Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 16 016: Good people are not easy to do

Chapter 16 016: Good people are not easy to do

In the middle of the night, the night wind is blowing.

Shen Xi was wearing big pants, standing on the balcony, looking into the distance.

He suddenly realized that he had to cunning three caves.

There are too many people in this house who know about it. With An Yufei's recovery, even if the condition is getting better, spreading the word will attract many patients.

He needs a place of absolute privacy.

People who have no long-term worries must have near-term worries, and Shenxi's thirty years of life have not been in vain.

Already foreseeing the ensuing troubles.

Earning merit points cannot affect normal life.

It seems that not only buying a house, but also buying a car.

It is best not to register a newly purchased car or house in your own name, so that it can be hidden in the dark and not be found.

How to do this requires careful calculation.

There are also banknotes. It seems that gold must find a way to sell. Now that it has strength, some irregular gold shops can also be visited.

Shen Xi doesn't plan to use the money from the gold sale to do good deeds, but to build another dark hiding place for himself first, so as to be prepared.

He started the cultivation method tonight, and he has reached super-physical perfection, so he must continue to work hard to earn merit points, the more the better.

Not only entering the lost realm and bringing out good things, even cultivation requires a huge amount of merit points.

The next level is the golden body, and now the super body is perfect, but this is only the body, the power of mind still needs to keep up, and the power of mind needs to reach the first level of perfection, twenty merit points are needed.

It is twice as complete as the first layer of the body.

And now he only has five merit points left.

Shen Xi doesn't plan to spend five merit points in exchange for the cultivation of the power of mind.

I still keep it until I save more.

After looking at the time, Shen Xi went into the room to sleep.

The next morning, he went out and bought breakfast directly outside.

Go to the outskirts and test the ability of the super-body realm.

Of course, I won’t make a trip in vain. By the way, I choose a purple light spot on the map and dig it out to see what it is.

In this way, it can be judged what the purple light spot in the center of Huayu Lake represents.

It's just that the brightness of this purple light spot is not as bright as Huayu Lake.

After spending more than an hour, Shen Xi finally arrived at the outskirts. He raised his eyes and looked in the direction of the light spot. It was a small dirt mountain with a low height, and there were lush trees on the mountain.

The nearby villages are also very far away. If we continue to drive forward, there is no longer a road.

So Shen Xi parked the car and prepared to walk there.

This time, the distance was a bit far away. I looked around, but there were no people, and there were not many cars passing by on the road.

Open the trunk, put the shovel and pick on it, lock the car, and walk along a path towards the small dirt hill.

After walking for a while, after making sure that no one was around, he started to run wildly.

This full-strength run surprised Shen Xi, which was hard to describe.

Really fast, too fast.

And the strength in the body is continuous, without the slightest fatigue.

Is this the super body?

Running speed should be 150 yards, right?
I go……

Suddenly, Shen Xi suddenly stopped, looked down at the shoes, and was speechless.

A pair of sneakers, brand new, just scrapped.

The sole and upper of the shoe have been torn apart. It seems that ordinary shoes are not enough for this kind of running.

It must be the running shoes of athletes, or the shoes worn by soldiers.

The shoes were broken, so Shen Xi could only walk slowly.

Finally, after arriving at the foot of the hill, making sure that no one was around, Shen Xi began to test his strength, if there were no big rocks, he would pull out the willows.

I chose a tree, walked over and hugged it, and with all my strength, I lifted the tree with a diameter of ten centimeters to a bulge.

Just accept it as soon as it is good, without really pulling out the tree.

Feeling this huge force, Shen Xi was full of pride at this moment.

I never thought that he, a doctor, actually has a strong force value, which is so exciting.

While excited, he waved his hand casually, and chopped the tree trunk with a palm knife.


The tree trunk snapped in response to the palm, startled Shen Xi, and quickly dodged.

Hiding aside, the upper half of the tree trunk and crown fell down with a clatter.

Shen Xi looked at the palm at this time, it was unscathed, not even a trace of red marks.

This physical strength is too scary, right?
This is just a super body, if it reaches the golden body, will it be like the real superman, the golden body is perfect, invulnerable.

Also, the attack power is a little scary, so be careful in the future, don't accidentally slap someone to death, that's really a big mistake.

Fortunately, he didn't cultivate by himself, but directly completed the merit points, and he could control the power as he wanted, all in one thought.

He almost knew his own strength, and then, without further delay, he went to the place where the purple light spot was.

According to the distance on the map, it is almost on the other side of the hill, so Shenxi directly climbed over the hill. The hill is not high, and the altitude is estimated to be less than [-] meters.

Walking in the woods, it is not easy to be seen.

But when he turned over the small hill and was about tens of meters away from the purple light spot, Shen Xi, who had sharp ears and eyes, heard the slight sound of breathing.

The breathing sound seemed to be rapid, and it wasn't one.

After careful identification, the direction is determined to be where the purple light spot is.

Immediately, Shen Xi stooped and lurked over quietly. The closer he got, the clearer the sound of breathing he heard.

Three people, two seem to be underground, and one is behind that big tree.

With this judgment, Shen Xi understood in an instant.


There is an ancient tomb here, and the location is the purple light spot.

I understand, the purple dots represent cultural relics.

With this guess, Shen Xi was a little disappointed. In China, he didn't want to touch the cultural relics for the time being.

It seems that in the future, try to choose red light spots for mining.

Without trying to startle the snake, Shen Xi retreated behind a tree, took out his mobile phone, and started to call the police.

After calling the police, Shen Xi didn't stay any longer, and left quietly.

He didn't want to be nosy either, calling the police was already the limit of what he could do.

Meddling, in today's society, is not a good thing.

It can even be said that meddling in other people's affairs is tantamount to looking for trouble and troubles.

Shen Xi has personally experienced this.

It was back when he had just become a doctor, and he enthusiastically helped a patient who was seriously ill, no one cared about his children, and no one paid for the medical expenses.

He thought about the need for treatment, so he helped to advance the payment. Who knows, the family will rely on him in the future.

That incident let him know that he really can't meddle in other people's business, and sometimes, a good person really can't do it.

It's like he thought about selling gold and using the money to help people in need, but how to operate it gave him a headache.

What he is worried about is that people will become dependent and rely on his help to live.

Once he stopped giving money, he became an enemy.

After leaving the hill, he quickly returned to the main road, and only after he put the shovel and pick into the trunk did he hear the siren.

Hearing the siren, he couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

These policemen can catch the diggers like this?

Hearing the sound, people ran away early.

Anyway, he had already done what he could, so he wouldn't worry about it anymore, started the car, turned around and left.

Driving with bare feet is illegal.

Shen Xi only knows that wearing slippers is against the rules, but not with bare feet.

Let's go buy a few pairs of shoes first.

At 10:30, after Shen Xi returned home, he called Gu Bingquan who bought his silver dollars.

There is no way, I still need to inquire with these people in the end, otherwise, it feels a bit unreliable to go to the gold shop rashly.

After some conversation, Gu Bingquan hesitated for a while, but still gave Shen Xi a call and asked him to make a call.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Shen Xi drove to Pudong and arrived at an old dock where fishing boats were repaired.

When the car stopped, Shen Xi first glanced at the surrounding situation through the car window.

After getting out of the car, out of the corner of his eye, he scanned the high place to see if there was any surveillance.

Then he carried a black plastic bag and walked towards the old dock.

(End of this chapter)

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