Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 405 Chapter 416: Inexplicable emotion

Chapter 405 Chapter 416: Inexplicable emotion

At the small pier, Zhu Changchuan bought an electric tricycle.

It is very precious, brand new and wiped with a rag.

Seeing Shen Xi's car approaching, he greeted it.

The fence is equipped with a remote control iron gate, Shen Xi can open it remotely in the car, which is very convenient.

After entering, the car was parked in the Shenxi parking space.

He also saw the happy Zhu Changchuan.

I also saw a brand-new electric tricycle, and seeing Zhu Changchuan's happy face, Shen Xi was also moved.

The happiness of many people is actually very simple.

Just like Zhu Changchuan now.

"Brother Shen, I think one puts those two container houses at the door, so that I can look at the door when I live in it."

Coming to Shen Xi, Zhu Changchuan said.

Shen Xi smiled, "Well, yes, but you will be in charge of our food and drink in the future, just watch the door, and you can recruit people."

Upon hearing this, Zhu Changchuan smiled honestly, "Okay then!"

"The last time I saw a driving school in the community town, you take the time to sign up and get a driver's license. My MG will give you practice driving first.

You will also need to be able to drive in the future, understand? "

"Oh, fine, I'll sign up tomorrow."

"This tricycle is quite beautiful, how far can it run?"

Next, Shen Xi also praised the electric tricycle, Zhu Changchuan grinned happily, and introduced the electric tricycle.

By doing this, Shen Xi understands a little bit.

That is, you can't ignore what others care about, and you can't ignore other people's happiness.

That's why he deliberately went to the electric tricycle to inspect and praise it.

Even wanted to try the car.

He was stopped by Zhu Changchuan.

"Brother, you haven't ridden a tricycle before, so don't ride it, I can't afford it if you fall..."

Shen Xi didn't know that three wheels were different from two wheels.

Those who have never ridden can easily lose control for the first time.

Especially for electric tricycles, when the speed increases, novices are more likely to lose direction.

And Shen Xi had indeed never ridden a tricycle.

Seeing that Zhu Changchuan was worried, Shen Xi laughed and stopped trying.

He knew that Zhu Changchuan was not worried about the car, but his safety.

The two went upstairs together, Shen Xi went to see Xiao Nizi first.

Zhu Changchuan began to prepare dinner.

The advantage of having Zhu Changchuan is that you don't have to worry about being hungry and full.

After talking with Xiao Nizi for a while, the phone rang.

Shen Xi picked it up and saw that it was Du Yueqing calling.

"Mr. Shen, I told Lao Gu that I will arrange for Youxuan and Yufei to come over tonight, and there are definitely no mattresses and other things you want to bring.

I've arranged for someone to do the shopping and we'll be there in the evening after dark.

I still need to trouble you, Mr. Shen. "

Living in the small pier, Shen Xi is naturally welcome.

Especially Gu Youxuan, how could he refuse.

In this way, it can also be kept secret, saving him from going in and out of Gu's and Du's houses.

That's why Du Yueqing emphasized arriving after dark.

"Okay, you can make arrangements."

After hanging up the phone, Shen Xi went to look at other rooms.

There are many rooms on this floor, which can be arranged.

In this way, it is also very convenient to observe and take care of.

Of course, Shen Xi also has selfish intentions, and wants Gu Youxuan to fall in love with him again.

But he won't force it.

After all, do it all over again, who knows what will happen.

let it go!
Checked the room, it has been painted white, not bad.

The advantage of a whole floor is that there are more rooms.

Like a compound.

After dinner, Shen Xi went downstairs to the first floor of the apartment building, opened a room and entered it.

He was going to put the emerald in the black ring here.

Because he needs money and it has to be dealt with as quickly as possible.

It would be the most ideal to let Gu Baixun and Du Yueqing help out.

If the two of them sell for a billion, it won't surprise anyone.

They are rich after all.

Unlike him.

If he sells hundreds of millions, then he is really famous.

A poor man gambles with stones and gets rich overnight or something.

It may even cause unnecessary trouble.

