Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 145 Chapter 145: Angela's Secret

Chapter 145 Chapter 145: Angela's Secret (1)

Huge waves were raging, and the wind was howling.

Shen Xi, who was pretending to be unconscious, was very worried that the speedboat would be overturned.

So he took advantage of the situation and rolled a few more times, approaching Angela.

At this time, he also discovered that Fan Shihua and those people, including those who died.

And these people were able to discover the existence of Fan Shihua and others, probably because they checked the surveillance, or there were moles in Fan Shihua's group.

This is not impossible, maybe Angela's whereabouts and secrets were revealed by someone.

Only then will this group of people be attracted.

Shen Xi was actually guessing randomly, and he was actually confused.

But one thing is already clear, that is, Angela has a big secret involved.

Money touches people's hearts, and it may be the secret of a super treasure.

Thinking of the information about Angela's parents, Zhao Ximing said it was confidential, and Shen Xi felt more and more that Angela's parents were not simple.

It is likely to involve the British government.

Otherwise, it cannot be classified as confidential.

At this time, a few people on the cruise ship came down, and the cabin door of the cruise ship was also closed.

The speedboat left the cruise ship and headed towards the luxury yacht not far away with strong lights on.

In the stormy sea, the yacht was very unstable.

Fortunately, after some wind and waves, we reached the tail of the luxury yacht.

And drove directly into the tail cabin of the luxury yacht.

Shen Xi couldn't help but be amazed.

This luxury yacht has been designed with a small inner marina.

It can be used as a stop for a speedboat or as a mouth for diving.

At this moment, Shen Xi felt that this luxurious yacht should belong to him.

Of course, when the owner of this luxury yacht dies, it can be regarded as an ownerless thing, so don't take it for nothing.

The only thing that caused Shenxi a headache was that in the Valley of the Lost Realm, another area of ​​the pasture would be occupied.

Fortunately, he doesn't have many livestock and poultry, so the impact is not great.

All the unconscious people were carried off the speedboat.

But those dead ones like Fan Shihua's were directly thrown into the seawater.

Angela was being carried, and Shen Xi was the same. Due to the violent sway of the ship, the person carrying it was also staggering and unsteady.

Along the way, Shen Xi checked with his divine sense.

There are a lot of people on this luxury yacht, almost all with guns, there are men and women, but there are not many women.

When he reached the third floor, Shen Xi also understood that these people were from the treasure hunting company.

Saw the sign too, Lucky.

Lucky treasure hunter.

It is a treasure hunting organization in the United States.

In a large room, Shen Xi and others were left behind.

Then several burly men tied Fan Shihua and the remaining two white men together.

Shen Xi was tied to a round steel pillar.

Only Angela, who was placed on the sofa and untied the sheets, was still unconscious.

At this time, Shen Xi heard the sound of high heels, it should be a woman coming.

The footsteps beside him were very steady, presumably it was a big man.

Of course, all these foreigners are very strong.

Especially there are a lot of black people, the size is very scary.

The boss of Lucky Treasure Hunter, probably has some special requirements, and his subordinates are all muscular men.

Women are also tall and strong.

Finally, two people, a man and a woman, entered the room and also entered the scope of Shen Xi's spiritual consciousness.

The middle-aged Caucasian man, with a mustache, really looks like a super macho, with lumpy muscles and a bald head.

A woman in high heels, in her 30s, with black hair, a high nose bridge and deep eye sockets, is not beautiful.

Anyway, it doesn't conform to Shen Xi's aesthetics.

At this moment, the woman looked at Angela and said, "William, is this the girl Fan said?"

The middle-aged man William nodded, looked at the bound Fan Shihua, and said to a burly man beside him, "Wake them up and let Mr. Fan go."

Hearing this, the burly man immediately took out a small bottle.

He opened the lid and shook it under everyone's noses. At the same time, someone stepped forward and untied Fan Shihua. After a while, everyone woke up in a daze.

Shen Xi naturally cooperated very well, looking left and right with a confused face.

Then he showed puzzlement, and finally he showed panic and uneasiness.

The expression is in place, and the acting is very similar.

He actually wanted to find out what the secret was about Angela.

Otherwise, we will deal with these people when we get on the boat.

When the three of Fan Shihua woke up, the two white men looked panicked, but Fan Shihua was the only one who stood up and patted his wet clothes.

In fact, Shen Xi already understood from the conversation between the man and woman just now.

But what I didn't expect was that it was Fan Shihua who sold the news.

It seems that Fan Shihua and his collaborators also seem to be at odds with each other, which is normal, they are nothing, and no one can trust anyone.

It is not uncommon for international thieves to fight each other.

And the two white men who were with Fan Shihua also understood at this time.

They all glared at Fan Shihua, but Fan Shihua shrugged at them.

What really surprised Shen Xi was Angela. This girl woke up very calmly, but she became excited when she saw Shen Xi tied to the iron pillar.

"You let him go, it has nothing to do with him, I can tell you whatever you want to know, as long as you don't hurt him..."

Angela's voice brightened the eyes of William and the woman, and so did Fan Shihua.

I really did not catch the wrong person, no wonder the two of them are so close on the boat, they really have deep feelings!
Shen Xi was also very moved, she never thought that this girl would care about nothing for him.

"Angela, don't worry, I, Wang Dalong, are not afraid of these people, and will definitely rescue you."

One is for Shen Xi to act, and the other is to make Angela feel at ease.

Of course, he also had the idea of ​​doing it.

But the woman smiled jokingly, and said: "I still think about being a hero to save the beauty, and I don't even look at where this is, Mr. Fan, you said that this little beauty has clues to a super treasure.

William and I trust you very much, so we came here. Although our cooperation two years ago was a little unpleasant, I believe you are a generous person.

This time I can think of us, and I hope to have a pleasant cooperation. "

Fan Shihua smiled and said, "Emily, William, you two are still so rough. Didn't I remind you that this girl has a heart disease, so you won't be afraid of losing everything?"

William laughed, "It's okay, we brought a doctor and medicine."

Fan Shihua showed a helpless wry smile, but luckily she looked fine, the little girl didn't get sick, and she was still calm when facing them.

What's more, the unexpected result is that this man named Wang Dalong was caught, which made Angela let go.

But the name Wang Dalong is really fucking ugly.

Seeing that this guy looks like a dog, he actually gave him such a name.

Glancing at Shenxi, Fan Shihua approached Angela unsteadily.

Finally, he stood firmly by the side of the sofa. At this time, the hull of the ship heaved and swayed violently.

However, William and the others were very natural and didn't have the slightest worry.

It seems that this kind of sea condition is common to them, and there is nothing to worry about.

Or maybe, have confidence in this luxury yacht.

"Angela, I know your mother must have told you something, as long as you tell us what she told you, I promise, you and Wang Dalong will be released."

Fan Shihua said kindly to Angela.

Angela glanced at Shen Xi and said, "Okay, but you have to keep your promise!"

Fan Shihua said seriously: "I can swear."

But William and Emily both showed meaningful smiles at this time.

Shen Xi also laughed.

When the time came, it was time to make a move, and there was no need for Angela to say everything.

If under such circumstances, Angela was still unwilling to tell him her hidden secret afterwards, then he could only say that it was a failure to be a human being.

(End of this chapter)

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