Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 19 019: Compassion

Chapter 19 019: Compassion
Du Junyi sent Shen Xi away, after thinking about it, he finally took a picture of Jing Shenlan.

It was sent to her father in Australia. It's not that she didn't believe what Shen Xi said, but she just wanted her father to see it.

Not long after the photo was sent, my father called.

"Junyi, where did this orchid grass come from?"

On the phone, his father's voice was a little excited. Just listening to the voice, Du Junyi knew that what Shen Xi said was probably low-key.

Du Junyi knew his father too well, and loved Lan like his life all his life.

"Dad, it was sent by Dr. Shen who was treating Yufei's illness. He said it was good for Yufei's illness."

"What? The doctor sent it? You may not know, I have never seen such a bluegrass. It can be said that I have seen this variety for the first time after playing for so many years."

Sure enough, after hearing what his father said, Du Junyi knew that this bluegrass in Shenxi was amazing.

So he explained with a smile: "Director Shen asked for 500 million, and I gave 1000 million. Dad, you may not know, but Director Shen said that this bluegrass is very magical. Putting it in the bedroom can help people sleep and refresh the mind."

"Oh? If it's true, 1000 million is too little. Please ask Director Shen if there are any more. I'll buy two too. By the way, how is the girl's illness?

I have already contacted the hospital in Australia, and I have also contacted the top experts in this field in the world. When the time comes, I will wait for the girl to come over for a consultation and come up with the best treatment plan. "

At this moment, Du Junyi suddenly remembered that Yufei's condition had not been explained to his father, so he said immediately, "Dad, I forgot to tell you that Yufei's condition has improved.

It was Director Shen mentioned earlier. He took out an ancestral folk prescription, took a dose of medicine, and slept for two hours. Yu Fei was just like a normal person, and all symptoms disappeared.

Moreover, now that the hair loss has stopped, everything seems to be recovering rapidly.

It's really amazing, Dad, Yu Fei is about to be cured... woo..."

As he spoke, Du Junyi couldn't control his emotions and began to cry.

This time her daughter's illness really scared her a lot.

"Really? Just one medicine? The healing effect is immediate?"


"You didn't neglect Director Shen, did you?"

"No, Dad, he asked for 1000 million yuan, and I already paid it, and Minsheng also helped him solve a little trouble."

"Stupid, stupid, 1000 million, you guys! What's wrong with girl Yufei? It's a terminal illness, you know? It will be cured with a dose of medicine, what does it mean?
Don't you understand?
Such a person, people want 1000 million, you really give 1000 million!
Hurry up and get ready, tidy up the manor in Xishan, Hangzhou, and give it to Director Shen. No, I will go back to China immediately, and I will operate it when I come back.

Really, you guys!

Money is something outside of the body. If you want to spend your life, then the money is yours. If you don’t spend your life, what is the use of having more money?
do you understand? "

"Yeah, I know what to do, so Dad, you should come back as soon as possible."

"Okay, I'll arrange a flight back home tonight."

After hanging up the phone, Du Junyi laughed, wiping away the tears from the corners of his eyes with one hand.

The Du family had too much money. Du Junyi had no concept of money since she was a child.

It's just a number, 100 million to 1000 million, it doesn't make much difference to her.

When her father said this, she also knew that she had really neglected Shen Xi.

A miracle doctor who can cure cancer!

Such a person, if you don't make friends now, when will you wait?
The previous layout was really too small.


Shen Xi hung up Liu Xiaodan's phone, and after thinking about it, he started to visit the Chinese Medicine Hospital.

Soon he arrived at the Chinese Medicine Hospital, parked the car, and wandered past the clinic, but was attracted by a little girl sitting on a chair.

The reason why he was attracted was because the little girl's eyes were very empty.

You can tell at a glance that you are blind.

Those big, clear eyes were so clean, but they were expressionless.

Looking at her attire, one can tell that the little girl's family is poor.

She is about fifteen or sixteen years old, but her facial features are very delicate. She must be a beautiful woman when she grows up, but it's a pity that she can't see this colorful world.

For some reason, Shen Xi was inexplicably soft-hearted, and also thought of the ten dead river fish.

Want to try it?
Not only to save lives, but also to get merit points.

He couldn't bear the heart of such a young girl, facing a dark world, one could imagine how painful it was.

Of course, it is not yet known whether the little girl was born blind or was born with complications.

Brain tumors and some optic nerve diseases can also cause blindness.

And just as Shen Xi stopped and was about to step forward to ask questions, a young man, wearing takeaway clothes, walked up to the little girl.

"Xiao Ni, the registration is done, let's go over there and wait."

The little girl replied softly: "Well, brother, do you still have money?"

The young man forced a smile and said: "Yes, yes, don't worry, brother has made a lot of money during this time."

Hearing this, the little girl stretched out her hand, and the young man quickly stretched out her hand and let her grab it.

After grabbing her brother's hand, the little girl stood up, supported by the young man, and the two walked towards the ophthalmology clinic.

Shen Xi has been watching quietly, feeling a little sad in his heart.

When the little girl asked her brother if she had any money, he was moved with compassion.

decided to intervene.

It happens that there are brook fish, and they can also earn merit points. Who else is more suitable than this little girl?
So, he followed, came to the ophthalmology clinic, and saw the doctor Xu Jieliang who was on duty today.

"Director Shen, you got the news and came here immediately!"

Seeing Shen Xi, Xu Jieliang laughed and joked.

Shen Xi laughed, "I'm so excited to be rehabilitated! By the way, I'm going to invite you guys to have a dinner in these two days to celebrate. Doctor Xu, you can't lose face when the time comes!"

Xu Jieliang quickly said: "I must go, this time I will kill you properly."

"Okay, don't be too polite when the time comes." Shen Xi replied boldly, then glanced at the patient in the consulting room, and at the siblings waiting outside the door.

Only then said in a low voice: "Doctor Xu, please, the brother and sister outside the door, how about letting me come?"

Xu Jieliang then raised his eyes and looked outside the door. The young man outside the door, seeing the doctor coming over, quickly smiled and nodded in greeting.

Xu Jieliang was a little puzzled, and asked, "What's the matter? After two days, your doctor's license will be restored, so it will be aboveboard, and you can't wait?"

"No, it's not that I'm bored during this period of time. I'm researching a subject, which is about the treatment of blind patients. I came here just now and happened to see that little girl.

Seeing that it is more suitable for my subject research, so I want to intervene. "

"Understood." Hearing what Shen Xi said, Xu Jieliang seemed to understand.

He thought that Shen Xi wanted to do a medical dissertation topic, so he rushed to the doctoral examination or the tutor of the medical school.

It seems that this kid sees that he can't become a doctor, so he wants to find another way!
"Okay, you can make a diagnosis over there, I can just watch it, but let me declare in advance! After you read it, I must watch it. The diagnosis result, we can discuss it later, how about it?"

Shen Xi naturally did not object, nodded and said: "OK, if you are grateful, I will not say more, and I will have a dinner with you another day, and I will definitely respect you for a few more glasses of wine."

Xu Jieliang waved his hand, "Forget it! I don't want to get drunk."

Next, Shen Xi waved to the youth outside the door, "Come in!"

(End of this chapter)

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