Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 17 017: Punishment is also meritorious

Chapter 17 017: Punishment is also meritorious
"Who are you looking for?"

Before reaching the gate of the old dock, a short-sleeved man came out and shouted at Shen Xi.

Shen Xi looked at the five big and three rough guys, who were not good at first glance, grinned, took out a pack of cigarettes and threw it over, and then said: "I have an appointment with Brother Ding, please show me the way."

The man's name was Zheng Long. He raised his hand to take the cigarette, looked at it, and was very satisfied, but he still said, "Wait a minute, I'll call and ask."

Shen Xi nodded with a smile, not in a hurry.

Today is not what it used to be, he is now a super expert, and he doesn't care about these burly guys at all.

If it was a day ago, seeing these people, he would definitely feel terrified.

Gu Bingquan had warned him that these people were gangsters, so be careful when dealing with them.

Lu Ah Ding is the boss of this boat gang, and he leads the fishing team when they go out to sea. The fishing boats in several fishing villages are all covered by Lu Ah Ding.

Of course, some businesses in the gray area are the real source of income for people like Lu Ah Ding.

Those who run the boat are ruthless people, this is what Gu Bingquan reminded Shen Xi.

Zheng Long called quickly, and after hanging up the phone, he hooked his finger at Shen Xi, and then entered the gate of the old dock on his own.

Shen Xi smiled, and followed.

Entering the dock, the ground is covered with oil, and scraps of copper and iron are piled up on both sides, as well as some huge impellers, iron chains, anchors...

As Shen Xi walked, he looked around and saw a lot of workers, busy with electric welding, cutting machines, noise and flashing sparks.

No one cared about his arrival, and soon, he arrived at an office converted from an old shipping container.

Zheng Long stopped outside the door and pointed inside, intending to let Shen Xi go in by himself.

Shen Xi nodded his thanks and entered the container office.

In front of the eyes is a huge desk, but it is filled with messy things. Behind the desk is a swarthy middle-aged man.

The eyes of the two met together, and Shen Xi smiled immediately: "Brother Ding, my surname is Shen."

When Lu Ading heard the words, he immediately grinned and said, "Mr. Shen, hello!"

"Hello!" Shen Xi said politely.

This person is really not a good person, Shen Xi thought in his heart, but he still smiled on the surface.

Lu Ah Ding is skinny and dark, not tall, but with sharp eyes, he seems to be able to see people's hearts, which makes people feel chills.

"Mr. Shen, have you brought the goods?"

Lu Ah Ding was very straightforward. He didn't even have a cup of tea, so he went straight to the point.

Regarding this, Shen Xi is not surprised. When Gu Bingquan bought silver dollars with him, it was the same way.

Just look at things and talk about prices.

Putting the black plastic bag in his hand on the desk, there was a dull sound.

The corner of Lu Ah Ding's mouth turned up, and he glanced at Shen Xi, then opened the plastic bag, took out a gold bar from it, and looked at it carefully.

After biting at the end, he took out a precision electronic scale and began to weigh it, and then to measure its gold content.

Shen Xi watched from the side, and saw that after the gold content was calculated, Lu Ading actually put the gold bar under a pressure clamp, and with a click, the gold bar split into two.

Immediately afterwards, the guy picked up the pinched gold bar and looked at the section.

At this time, Lu Ah Ding smiled and said: "Yes, the condition is very good, it is an old item."

Shen Xi didn't answer, and waited calmly.

At this time, Lu Ading took out all the gold bars from the black plastic bag and put them on the electronic scale.

"11243 grams, I'll give you 200 yuan per gram, that's..."

Hearing Lu Ading's mention of the price, Shen Xi smiled coldly and reminded: "It was agreed to be three hundred and five."

Lu Ading raised his eyes and said with a joking smile: "The past was the past, and the present is the present. Things are not coming in the right way, so the price can't be helped."

