Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 178 Chapter 178: The Heart of Looting

Chapter 178 Chapter 178: The Heart of Looting (Please support me!)

Deciding to visit the museum, Shen Xi couldn't help but look at the light rain outside.

In the end, he got up and put away the things he took out from the Lost Realm.

Then he put on the windbreaker and left the room.

When I got downstairs, I asked for an umbrella at the front desk and walked out.

I didn't take a taxi and walked slowly in the light rain.

Also by the way, feel the exotic style.

It's several blocks from the hotel to Russell Street, where the museum is located.

But Shen Xi walked slowly, and he was almost there before he knew it.

Instead of going directly to Russell Street, he passed the New Oxford Street side, hoping to see Russell Square by the way.

This is an area where rich people concentrate, with beautiful scenery and elegant environment.

There are many garden houses, and you can also appreciate the British aristocratic culture.

After walking around Russell Square, Shen Xi went to the museum.

When you really get close, you can feel the huge area of ​​the museum.

Even standing at the row of stone pillars at the gate of the museum, with a 50-meter spiritual consciousness, cannot cover the museum.

It can be seen from its scale, land area and many buildings.

Shenxi is not archaeological, and he has never been interested in places like museums before.

Even if he ransacked the Tokyo National Museum, he had no idea.

But when you enter the British Museum, you are shocked by its majesty.


I have to admit that the size of the British Museum.

Especially the glass roof makes the museum form a covered square.

It gives people an illusion of being insignificant when standing in it.

There are independent pavilions all around, displaying cultural relics from all over the world.

China, India, Ancient Greece, Egypt and more.

Of course, the most important thing is that there are no tickets for the visit.

This is simply unbelievable in China.

This made Shen Xi very convinced.

Every scenic spot in China requires tickets, and some parks require tickets, which is really speechless.

Shen Xi once wondered whether the property would sell tickets if he entered the community in the future.

Not impossible!

According to the current trend of development, maybe the property management company may really create this charging project.

In fact, Shen Xi has never understood whether the property has any value.

He feels that the nature of the current property company is wrong.

No matter how you think about it, it feels very awkward.

Isn't it okay to put it under the direct management of the street?
Why hire a property company and finally suppress the owner, just like the landlord, is really puzzling.

Of course, Shen Xi doesn't care anymore.

Anyway, he won't live in the community anymore.

Dead friends don't die poor, why bother.

Stopped thinking wildly, Shen Xi began to investigate seriously.

It was already noon, but there were still many people in the museum.

The umbrella was thrown directly at the door, so there was no need to worry.

There are so many collections!
It is indeed the world's first museum.

From ancient times to the present, there are strange and weird things in the world.

There are many corpse mummies.

He didn't need to look at the exhibition halls one by one, mainly looking for the underground archives.

And there is no so-called basement underground in the entire museum.

Let alone a vault.

It seems that it is not under the main building. Also, these main buildings are expansions of old buildings that do not know how many years old, and it is impossible to withstand the excavation of underground space.

So Shen Xi left the main building and searched around the periphery of the museum.

Finally, under a building, he discovered the basement, a very large underground space.

The depth is below thirty meters.

Soon, he was standing on a lawn with an umbrella.

Below here is the archives room.

Now Shen Xi also understands that the reason why the basement space is not displayed on the virtual map is because it is not a buried object.

In other words, it cannot be regarded as a buried unclaimed thing.

The illusory map can only show the unowned things buried in the ground.

The underground vault of the museum is not in this scope.

Otherwise, just look at the virtual map and you will know where it is.

At this moment, he not only found the file room that Angela's mother mentioned, but also saw the notebook.

It's hidden on top of the third row of filing cabinets. It's so secretive that no one will check it.

It wasn't all dust, Shen Xi could clearly see all the information recorded in the notebook.

This also made him feel that there was no need to sneak in and take out the notebook.

Just remember the information and go back and write it out again.

According to his current memory, this thing can be easily memorized.

It's just that some texts are incomprehensible, probably ancient texts, and Angela's mother wrote them down and deciphered them.

No longer trying to figure out these words, Shen Xi memorized them quietly.

Soon, write it all down.

Turning to leave, but not far, he stopped again.

In his consciousness, in the huge underground vault, those cultural relics looted from China made him change his mind.

No, you can't just leave like this.

Do you want another looting?
What should I do?
Originally planned to dig a hole and sneak in?
Then when entering the vault, the alarm device will be triggered immediately.

This is not the archives!

Also, the Tokyo National Museum was ransacked, and he was there.

Now that he has come to London and the British Museum has been looted again, will it make people think of him?
Don't be in a hurry, go back and think about it first.

Hands must be moved. Chinese cultural relics are displayed here for a day, which is a day of humiliation to China.

As if to show, the exploits of the Allied Forces of Eight Powers entering the Old Summer Palace to loot.

This is a disgrace and cannot continue.

Once upon a time, in the name of archaeology, how many European and American bandits entered China, and plundered countless rare treasures and civilization remnants.

The Eight-Power Allied Forces burning the Old Summer Palace is an act of banditry.

He has nothing to be polite, come and don't be indecent.

With this thought, Shen Xi has made up his mind to evacuate the British Museum.

But still have to make a plan and pick yourself out.

It seems that Angela's mother's secret has to be exaggerated and revealed.

First attract some international thieves, people from the treasure hunting organization.

What's more, he also needs to show up properly so that the bounty hunters and killers know where he is.

In this way, London will be much more lively.

It will also be more confusing.

Then he might be able to fish in troubled waters.

While thinking about it, Shen Xi couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth.

But just as he was about to leave the museum and return, the police officers patrolling near the museum approached him.

Suddenly, an inexplicable sense of crisis also appeared.

In an instant, Shen Xi's nerves tensed up, and his consciousness locked on to the two policemen.

As the police officers got closer, the sense of crisis grew stronger.

For a strong man like Shen Xi, the first reaction to feel threatened is to remove the threat.

But with his consciousness, he saw the stun guns on the waists of the two police officers.

Reminds me of the airport apartment building thing.

He held back.

Pretending to be nothing, in fact, is always ready to kill the blow.

The two police officers also took a look at Shen Xi, they didn't say anything, but whispered, they passed by Shen Xi, and gradually moved away.

As the police officers left, Shen Xi's sense of crisis gradually disappeared.

At this moment, Shen Xi could already be sure that there was a misunderstanding in the airport apartment building.

But his reaction at the time couldn't be wrong.

This is the instinctive reaction of the strong.

The stronger it is, the stronger it will react to things that can threaten itself.

Just like the ancient emperors, he would never be soft on those who might threaten his status, and he would kill them all to serve as a warning to others.

Shen Xi also had this psychological reaction.

(End of this chapter)

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