Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 144 Chapter 144: Night of the Storm

Chapter 144 Chapter 144: Night of the Storm
On the first day of entering Banda Sea, at noon.

Shen Xi and Angela were sitting on the railing of the deck outside the swimming pool, under the awning.

Here you can have a good view of the sea, fishing boats and freighters in the distance.

Angela was drinking fruit juice, since that day, she never drank again, she just didn't want to make Shen Xi unhappy.

"Wang Dalong, look at that, it's so big..."

Angela looked at the beauties by the pool, looking for Wang Dalong's favorite beauties.

Shen Xi was speechless, glanced at it, and said, "Fake."

Angela snorted, and then said: "This one over here, look, it's so beautiful and big..."

Shen Xi glanced again, and said lazily: "It's drooping..."

This time, Angela was not happy, and said to Shen Xi: "I want you to be happy and pick up a girl. How can you be so picky? It's not like marrying a wife..."

"Okay, okay, please, don't worry about me, I don't really like big ones..."

"Huh? Do you like small ones?"

"No, the little ones don't like it either."

"You don't like men..."

"I'll go, Angela, you've never finished, and you've turned your back..."

"Okay, don't say it, don't be angry, don't I want you to have fun!"

Shen Xi can't do anything about Angela. The thinking of this foreigner is really different from that of the Chinese, so I can't explain it clearly.

This kind of thing actually encouraged him to indulge and play.

But there is one thing that Shen Xi knows very well, Angela is not messing around in person, and under her spiritual consciousness, she is still a perfect body.

Of course, the main reason is that this girl has just grown up and is still young.

It is estimated that life is not going well, and I did not go to high school or college, nor did I have a boyfriend.

But these have nothing to do with him, he is just a little sister.

Meeting by chance, maybe after parting, it will be difficult to meet again.

"They're all buses. What's the fun? Besides, it doesn't matter who plays the game!"

Shen Xi looked at the sea and said, Angela chuckled, but she didn't understand the bus, so she leaned on the table and asked, "What is a bus?"

Shen Xi turned his head and said with a smile: "Anyone can go up."


Angela couldn't help laughing out loud.

But at this time, Shen Xi discovered that there was a speedboat on the side of the cruise ship, which was pulling in.

Then he stretched out his head and took a closer look.

There was also something bad in my heart.

Go to the back deck and see who the hell is on board.

Shen Xi suspects that it is likely to be agents from various countries, and Americans are the most likely.

If it is, then he is gone, and Angela will also be in trouble.

The two of them were together during this time, and the Americans would definitely make a fuss about her.

Surveillance is everywhere on the ship, and the intimacy between the two cannot escape.

Immediately, Shen Xi said to Angela: "You play here, I'll go to the bathroom."

Angela nodded, "Come back soon."

Shen Xi got up and left, heading to the rear deck.

After a while, he arrived and saw a large yacht following behind the cruise ship.

It's similar to the one that Hina had at the beginning, but the shape is different. This one is more beautiful, and the streamlined design is very avant-garde.

The speedboat on the cruise ship should be the people on this luxury yacht.

Who could it be?

I thought it would be a warship, but I didn't expect it to be a luxury yacht.

But you need to be careful, after all, it is abnormal.

It seems that his plan must also be advanced.

Well, do it tonight, leave the ship tonight.

Shen Xi has a super memory, and the extra strangers on board cannot escape his eyes.

Besides, he can also judge whether this person is an agent killer by relying on everyone's breath.

Not to mention that there is still spiritual consciousness, within the scope, who has what on him is very clear.

In the afternoon, Shen Xi gave Angela bitter fruit juice.

He also explained to her that congenital heart disease is no longer a problem for her to live a good life in the future.

Although Angela didn't believe it, Shen Xi didn't explain anymore.

The reason for doing this is also to worry about what will happen.

He had a premonition that something would happen tonight.

What's even more amazing is that the weather seems to be changing too. It's very sultry in the afternoon, and it looks calm.

But there is a kind of depression that is about to come.