Shen Xi chuckled, "Brother Ding, is this trying to bully someone?"

Lu Ah Ding chuckled, "It's just a business, I'm willing to do what you like."

Shen Xi sneered, "I don't want to?"

Lu Ading grinned grimly, "When you get here, what you say doesn't count..."

At this time, Zheng Long, a burly man at the door, also walked in with a grinning grin.

Seeing this, Shen Xi smiled wryly.

I didn't want to make trouble at first, even if the price was lower, it would be fine if it could be resolved.

But now it seems that there is no way to be good.

This Lu Ah must be sure of him, the things came in a wrong way, so he dare not call the police!

Fortunately, I waited until I started to practice before dealing with the gold, otherwise, I might suffer a big loss, and there would even be personal threats.

Faced with a wealth of more than 400 million, these people are not good at it, and there is nothing they dare not do.

"I don't want to do anything. I'll give you one last chance. I'll take it at the previous price and I'll just treat it as nothing. Otherwise, it's only 400 yuan per gram, and the round number is easy to settle."

Shen Xi still said with a light smile, but Lu Ah Ding and Zheng Long laughed endlessly as if they had heard a funny joke.

Shen Xi was not in a hurry, and waited for the two of them to finish laughing.

And at this moment, Zheng Long, who was laughing out loud, suddenly got into trouble and punched Shen Xi's temple.

But Lu Ah Ding revealed a trace of ferocity.

At this time, Shen Xi realized that Lu Ah Ding didn't even intend to pay 200 yuan.

Maybe it's just thinking about getting rich and killing yourself.

Ruthless, too ruthless.

Under the super physical strength, it is impossible for Zheng Long's fist to hit Shen Xi. After avoiding the fist, Shen Xi just slapped it casually, as if it were an understatement.

His palm slapped Zheng Long's clenched wrist. Visible to the naked eye, the wrist twisted [-] degrees instantly, and there was a crackling sound.

It was the sound of a wrist bone breaking.

Before Zheng Long howled in pain, Shen Xi patted Zheng Long's shoulder with his hand again, and there was another crackling sound of fried chestnuts.

At this time, Zheng Long let out his miserable howl.


With Zheng Long's other hand, he supported his already limp right arm, his face had become grim due to the severe pain, he looked at Shen Xi in horror, and couldn't stop stepping back.

And Lu Ah Ding was dumbfounded, what did he see just now?
Is this guy still human?

The speed and strength of the shot are really scary.

Looking at Shen Xi who was still smiling lightly, Lu Ah must not be calm anymore, knowing that meeting a master would also be a ruthless stubble.

It looks quiet and quiet, and it doesn't show mountains or dews, but I didn't expect it to be hidden.

Seeing Lu Ading's expression fluctuating, Shen Xi asked, "Can we trade now?"

Lu Ading nodded quickly, "Yes, at the price agreed before."

Shen Xi shook his head, "According to what I said just now, four hundred and one grams, by the way, I hope you will be quicker, your brother may not last long."

Lu Ah Ding: "Four hundred and one grams, I can't make any money."

Shen Xi: "Is it related to me?"

Lu Ading: "..."


After Shen Xi left the old dock, he went directly to the bank and cashed the check.

Not bad, Lu Ading didn't dare to tamper with the check.

However, Shen Xi is not afraid of his hands and feet. He has great strength, so he doesn't worry about it at all, unless Lu Ading can run away so that he can't find him.

The first time he hurt someone, Shen Xi didn't feel any discomfort, because he was a doctor, and he was used to cutting the human body with a scalpel.

Of course, there is a difference between the two. One is to save lives, and the other is to attack and hurt people. I am more or less excited.

There is no need to be polite to these villains.

Suddenly, Shen Xi discovered that the merit points in his consciousness changed from five to eight.

Inexplicably, there are three more?

I'll go, won't I?

It turns out that punishing evil also has merit!

(End of this chapter)

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