart.

It's not a joke to conceive a jade.

Human nature is ugly, and it is not unfounded.

Many people in society only see the harmonious and beautiful side, just because it does not involve darkness.

The reality of the law of the jungle has existed since ancient times, and social animals should experience it more or less in their daily lives and work.

And that is just the tip of the iceberg.

After cleaning, he put on his underpants, went back to the living room, boiled water to make tea, and then opened the recipe for refining medicine.

The same requires a merit point, but when the secret book of refining medicine is opened, the information flow is clear at a glance, and it is no longer mysterious and mysterious.

In the secrets of refining medicine, he saw the dispelling fruit, the brook fish, bitter fruit and Jingshenlan.

And these are only primary medicinal herbs, he has never heard of the other 90.00% or more medicinal herbs, which shows how many spiritual fruits and strange herbs there are in the Lost Realm.

Following the inspection, Shen Xi also understood that the secret book of refining medicine does not require him to personally refine the panacea, and similarly, it needs merit points.

For example, an ordinary elixir, muscle-growth ointment, you can find the required medicinal materials, a merit point, and you can make a copy. Of course, it must be in the lost territory.

In this world, there is no way to synthesize.

There is actually Zhuyan Cream, but it requires a lot of medicinal materials, and it takes twenty merit points to make one?
I go!

Is this too expensive?

That's not counting, take the synthesized beauty cream and bring it out of the lost state.

It is conceivable that the merit points needed to bring out are likely to be even more outrageous.

Shengji Cream can be synthesized with only one merit point, but Zhuyan Cream is so expensive, it seems that it is not a thing for curing diseases and saving lives, and it is probably not cheap.

This balm is a dispensable thing, that's why it's so expensive.

And after people use it, it is very likely that there will be no merit points.

These are all Shen Xi's own guesses and analysis.

(End of this chapter)

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