Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 235 Chapter 235: Chariot

Chapter 235 Chapter 235: Chariot
If you want to enter Ethiopia, Djibouti is a good place.

Two days later, Ocean No. [-] arrived at Tamila Bay and saw a speedboat that was responding to it.

Shen Xi knew that his ship could not dock at the military port.

The crew on the ship are all foreigners, and it is impossible to directly dock at the military base.

However, there are many ports here, and there is a large port near the military port.

Under the guidance of the speedboat, Ocean No. [-] docked at a pier.

Shen Xi finally made a final confession to the crew on the ship and the temporarily appointed captain.

And Isabella made some final remarks.

And leave some cash.

He can only be alone this time, and it is impossible to bring Isabella.

It is more convenient for one person to go deep into the active area of ​​​​the local armed forces in East Africa.

This is not Egypt. It is said that these local armed forces have recently massacred some villages.

Therefore, it is dangerous to take people with you.

What's more, she is still a weak woman, even if she is like Rand, Shen Xi doesn't want to take her with her.

A person has nothing to fear and can let go.

Ocean No. [-] and the people on board stayed at the port for the time being.

When Shen Xi got off the boat, there was a car waiting. It was a military car, the kind used for field battles.

After being invited into the car by a soldier, the car quickly left the pier.

After leaving the port, it didn't take long to enter the military base.

He stopped in front of an office building.

At this time, all eyes are soldiers, and from a distance, you can still see warships and naval escort fleets moored on the pier.

Follow the soldier who picked him up to the second floor and enter an office.

An officer who was about the same age as Shen Xi greeted him with a smile.

"Hello, Comrade Shen Xi, my name is Ma Zhiyuan, please sit down!"

"Ma... hello!"

Shen Xi doesn't know this person's military position, and it's not appropriate to call him a leader or something depending on his age.

Ma Zhiyuan didn't care, and poured the tea himself with a smile.

He was looking forward to Shen Xi's arrival two days ago.

The military also confessed that Shen Xi is a strange person and cannot be neglected.

Not only is he superb in martial arts, he is guessed to be a real master of the inner family, but also has miraculous medical skills, saving the two old chiefs.

He is also listed as the most dangerous person in the world by the intelligence agencies of various countries.

The Kuala Lumpur incident and the Tokyo incident are all related to it.

Shen Xi was also involved in the London airport shootout and the Shard shootout.

According to the latest news, the tomb robbery bombing in Egypt caused heavy casualties to treasure hunters and archaeologists from all over the world, and Shen Xi was also involved.

When Ma Zhiyuan first heard about such a person, he thought they were vicious.

But when I saw the profile photo, I realized that it was a very fair young man.

It's even more unbelievable to meet him today. Such a pure scholar-like person will be a peerless master.

He knew that Shen Xi was originally a doctor, and indeed he looked like a doctor.

After making tea, Ma Zhiyuan brought it to Shen Xi and sat down.

"Shen Xi, I'm not talking nonsense. It's not too late. The sooner the rescue, the better. I lost contact with the medical team for four days. That place has not been peaceful recently.

Conflicts continued between local armed forces.

Here are some maps and materials, which contain information photos of all members of the medical team, as well as information about local armed forces..."

While talking, Ma Zhiyuan picked up a file box on the coffee table and handed it to Shen Xi.

Shen Xi took it, opened it and flipped through it casually.

Ma Zhiyuan continued: "We have prepared an off-road vehicle for you, it is a modified field vehicle, bulletproof and explosion-proof.

There are also some weapons and firearms in the car. Knowing that you are playing around, I also prepared a bazooka for you.

If you enter Ethiopia, we cannot help you, you can only rely on yourself.

You know that our soldiers cannot enter the territory of other countries without authorization, so we can only rely on you.

However, there are also people from the International Red Cross who have gone to the local area to check the situation..."

Ma Zhiyuan was very straightforward, probably wanting Shen Xi to go immediately.

Shen Xi closed the file box, took a sip of tea, and nodded to Ma Zhiyuan.

Ma Zhiyuan went on to say: "In the box in the front of the car, there are [-] US dollars, and some of your new identity passports, and the field protective equipment is opened in the back seat, that is, the body armor.

Remember to put it on as soon as you encounter something wrong.

A first-aid kit, some field food, and some water are prepared in the car. You must not drink raw water for a field hot water heater. Mosquito nets must be used for camping.

If you are stopped by local armed forces, you can avoid conflicts, try not to conflicts, and the forces are complicated and you can't tell the good from the bad.

Armed forces in those places generally will not take the initiative to attack us Chinese, but we must also be more vigilant.


Ma Zhiyuan said cracklingly, wishing to tell Shen Xi everything he knew.

Shen Xi couldn't say anything, and kept nodding.

At this time, two military doctors in white coats came in with a medical kit.

Seeing this, Shen Xi was puzzled, and Ma Zhiyuan immediately explained: "When you enter Ethiopia, you need to get some vaccines and take some pills..."

Shen Xi got up quickly, waved his hands and said, "I've already done this, I've done it in Egypt before."

He doesn't want to be vaccinated, and besides, his current body is not afraid of some viruses.

Seeing this, Ma Zhiyuan thought for a while, then smiled and said: "That's fine, you are a genius doctor yourself, then these procedures will be avoided, well, I won't keep you either, come with me."

Hearing Ma Zhiyuan's words, the two military doctors left with the medical kit.

And Ma Zhiyuan also took Shen Xi, left the office, and went downstairs.

Came to a hangar door, soldiers opened the hangar door.

When Shen Xi and Ma Zhiyuan entered the hangar, they saw combat helicopters parked in the huge hangar.

Beside the hangar, there are some military vehicles.

Ma Zhiyuan walked up to a van that looked like a civilian van, and said to Shen Xi: "This is the van, everything is packed for you, and the mailbox is also full.

After you familiarize yourself with it, set off immediately, and we will send a car to take you to the border..."

Shen Xi was very speechless, seeing that it was time for lunch, why couldn't he invite him to have a meal before leaving?
He hadn't seen what kind of food was eaten in the barracks.

But thinking of those medical teams whose life and death are unknown, Shen Xi can also understand Ma Zhiyuan's mood.

Immediately, I started to get familiar with the car.

Those who haven't driven this kind of field vehicle need to be familiar with it.

A soldier explained to Shen Xi, making Shen Xi understand various functions, such as four-wheel drive synchronization.

And the front winch switch gear and so on.

After getting acquainted, Shen Xi got into the car, "Okay, let's go!"

Hearing this, Ma Zhiyuan laughed, and waved to several soldiers, who quickly got into other cars.

Then Shen Xi followed these military vehicles and drove out of the hangar.

However, he still took a few more glances at the combat helicopters.

Especially the large-caliber machine gun, that is the big killer.

Yes, Shen Xi suddenly wanted to get a few helicopters and put them in the Lost Realm.

This thing is stronger than a boat.

But he can't fly a helicopter.

While driving, Shen Xi thought, and decided to find a way to learn how to fly a plane after returning to China.

(End of this chapter)

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