Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 38 038: Unpredictable people's heart

Chapter 38 038: Unpredictable people's heart

Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dean's Office.

"I said Director Xiao Shen, it's not that I want to have a heart-to-heart talk with you, but that with your appearance, Vice President Chen has already called the roll at the meeting, and it's difficult for me to do so."

Dean Lin said to Shen Xi as if he hated iron but steel.

As soon as Shen Xi heard it, he knew where the problem was.

Vice President Chen.

But it can't be blamed, whoever asks him to go to work can't be sure, he can come and leave whenever he wants.

Even if Dean Lin wanted to turn a blind eye, but Vice President Chen stared at him, it would be difficult for Dean Lin to do so.

After thinking about it, Shen Xi said: "Dean Lin, I've made it difficult for you. I told you last time that you want to resume my work so quickly."

Dean Lin stared at Shen Xi's words, "Is it my fault for co-authoring?"

Shen Xi hurriedly smiled, "Dean Lin, don't be angry, I don't mean that, I mean that there are many things recently, and I can't get away for a while, so there is no way to get to and from get off work on time..."

Dean Lin waved his hand, "Okay, don't try to fool me, kid, are you driving a luxury car worth millions today?

It's spread all over the hospital, huh!

I just knew, you kid hooked up with the Du family and saved someone's life, isn't he rich?

Don't want to work hard? "

When Shen Xi heard it, he quickly bowed his head and admitted his mistake, not wanting to explain anything to Dean Lin, "Yes, yes, yes, Dean, what you taught me is that I was wrong, and I am blind if I have some money."

In this regard, Shen Xi really realized that he should not make a high profile in the hospital.

It can only be in other places if you want to be arrogant, and it is not suitable for the hospital. In fact, he is not trying to show off his wealth, but just looking for some prestige.

But after Dean Lin said this, he also suddenly realized that his mentality was not right.

It seems that his mentality has been more or less affected.

Must pay attention to this in the future.

"Oh, forget it, you can name it in the future! The department director can only be handed over to someone else for the time being, so that you can be free and you won't be caught by others.

And I heard that Vice President Chen has already reported this matter to the Health Bureau. "

When Shen Xi heard it, his heart was full of joy.

Good name!
Experts from the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine can come and leave whenever they want, there is really no one to care about them, and the title of chief physician will not be affected.

As for the director of the department, he really doesn't care.

If it was before, it would be pointless to pay for bonuses or something now.

Maybe you have to take responsibility, so it's better to be inappropriate.

And what about corruption and bribery, he didn't even worry about it, he could do whatever Vice President Chen did.

"Thank you so much, Dean!"

Dean Lin blew his beard and stared again, "Thank you, I just feel sorry for you."

Shen Xi smiled apologetically, "No, no, even if I'm not in the hospital, I still save lives and heal the wounded, and the relief fund will not stop.

I will also make more money outside to make the rescue fund bigger.

In this way, more people will be rescued, and it can better reflect the value of being a doctor than in a hospital.

When I was in training, I followed you. You always said that doctors are benevolent. I think this is the way I express this word. "

Hearing this, Dean Lin was taken aback for a moment, pondered for a while, and then nodded.

"It makes sense, no matter how good a doctor's skills are, the number of people he can help is limited, but your relief fund can make more patients receive treatment.

Hahaha, I'm just getting confused, okay, okay..."

Coming out of Dean Lin's office, Shen Xi was thinking about a problem.

That's why Vice President Chen targeted him time and time again.

He didn't remember offending that old guy.

It's really unpredictable!

Of course, even if he couldn't figure it out, he wouldn't question it naively.

But he remembered this grudge.

Back at the Department of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, I saw Wu Binhua pacing back and forth outside his office.

He wanted to turn around and leave, but when Wu Binhua heard footsteps, he turned his head and saw Shen Xi.

"Director Shen, I'm waiting for you."

Wu Binhua quickly walked over with a flattering expression on his face.

Shen Xi asked coldly: "Is there something wrong?"

Wu Binhua smiled condescendingly, "Director Shen, there is something I don't understand, why Director Shen doesn't like me so much, we knew each other before?"

"do not know."

Shen Xi pushed open the door and entered the office, followed by Wu Binhua.

"Since I don't know each other, I don't even understand."

Only now did Shen Xi smile, full of banter, and said to Wu Binhua: "Do you know Wu Zekai?"

When Wu Binhua heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

Sure enough, it was because of that bastard.

Immediately said: "Director Shen, no matter how my bastard son offended you, I ask you to be generous and don't be as knowledgeable as him.

I am here to apologize to you for him! "

Shen Xi curled her lips and said with a smile: "So it's really your son? But you think too much, he's not worth my fuss with him, well, I'm going to work, please!"

"Director Shen, I'm really sorry for you. I'll teach that bastard well when I get back. By the way, Director Shen, can you give me a few words of kindness in front of Gu Gu, because your..."

"Sorry! Please leave and don't disturb my work, thank you!"

Shen Xi said without mercy, with a cold face.

Wu Binhua was furious in his heart, but he tried his best to hold back.

Looking at Shen Xi, he wished he could slap him to death, what kind of thing, a little doctor, whatever.

If it wasn't because of the Gu family, he would be so humble?

He even thinks he's amazing.

"Don't bother Director Shen, goodbye!"

Wu Binhua suppressed his anger and walked out of the office with a smile on his face.

Once outside the door, Wu Binhua glared fiercely at the office door.

It's just that he doesn't know, all of this is under Shen Xi's divine consciousness, and he can see clearly.

Shen Xi sneered, sure enough, there is nothing good about this Wu family.

From the look in Wu Binhua's eyes just now, he knew that he and Liang Zi of the Wu family were finally married.

Moreover, Wu Binhua was a man with a sweet tongue and a sword in his belly, so he might suffer retaliation.

Unless he gives in, otherwise, he must be on guard.

I checked the time, it was already 06:30.

Forget it, I don't plan to do it anyway, get off work.

Then he packed up, left the office, went to the duty room, took his things, and walked outside the hospital.

When they reached the gate, they happened to see Gu Youxuan, mother and daughter, coming in from outside.

"Is this for a walk?"

Shen Xi asked with a smile, Gu Youxuan's face turned red again, her mother Wang Yuzhu quickly smiled and said: "Yes, this is not following your doctor's order, Director Shen, are you off work?"

Nodding, Shen Xi replied: "Well, I'm off work."

At this moment, Gu Youxuan glanced at her mother and said in a low voice, "Mom, you go up first, I want to have a private chat with Director Shen."

Wang Yuzhu was slightly taken aback, looked at Shen Xi, then at her daughter, "Oh... okay, okay, let's talk..."

After finishing speaking, Wang Yuzhu looked back three steps at a time, very worried, and didn't know what happened to her daughter.

Do you want to thank Director Shen?
But don't carry her behind your back!

Could it be that he fell in love with Director Shen?

Suddenly, thinking of this possibility, Wang Yuzhu became tongue-tied and became more and more worried.

It is said that the hero saves the beauty, Director Shen is, but he is too old, right?
Because of congenital heart disease, my daughter has not had much contact with people for so many years. She has a simple mind and is still young, only 20 years old.

Her situation is exactly the age of the young girl Huaichun, maybe it's because of gratitude that she fell in love with Director Shen.

Director Shen looks like someone in his thirties, this is not good, it is not suitable.

Thinking of this, Wang Yuzhu turned back immediately, she couldn't just leave like this, she had to see what was going on.

(End of this chapter)

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