Shenxi estimates that there will likely be a tropical storm.

Sure enough, in the evening, the sky was dark, and the clouds made people shudder when they saw it.

And the cruise ship seems to have begun to turn, and it is likely to go to the nearby island bay to avoid danger.

Shen Xi went to bed early tonight, and went back to her room after having dinner with Angela.

Angela didn't have Shen Xi to play with, and she was bored by herself, so she returned to her room after a while.

Shen Xi checked the upstairs room with his spiritual sense, thinking in his heart that when he left, he would leave some money for the little girl.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and Angela on the top had already fallen asleep under the strong shaking of the cruise ship.

Shen Xi looked at the time, it was already nine o'clock, he got up, dressed, and packed his things.

I plan to deal with Fan Shihua and those people first, then go to Angela's room and give her some money and a message.

Then go and get the people who boarded the ship today, as well as the luxury yachts that have been trailing behind the cruise ship.

Find out which faction these people belong to.

But just as he was about to leave the room, an accident appeared.

Two burly men appeared at Angela's door.

And quickly opened the door, walked in, and then there was a towel covering Angela, who was sleeping soundly.

And Angela woke up and only struggled once or twice before passing out.

Two burly men wrapped Angela in a sheet and left the room on their shoulders.

Shen Xi is below, he can see clearly, and he can also see that these people are the people who boarded the boat today.

Not those people like Fan Shihua.

He wanted to rescue, but when he saw the two of them stunned Angela, he changed his mind instantly.

Follow along.

Now he is confused.

I thought it was very possible that these people came for him, but now it seems that they are still for Angela.

Of course, it is not ruled out that these people arrest Angela first, and then coerce him.

But Shen Xi also suspected that another group of people, like Fan Shihua and the others, also came here for Angela's secret?

These days, he also eavesdropped on Fan Shihua and the others, but these people were very cautious and never leaked anything.

Shen Xi went out of the room and followed quickly. Soon, she saw Angela, who was resisted and entered the staff area behind the cruise ship.

And it was very surprising to find that Fan Shihua and others were also carried here with their hands and feet tied up one by one.

It seemed that they were also stunned, and several of them seemed to be out of breath.

It seems that this is after a fierce fight!

No, why didn't anyone go to tie him up? He was the only one who was close to Angela. It's impossible for these people not to deal with him, right?
Just when Shen Xi was puzzled, several men appeared in front of and behind him.

These people are really strong, and they are all big men with muscle bumps.

Shen Xi had an idea, and without any resistance, he was hugged, and he was equally dizzy.

Of course, he was not really stunned, but held his breath and pretended to be stunned.

Sure enough, he was also bound hands and feet with plastic cable ties.

Then he was carried by someone and walked towards the work area behind the cruise ship.

At this moment, Shen Xi was basically sure that these people did not come for him.

Enter the work area, enter an elevator, and the elevator goes straight down and descends rapidly.

Shen Xi also understood at this time, this is to get them all off the ship.

Probably to get it on the luxury yacht.

What is the origin of this Angela?
At this time, Shen Xi also really had a strong interest in the secrets about Angela.

I also thought that it might not be some hidden treasure of Angela's family, but a huge secret involved.

He thought that being targeted by someone like Fan Shihua should be in Angela's house, and there was something good about it, but now he doesn't think so.

After arriving at the bottom floor soon, after getting out of the elevator, one could already see that a sealed door was open on one side of the cabin.

When the violent sea wind blows through the door, it makes a whistling sound.

The waves outside beat the hull and made a loud noise.

Shen Xi was carried to the cabin door by a burly man. The burly man was a little unsteady and grabbed the door with one hand.

When the hull reversed and the gap between the speedboat outside and the cabin door was not too big, the burly man threw Shen Xi towards the speedboat.

The speedboat had already prepared cushions, and Shen Xi fell comfortably, but his whole body was already wet by the wind, rain and waves, and with the ups and downs of the speedboat, he rolled to the side.

At this time, his consciousness also saw Angela, and he was relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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