Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 177 Chapter 176: Negotiation

Chapter 177 Chapter 176: Negotiation
A day later, the Lost Territory.

Shen Xi was full of excitement, and began to complete the golden body state of mind and soul.

The number of merit points exceeded 100, reaching more than [-].

After the nearly 200 billion Illness Relief Fund was launched, the merit points can be said to have skyrocketed.

This is to spread out a large area and accumulate more.

With a calm mind and a thought, the two thousand merit points are instantly consumed.

Consciousness suddenly paused, an inexplicable breath seemed to come from somewhere, and entered into his soul consciousness.

Soon, Shen Xi felt sleepy, and finally lay down on the chair and fell into a deep sleep.

I don't know how long it took, but his consciousness was cool and refreshing, and he woke up again.

The moment he opened his eyes, he felt a difference.

Vision seems to be better, see farther, and even focus on one point, being able to magnify that point like a scope.

The change in the eyes surprised Shen Xi endlessly.

Is this a scope?
But when he thought of something, he immediately let go of his consciousness, and the surprise was beyond words.

Sure enough, the consciousness expanded, almost to the range of 50 meters.

He tried to control things with his mind, but there was no response.

Sure enough, it doesn't work, the power of consciousness required to control things is really too great.

After continuing to explore, I found that the hearing can also be controlled, just like the eyes can be retracted freely, and the listening distance is further.

The most important thing is to control it.

Listen to it if you want to, and don't listen to it if you don't want to.

In the future, you will be able to hear what others say through a few walls.

This ability is very good, more powerful than bugs.

Clairvoyance, Shunfeng ears.

With this promotion, I feel that the strength of the soul has increased ten times compared to before.

Crisis early warning will also be more sensitive.

The ability to survive is stronger.

Of course, you can also explore the Lost Realm initially.

When encountering a junior spirit beast of Dzogchen, they can easily deal with it.

I looked at the time and calculated, it has been two days since I entered the Lost Realm.

It seems that the previous deep sleep was not short.

Time to go out too.

Then, with a thought, Shen Xi disappeared into the realm of loss.

Outside, it's night.

He still appeared on the small sofa.

There is still no one in this house, but there are three neighbors more than ten meters away from this house.

Shen Xi can hear the sound of breathing, and from the sound of breathing, he can judge whether it is a man or a woman, an adult or a child, and even judge the person's health status based on his breathing.

Super ear power, unimaginable magic.

What is even more amazing is the change in the valley of the lost realm.

Subconsciously looking at the Lost Realm, he stood up abruptly.

The valley enchantment expanded, expanding outward almost ten times.

The area is countless times larger.

It turns out that the valley barrier is related to his soul power.

In this way, he can control the area of ​​the Lost Realm, which is already very huge, with the valley as the center, and a radius of more than ten kilometers.

No worries later, no place to pile things up.

At this moment, Shen Xi took a special look at the cultivation field of Quyi fruit that was opened outside the enchantment of the valley before.

I couldn't see it before, and my consciousness could only see the valley in the enchantment, but now the enchantment has expanded ten times, and everything inside the enchantment is under control.

He saw a lot of wild fruits, trees, small animals, and birds that he had never seen before.

There are also several large lakes, and the scenery is beautiful.

Shen Xi was very disappointed that there were no primary spirit beasts.

But seeing the fat pheasant, with a thought, a pheasant appeared in his hand.

Suddenly caught, the day turned into night, and the pheasant also panicked, flapping its wings and struggling.

Then, with a thought, the pheasant was sent back.

In a good mood, Shen Xi began to experiment again, whether he could control things in the earth space.

Immediately, the consciousness was released, and within 50 meters, it was clear at a glance.

His consciousness locked on the white cloth in front of him, he felt it carefully, and then his thoughts flashed, but the white cloth didn't move.

Seeing this, no more attempts.

Don't be impatient, the improvement of strength must be done slowly.

As far as he is now, it is already very fast.

To calm down his excited heart, he decided to put on makeup and leave.

Head to central London and get ready to dive into the British Museum.

Take out the notebook left by Angela's mother.

He was very curious about what kind of treasure it would be, because it was a treasure that the British government coveted.

And no news has been revealed, the British government is secretly looking for it.

It really made him very curious.

But to get into the British Museum, he still needs to make a plan.

He didn't want to be charged with the crime of international robber.

Just like looting the Tokyo National Museum, no one should suspect him.

Otherwise, the pressure on all parties will be great.

There will also be international pressure at home.

Whether it is the Kuala Lumpur incident or the Tokyo massacre, the nature of looting museums is completely different.

The former is a spy secret war, while the latter is an international rule.

The secret war will be covered up, and the ordinary people in the world will not know too much, let alone Shen Xi.

But the looting of the Tokyo National Museum immediately became the focus and became a major case.

If it is revealed that Shen Xi is a major suspect, the pressure from international public opinion will be no small matter.

Not only will the country have to take countermeasures, but he will also be shouted and beaten by everyone in the world.

This kind of negativity is absolutely unacceptable.

It is also unfavorable to the environment he has just created in China.

Maybe there will be a situation that he doesn't want to see.

So, a plan must be made.

After putting on makeup, Shen Xi established an Englishman with a high nose bridge, blue eyes, black curly hair, and a mustache on his face. Naturally, he also wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses.

Wearing this kind of glasses, from a psychological point of view, can give people a non-aggressive feeling.

It can also make people overlook the details of some masks.

After eight o'clock in the evening in the UK, Shen Xi left the house and walked on the road in this residential area.

He looks like an Englishman, with a somewhat dull personality.

It's not a young man's dress, but a very calm and reserved British style.

In mid-to-late October in London, the night temperature is very low.

There is a clammy feeling.

There are no stars in the sky, and I don't know if it is fog or clouds.

Shen Xi was wearing a big black windbreaker, which was found from a wardrobe in the house.

Feels pretty good, wears very British.

After finally seeing a taxi, Shen Xi hurriedly stopped it.

After getting in the car, as soon as he spoke, Shen Xi realized that he couldn't speak much, because his accent was wrong.

Fortunately, the driver is also a taciturn person.

Start the car directly and drive towards London.

The driver didn't say a word along the way, so Shen Xi naturally wouldn't look for trouble.

But halfway there, the satellite phone in his pocket rang.

This satellite phone actually looks like a cell phone.

Not the old one, but the newest one, the antenna can be retracted.

Taking out the satellite phone, seeing that it was an unfamiliar number, Shen Xi felt a little strange, and this number range did not seem to be from China.

Who could it be?

It can be said that few people know the number of this satellite phone.

But although he was puzzled, he still connected.

As soon as it was connected and put it to my ear, I heard Chen Chen's voice.

"Mr. Shen, there is news from the country that the British and American parties have requested to negotiate with you, and they have also asked the Chinese side to send representatives to participate in this negotiation..."

(End of this chapter)

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