Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 18 018: 1 Lan Wan

Chapter 18: Chapter 018

After the money arrived, Shen Xi stopped by the decoration company immediately.

Settling the final payment for the renovation is a worry. As for the mortgage, you don't have to worry about it. It will be automatically deducted from the card every month, so you don't have to worry about it.

After that, go to Huayu Lake Villa Area.

He brought a pot of Jingshenlan in the car, and planned to sell it to An Yufei, so as to check his condition.

When he arrived at An's house, An Minsheng was not at home. Du Junyi warmly welcomed him in, which was called respect.

Now her daughter, An Yufei, has been able to eat and sleep like a normal person since she drank the medicine, and her mental state has been turned upside down.

Hearing that Shen Xi was coming, An Yufei jogged down the stairs happily.

When she saw Shen Xi, she bowed deeply. She was very grateful to Shen Xi, a savior, like a reborn parent.

"Brother Shen, I will call you brother from now on, I recognize you as my brother..."

Shen Xi breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, just don't recognize his uncle, "Then I am honored, you are a little star! Do you want to sign your name first?"

An Yufei smiled happily and said, "Do you really want my autograph? I'm just a third-tier artist."

"You girl, Director Shen is joking with you, come and sit down and drink tea with Director Shen."

Du Junyi pampered her daughter and asked Shen Xi to sit down.

After sitting down, a nanny came over with a tea cup and carefully placed it in front of Shen Xi.

Shen Xi nodded, then looked at An Yufei, and An Yufei was also staring at him, then smiled and said: "Well, you look good, it seems that the medicine is working well.

Come on, hold out your hand, I'll take your pulse. "

An Yufei stretched out her hand obediently, Shen Xi grasped it, and began to make a careful diagnosis.

The pulse condition is steady and strong, neither buoyant nor irritable, and the dispelling fruit is really miraculous, it seems that we must take time, enter the lost state, and get another dispelling fruit.

Heal An Yufei completely, so he can get the money sooner.

After taking the money, you can arrange the three caves of the cunning rabbit.

You can also start the construction of the Lost Lands treehouse base.

It's just that I bring in materials, and it is estimated that I don't bring much at one time, so it seems that I can only use local materials.

Feeling that he was a little distracted, Shen Xi quickly returned to his thoughts, let go of his fingers, and smiled at Du Junyi's mother and daughter: "The recovery is good, and I can go for CT in two days to see the condition of the tumor."

Hearing what Shen Xi said, the mother and daughter were overjoyed.

Du Junyi picked up the handbag, took out the check, and handed it to Shen Xi, "Director Shen, you accept the money first, we trust you, if you don't accept it, we have no idea."

Shen Xi also understands the mentality of the patient's family members. Indeed, if he doesn't charge money, they are indeed unreliable.

So he smiled and said, "Have you seen this orchid?"

Du Junyi and An Yufei both nodded when they heard the words, and looked at the pot of little orchid grass, not knowing why.

"500 million, you buy it and put it in Yufei's sister's room. As for whether it is worth the price, you will know, and this thing cannot be passed on, understand?"

A small pot of bluegrass was priced at 500 million. The mother and daughter also looked at each other in dismay, but seeing Shen Xi's serious face, they also realized that this thing should not be simple.

And it is likely to have an effect on the condition. Immediately, Du Junyi took out the check book again and wrote a check for 1000 million.

"Director Shen, this is 1000 million. You accept it. I know that this is not easy for you. I don't want to thank you for your kindness. I can only thank you with some common things..."

Shen Xi didn't expect that Du Junyi would actually give another 1000 million, what an atmosphere!

But after thinking about it, this Jingshenlan is also worth the price.

Not to mention the miraculous effect, just because there is no such species in this world, it is worth 1000 million.

Without hypocrisy, after receiving the check, he said: "This is a strange herb with miraculous effects, it can make people feel happy, calm the mind, and help sleep.

Moreover, except for a few plants here, there are none in the world. They are orphans and should be carefully maintained. "

Hearing what Shen Xi said, both mother and daughter were shocked.

Exotic grass orchid, the only one in the world.

No wonder the asking price is 500 million, and 1000 million is really not much.

At the same time, the mother and daughter also understood Shen Xi's purpose. It was because of An Yufei's illness that Shen Xi took out this rare treasure.

Du Junyi thought of her father, who was also a man who loved Lan as much as his life, and wanted to ask Shen Xi if he could transfer another one, but when it came to his mouth, he swallowed it back.

In fact, Shen Xi did not expect that the selling price of the Quyi fruit with four merit points is not as good as one Shenshen Orchid with [-] merit points.

He didn't know that the most valuable thing brought out of the Lost Realm were the twenty Jingshen orchids, which could fetch a sky-high price if they were put up for auction.

This is not counting its miraculous effect, if counted, Shen Xi's net worth is more than one billion in minutes.

After confessing a few words to An Yufei, Shen Xi left.

I went to the bank again, and another 2000 million was added to the card.

This time, he is really rich, nearly 450 million.

The plan of the cunning rabbit and the three caves can be implemented.

Whose identity should I use to buy a house or a car?
This is a headache, with my own, I believe it will be difficult to stop the investigation of interested people.

Under big data, there is nothing to hide.

Driving the car, on the way back to Mingyuan Community, Shen Xi pondered in his heart, but he had no clue.

But at this moment, a call came from his cell phone, and it was from Liu Xiaodan.

"Boss, you have been rehabilitated, Hong Xueming was taken away by the police..."

When the phone was connected, I heard Liu Xiaodan's excited shouts.

But Shen Xi was shocked by what she said.

After pulling the car to a side stop, he asked, "Really? What's going on?"

"Boss, you don't know, today the investigation team came from above to conduct a comprehensive investigation on your medical malpractice, and found out that Hong Xueming forged your handwriting and tampered with the prescription for diagnosis and treatment.

That medical accident was concocted by Hong Xueming.

Boss, you are fine now, your doctor's license will be restored soon, and Dean Lin has already stated that you will continue to serve as the department director, and all your benefits will be restored.

And for this matter, I will give you some material compensation..."

Shen Xi also didn't expect that all of this happened so quickly. In an instant, he thought of An Minsheng. It seems that the speed of An Minsheng's action was very fast.

That's okay, I finally let out a sigh of relief.

However, should he go back to the hospital?

Shen Xi was a little confused at this time.

Times have changed, today is not what it used to be, he is not what he used to be now, everything has changed.

Of course, there is no need to rush to make a decision for the time being, let's talk about whether to stay or not.

After all, considering the issue of merit points, nothing is more convenient than earning them in a hospital.

The hospital is a place to save lives and heal the wounded, so it is more convenient and faster to earn merit points.

"That's great. After a while, I will shout in the group. I invite brothers and sisters to have a big meal and eat it openly."

"Then thank you boss first, by the way, have uncles and aunts gone back?"

Liu Xiaodan changed the subject and actually asked about Shen Xi's parents. Shen Xi naturally understood the little girl's thoughts, but he could only be helpless.

Immediately smiled and said: "Well, it's been a few days since I went back, they can't stay, and there are too many things in my hometown..."

(End of this chapter)

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