The wages of avarice is death.

Not to mention those desperadoes who are desperate, but those who come to profit from all aspects will be annoying.

This is a strange phenomenon in society.

The rich earn hundreds of millions, no one cares about it, and no one takes advantage of it.

But when the poor get rich, even charitable funds will come to their door.

Putting down the rough jadeite, Shen Xi went out and locked it again.

Then I went to the small laboratory building, which was some distance away from the apartment building.

Shen Xi is already preparing to start the research and development of gene mutation drugs.

He is going to use his own genes directly as raw materials for gene mutation medicine.

Instead of using plasma raw materials.

After dark, Shen Xi left the laboratory, went out the sealed door, and locked it.

After lighting a cigarette, instead of going upstairs, he came to the container house and sat down.

There are ready-made tables and chairs here, as well as tea sets.

A small stove boils water for tea.

At the same time, they were waiting for Du Yueqing and the others to arrive.

Just as a cup of tea was brewed, a light came from afar.

A convoy approached slowly.

Shen Xi stubbed out the cigarette, stood up, and turned on the remote control to open the door.

The convoy arrived quickly, and drove into the small pier one by one. The hardened area of ​​the small pier is very large, and no matter how many cars there are, there will be places to park.

But Shen Xi was also a little surprised, he didn't expect so many cars to arrive.

There are two container trucks.

There is also a bus with staff in uniform.

There are also forklifts, which are pulled by flatbed trucks.

Zhu Changchuan also came down, just like Shen Xi, staring dumbfounded.

These rich people are simply capricious!

He came directly with the decoration team.

An extended Rolls-Royce stopped in front of the container house where Shen Xi was, and Gu Baixun and Du Yueqing got off the car one after another.

And the one who supported Gu Baixun was Gu Youxuan.

Under the light, she was still so pure and beautiful, and the moment Shen Xi's eyes intersected, both of them were like electric shocks.

Especially Gu Youxuan, who felt something in an instant.

The feeling of deja vu reached its peak at this moment.

Inexplicable emotions, as if from a distant past life, surged into her heart in an instant.

Du Yueqing and Gu Baixun also noticed the strangeness between them.

And Du Junyi and An Yufei also looked at Gu Youxuan and Shen Xi with strange eyes.

There was sparkle in Gu Youxuan's eyes, and she seemed to feel a deep yearning.

But she's in control because it's so weird.

Gu Baixun knows his granddaughter best, so he can see the love in his granddaughter's eyes at a glance.

Afterwards, he looked at Shen Xi, thinking in his heart, is this love at first sight?
Shen Xi naturally also felt the change in Gu Youxuan's eyes, and felt the same strangeness in her heart.

Could it be that Gu Youxuan is also the same as Xiao Nizi?
Some things are also mapped by parallel time and space?

But this time is not the time to think about these things.

Immediately, he regained his composure and smiled, "Old Du, Gu Gu, the battle between the two of you is a bit big!"

While speaking, he stepped forward and shook hands with Gu Baixun first.

Because of his granddaughter's strange reaction, Gu Boxun also had a little scrutiny on Shen Xi.

"Mr. Shen, Lao Du has already told me that I am grateful for my heart, and I will make you my friend no matter whether I can cure Xuanxuan or not.

If you need anything in the future, just tell us two old guys. "

At this time, Du Yueqing also said: "Yes, just say what you need, some of those containers are various instruments.

They are all medical equipment. We thought that we might need them during the treatment process, so we urgently purchased some.

Then there are the necessities of life for them.

The main reason is that the two female dolls won't get used to it, so..."

Shen Xi nodded, smiled and said: "Understood."

Shen Xi naturally understood the thoughts of Du Yueqing and Gu Baixun.

The two were afraid that the conditions here would be too poor and the equipment not complete, which would affect the treatment, and also affect the mood of Gu Youxuan and An Yufei.

However, this is a good thing. With these monitoring equipment in the ward, he can clearly and intuitively control the condition of the two of them.

And after taking the drug, a series of reactions.

It is also helpful for his research.

(End of this chapter)

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