Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 236 Chapter 236: Exotic Style

Chapter 236 Chapter 236: Exotic Style
Ethiopia is a highland country.

From the RN1 highway in Djibouti, you can directly enter the A1 highway in Ethiopia.

And almost all of them are elevated sections, and there are winding mountain roads, but overall, the road conditions are good.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Shen Xi entered the territory of Ethiopia, and the escorting military vehicles also returned.

Along the A1 highway, Shenxi is moving forward at a fast speed.

This road is actually very busy, with many trucks coming and going.

Ethiopia has no coastline, and after it split with Eritrea, relations have been bad, with frequent wars.

Therefore, Djibouti is a necessary country for Egypt's import and export trade.

Sea freight basically enters and exits from the port of Djibouti.

Shen Xi drove the car and galloped all the way.

This is a very long journey, and he needs to cross half of Egypt before he can reach the rescue point.

The scenery along the way is much better than Egypt.

At least there is a lot of vegetation and low shrubs, and there are some big trees.

When it was dark, Shen Xi stopped to rest at a roadside gas station.

Eat something, drink some water, and continue on the road.

The modification of the appearance of the SUV makes the car very spacious. It is a field vehicle in itself, with superior performance, and the power is naturally nothing to say.

After exercising in the middle of the night, I finally entered the real high altitude area.

The road runs through the mountains, the surrounding scenery is already different, the trees are shady, and the scenery is extremely beautiful.

The temperature is also very comfortable, neither hot nor cold.

Open the front window, blowing the night breeze, very pleasant.

The night vision ability allows him to see the surrounding scenery clearly, even without driving lights, it will not be affected at all.

At dawn, Shen Xi found a place to rest on the side of the road again.

There are also more cars on the road, most of them are foreigners.

Of course, this foreigner also includes Chinese, and there are quite a few Chinese here.

This country is too poor. Except for some big cities, which look a little better, the rest are unimaginably poor.

Continue on the road and soon pass some villages and towns.

Thatched huts can be seen everywhere, the kind of thatched huts with round domes.

Even in some towns, this is the case.

It looks like a larger thatched cottage village.

Except for the roads, the infrastructure is passable, and there is basically nothing else.

But the people here, regardless of the place where they live, are actually very neatly dressed.

Not as naked as expected.

Especially when I saw some women, they were really gorgeous and good at dressing up.

It can be seen that the people here pay great attention to appearance.

The villages near the main road are basically far away and can only be seen from a distance.

Shenxi regarded it as a self-driving tour.

In fact, many of the SUVs on the road are foreigners traveling by car.

Did not go to the direction of Addis Ababa, the capital, according to the navigation set by the vehicle, Shen Xi turned left onto another road.

The rescue point is several hundred kilometers near the Somali border.

That's where the poorest part of this poor country is.

It is also an area where many international aid agencies often provide assistance.

Along the way, on the virtual map, there are some very good light spots, and the brightness is okay.

It can be seen that the mineral resources of this country are still available.

The illusory map with a range of [-] kilometers, just along the road, can find these mineral resources, which makes Shen Xi feel very itchy.

Gold mines and gemstone mines, if he finds them, he will definitely not let them go.

As for the rest, forget it.

There are a few light red spots, which should be gold mines, but the brightness is very low, and they are not worth mining.

The light blue color of gemstones has not yet appeared.

After receiving a call from Fu Guoyong, Shen Xi learned about this country.

So we know that there are many gold mines in this country, and there are also many gemstone mines.

He thought that since he came here, it would be a waste if he didn't dig some minerals.

It's just that along the way, nothing worth mining has been found yet.

All day, driving on the road.

Shen Xi is also truly aware of the poverty and desolation of this country.

There is no one in a large area.

When there are people, there are only a few thatched cottages here and there.

Only when passing through the small town can I feel a sense of modern civilized society. Otherwise, after a long time, I think I have returned to the primitive society.

I didn't see any of the Ethiopian beauties in my impression.

Of course, he didn't really enter the bigger towns either.

But when it was getting late, Shen Xi finally chose a small town called Yimi, and stopped to rest.

When the car drove into the small town, it finally had the atmosphere of modern civilization. There were many tall buildings and luxurious hotels.

During the period, I also saw a large mosque.

There are many people coming and going on the street, among them there are still many foreigners, white and yellow, mixed with black.

Shen Xi has finally seen the beauties of Egypt.

It is indeed good, very good.

Whether it is body or face, it is very good.

Of course, not all streets are full of beauties, most of them are very ordinary.

But there is one thing that is almost the same, that is the buttocks.

This local woman's buttocks are really upturned, they can be used as stairs.

Shen Xi probably has something to do with the mountain climbing all day here.

There are mountains everywhere in this country, Shenxi has been running for a day and a night, but he really didn't see how flat the place is.

And the flat places are gathered into villages and towns.

Find the best hotel and stay in Shenxi.

The car was also locked and parked where it could be seen from the hotel room.

Shen Xi doesn't think about the security of this country, because he knows everything without thinking about it.

Africa does not seem to have a safe country.

Perhaps this is the problem with African genetics.

The poorer you get, the more trouble you get, the more trouble you get, the poorer you become, and you especially like fighting.

Shen Xi didn't quite understand the frequent wars in Africa from the news TV.

Later, I realized that they were all poor people.

Coupled with the large number of ethnic groups and the intervention of various countries, peace is short-lived.

Ethiopia used to be an Italian colony. Although the colonial period was not long and it became independent early, there are still Italian forces, which are swayed by forces from other countries.

Shen Xi didn't eat the food provided by the hotel, nor did he go out to eat on the street.

When you come to this country, if you have a bad stomach, try to bring your own dry food as much as possible.

Otherwise, it is easy to eat and suffer from vomiting and diarrhea.

Shen Xi used to be a colleague of the non-medical aid team and talked about these things.

One is water, the other is food, be careful.

Although Shen Xi is not afraid, she also does not want to eat unclean food.

But drinking coffee in the hotel cafe is really delicious.

Drinking coffee here is different. It is a local beauty who makes coffee for you alone.

And it's the kind of pottery with a pointed bottom, charcoal fire, and hand-ground coffee.

And this kind of woman who makes coffee is also called a coffee woman.

Just like those beauties who play tea art in China.

Coffee girl is also a very high-level profession.

At this time, there was a beautiful coffee girl in front of Shen Xi, who looked about eighteen or nineteen years old.

I have to say that Ethiopia is indeed the land of the top beauties in Africa, and this coffee girl is quite amazing.

And like this, there are many in the cafe.

Shen Xi admired the beauty curiously, and asked casually in English, "What kind of coffee is this?"

Although he asked, Shen Xi didn't know if the other party could understand English.

But he thought too much, this coffee girl can speak English.

"This is the native coffee of our country, and now this one is called Yirgacheffe, the best coffee..."

Hearing the native coffee beans, Shen Xi remembered that this country is the birthplace of the world's top coffee, Arabica coffee beans.

And Yirgacheffe is a special coffee variety that can drink a strong fruity aroma.

It is also the top international coffee.

Thinking of this, Shen Xi smelled it deliberately, the coffee aroma permeated the air, and carefully perceived it, it really had a unique smell, with a complex and strong fruity aroma.

(End of this chapter)

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