Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 39 039: Are you a hermit?

Chapter 39 039: Are you a hermit?

"What do you want to talk to me about?"

Seeing that Gu Youxuan pushed her mother away, Shen Xi asked with a light smile.

Gu Youxuan said softly: "Director Shen, let's go for a walk over there and chat while walking."

Shen Xi nodded, "Okay."

So, the two walked towards the patient walking area of ​​the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, which was a leisure area with good greenery.

"Can I call you Shen Xi?"

"Yes, it just so happens that I won't be the department director anymore."


"Can you not tell me?"

Gu Youxuan glanced at Shen Xi, smiled slightly, and said: "Of course you don't need to say it, you are a good person, the first time I saw you, I could feel the kindness in your eyes, it reminded me of the benevolence of a doctor."

It was not the first time for Shen Xi to be praised by others, but for some reason, he was still a little embarrassed to be praised by a beauty like Gu Youxuan.

But seeing Gu Youxuan's innocent eyes, he also knew that she was ignorant of the world.

We only see the beauty, and it is difficult to see the gloomyness of human nature.

Smiling, he replied: "It's true that doctors are benevolent, but you also need to know that doctors are also very cold-blooded."

Gu Youxuan was startled when she heard the words, stopped in surprise and looked at Shen Xi.

Shen Xi also stopped, looked at him, and then sighed: "If you watch too much about birth, old age, illness and death, your blood will become cold, because you can't get hot, otherwise you won't be able to continue in this business, and you will drive yourself crazy sooner or later.

So, you only saw the benevolence of my doctor, but didn't see that it was just a superficiality.

The doctor became cold-blooded, really cold-blooded..."

Gu Youxuan was frightened by what Shen Xi said, and looked at Shen Xi carefully with a pair of bright eyes, as if she wanted to find something from his face.

Shen Xi smiled lightly, "What? Do you think I'm joking with you? Scaring you?"

Gu Youxuan nodded, "You must be joking, trying to scare me."

Shen Xi laughed, and walked slowly, "Yes! Everyone has a heart of compassion, and doctors are also human, and it is even easier to have a heart of compassion. Seeing more pain, subconsciously wants to see happiness."

Seeing Gu Youxuan's appearance, Shen Xi had to relax.

In fact, he didn't know why he told the little girl this.

Gu Youxuan also continued walking, and asked, "Did you save me and grandpa out of compassion?"

Shen Xi didn't deny it, but nodded, "Of course there are other benefits, I'm not that noble."

Gu Youxuan said: "You are very sincere!"

Shen Xi said: "It's just that there is no need to be hypocritical."

Gu Youxuan suddenly stopped again, stared at Shen Xi and asked, "Is my heart really healed?"

Shen Xi had to stop and looked at Gu Youxuan. He could feel an emotion in her eyes.

"Does it feel unreal to you?"

Gu Youxuan nodded, Shen Xi smiled, and said: "Yes! The congenital heart disease has been cured, and the congenital deficiency has been completely made up. It really makes people feel unreal.

So, like everyone else, you will be curious about me and the medicine I bring out. "

Gu Youxuan said quickly, "I'm only curious about you."

Shen Xi smiled, "As the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat, and perhaps cats will die because of it soon."

Gu Youxuan thought for a while, and seemed to be a little confused about Shen Xi's words.

But it seems to understand a little bit, but I can't believe it.

She suddenly thought of something and said, "It's a crime to be pregnant!"

Shen Xi nodded, and grinned at him, revealing a mouthful of white teeth. Under the reflection of the lawn lamp, they looked a little white.

At this moment, Gu Youxuan seemed to really feel the cold-bloodedness Shen Xi said.

She understood Shen Xi's situation.

Taking out the medicine that can cure congenital heart disease, it seems that the situation is calm now, but one can imagine what will follow one after another.

"My family can protect you!"

Gu Youxuan was a little impulsive, inexplicably wanting to protect Shenxi.

Shen Xi chuckled, "Good intentions, I can protect myself, Bodhisattva lowering his eyebrows is compassion, but don't forget that King Kong's angry eyes also kill.

I'm telling you these words, I just hope that the Gu family can stand upright, otherwise, it will be very embarrassing. "

Gu Youxuan asked thoughtfully, "Are you worried that our family will also fight against you?"

Shen Xi didn't answer, but looked at Gu Youxuan's stunning face and smiled meaningfully.

Gu Youxuan felt Shenxi's meaning, and explained: "No, you are the great benefactor of the Gu family, how could we go against you?"

Shen Xi is speechless, this little girl is really childish.

"Grace is as big as hatred, you are still young, you don't understand."

"No, Shen Xi, believe me, our Gu family will not repay you, but will protect you."

Shen Xi laughed, "Alright, I'm just joking with you, don't take it seriously."

Seeing Gu Youxuan's anxious appearance, Shen Xi couldn't bear to tell her these things.

Speaking of this, he just hoped that Gu Baixun, or the Gu family, would not be coveted, and wanted to send a signal to Gu Baixun through Gu Youxuan.

People's hearts are unpredictable, don't think that if people regard him as a guest now, they can live in peace.

Wouldn't he have lived in vain for more than [-] years?

Whether it is Gu Baixun or Du Yueqing, they are all for their own purposes.

Enmity is as great as hatred, this point cannot be wrong.

Even if the Gu family and the Du family would not turn against each other, he had to guard against it.

These people can stand at the top of society, not because they know how to repay their kindness.

But I talked a lot with Gu Youxuan tonight, and some things were even inappropriate to say to Gu Youxuan.

But since it's mentioned, Shen Xi doesn't mind clicking it.

Because he didn't want Gu Baixun either, and he was blinded by profit.

People who can throw a hundred million at will, it is better to be careful about it.

Of course, Shen Xi also realized that the reason for this seemed to be due to Gu Youxuan.

This girl is really too beautiful.

Especially that pure aura made Shen Xi a little bit moved.

But thinking of the age of the two of them, he didn't dare to think too much.

"I know what you mean, don't worry! I will tell Grandpa these words."

Gu Youxuan clearly thought clearly, simplicity does not mean stupidity, she understood Shen Xi's thoughts after thinking about it in her heart.

He can better understand Shenxi's situation and the pressure he will face in all aspects.

She heard from her grandfather that Shen Xi not only cured her congenital heart disease, but also cured An Yufei's tumor.

It is conceivable that if these things spread, it would be difficult for Shen Xi to live in peace.

The Du family and the Gu family will also face pressure from various aspects.

Hearing what Gu Youxuan said, Shen Xi nodded, "It's good that you can understand, I'm just taking precautions, people in the world are greedy, angry and ignorant, human nature can't do it, and I can't help it."

Gu Youxuan agreed with what Shen Xi said, but what she was still curious about was Shen Xi.

So, I still asked: "Are you a hermit?"

Shen Xi was taken aback for a moment, but instantly understood the meaning. Indeed, to be able to come up with the medicine to cure tumors and congenital heart disease can be said to be a worldly expert.

It's no wonder Gu Youxuan thought so.

Of course, only Gu Youxuan would ask, and the others thought in their hearts that they would not ask either.

Immediately, Shen Xi smiled mysteriously and did not answer.

But Gu Youxuan seemed to have the answer.

(End of this chapter)

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