Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 406 Chapter 417: Medication

Chapter 406 Chapter 417: Medication
Over there, people were arranged to unload the goods, while here Shen Xi, Du Yueqing, Gu Baixun and the others were sitting and drinking tea.

An Yufei stayed in the car, accompanied by Du Junyi.

She can't go up until the room is all set up.

Gu Baixun's complexion is much worse than before. The past here is the time of parallel time and space.

Shen Xi was also thinking about getting some genetic medicine to improve his physique.

Although it cannot be said that you will live forever, it is certain that you can prolong your life.

It can also completely avoid various diseases.

The elderly will naturally live longer without diseases.

Gu Youxuan did not stay in the car, nor did she accompany the few people drinking tea and chatting, but strolled around the small pier area in the dark.

She was confused and confused.

The strange emotion towards Shen Xi made her panic.

Can't figure out why.

So strange, so sudden.

She even wondered in her heart whether the two of them had lived together in the past or present.

Otherwise there is no way to explain it.

Shen Xi chatted with the two elders for a while, then went to the apartment building.

He wants to make arrangements.

After a long time of busy work that night, the room was finally settled. The two rooms were turned into intensive care wards.

Various instruments and equipment have also been installed.

There are many people and strength, and the speed is quite fast.

After the workers and trucks left, Gu Baixun, Du Yueqing and others entered the apartment building.

There is no elevator in a six-story apartment building.

Therefore, Du Yueqing and Gu Baixun whispered a few words.

An Yufei was carried up to the top floor by two strong bodyguards.

Gu Youxuan was also panting from crawling.

Shen Xi stretched out his hand, Gu Youxuan froze for a moment, then a blush appeared on her face.

But in the end, he handed over his hand to Shen Xi.

The moment Shen Xi held Gu Youxuan's hand, Gu Youxuan trembled slightly.

As for Shen Xi, his heart was full of joy.

Finally, he grabbed her hand again, what a familiar feeling.

But it feels very strange, it is the first time.

Weird feeling.

Gu Baixun frowned, but said nothing.

He was also surprised.

He even doubted whether Shen Xi and his granddaughter had known each other for a long time.

Otherwise, these two people are too strange.

Love at first sight is not so fast, especially the way the granddaughter looks at Shen Xi, which makes Gu Baixun very uncomfortable and hard to accept.

Anyway, to him, Shen Xi is a stranger whom he just met today.

It is impossible for him to accept Shen Xi all at once, what has he to do with his precious granddaughter.

And although Shen Xi is fair and handsome, he is not young no matter how you look at it.

His precious granddaughter is the eldest daughter of Huanghua, and she is also a lady of everyone.

You can't marry someone so big.

In Gu Boxun's normal mind, not only Shen Xi, but even any handsome guy, no matter how good he is, would not be pleasing to the eye at first.

Just like a father-in-law looking at his son-in-law, it was awkward at first.

Shen Xi pulled Gu Youxuan, Gu Youxuan's little head was muddy and dizzy.

It didn't feel like I had reached the top floor.

But Du Yueqing and Gu Baixun were still behind, walking slowly.

Shen Xi didn't let go, and directly pulled Gu Youxuan to her room.

At this time, An Yufei was already lying down on the bed in the next room.

The air conditioner in the room was on and the temperature was comfortable.

Du Junyi was already wiping with a rag.

After reaching the door of the room, Shen Xi let go. Gu Youxuan didn't dare to look at Shen Xi, and pretended to look at the room.

This night, needless to say, the small pier was very lively.

Du Yueqing and Gu Baixun did not leave, but also lived here.

In the middle of the night, the two old men were still drinking tea and chatting.

And Shen Xi started the preparations before taking the medicine.

An Yufei took medicine, because with Xiao Nizi in front, Shen Xi was not worried.

He was worried about Gu Youxuan.

Gu Youxuan used genetic medicine, and Shen Xi had no idea about the drug reaction.

He has to keep an eye on it all the time.

Fortunately, with various testing equipment, I have a very intuitive understanding of vital signs.

First, An Yufei was injected with drugs, while Du Yueqing, Gu Baixun, and Du Junyi watched from the sidelines.

I saw Shen Xi take out a blue potion from a freezing freezer.

Then shake it a few times with your hands, and wait until the temperature rises a little.

Only then did Shen Xi take out the syringe, inhale the blue medicine, and put it directly into the infusion bag.

After that, he inserted the needle on the back of An Yufei's hand quite skillfully, and hung up the infusion bag and infusion tube.

The blue medicine diluted with normal saline began to slowly inject into An Yufei's blood vessels.

"Okay, after the infusion, you are calling me."

After a confession, Shen Xi carried the freezer and left the room to the next door.

Gu Baixun hurriedly followed.

Seeing the well-behaved Gu Youxuan already lying on the bed, Shen Xi smiled.

When Gu Youxuan saw Shen Xi coming in, she was still a little nervous, but she didn't relax until her grandpa came.

This time, what Shen Xi took out was the only bottle of pink potion.

Shake it a few times in the same way, then put it aside and start preparing the syringe.

Genetic medicines are administered directly, instead of dripping.

After getting ready, Shen Xi was also a little nervous.

After glancing at the indications of the testing equipment, Shen Xi came to Gu Youxuan with a syringe filled with pink medicine.

He gave Gu Youxuan a comforting smile again, and wiped her blood vessels with a cotton ball.

Gu Boxun was also very nervous, with a complicated expression on his face.

He has no idea now.

But I also want to try it, even if the congenital heart disease cannot be cured, at least Shen Xi will not put people to death.

After all, it came from a big hospital.

Of course, this also has a gamble element.

This is also how he believes in Du Yueqing.

Believe in Du Yueqing, not in Shen Xi.

Gu Youxuan's face was very calm at the moment, looking at Shen Xi's face so close, she felt inexplicably at ease.

Yes, a very reassuring feeling.

It seems that with Shen Xi around, she never needs to worry about anything.

Especially when Shen Xi grabbed her forearm with one hand, sweetness and warmth appeared in her heart.

Gu Baixun, who was at the side, saw his granddaughter's nympho eyes, and was speechless again.

But think about it, if Shen Xi can really cure cancer and congenital heart disease, then such a grandson-in-law is hard to find in the world.

He had no reason to object.

What's more, there will be no objection, and it will even be facilitated.

With such a level of medicine, there will be unlimited existence in the future.

Not to mention, the strange people Du Yueqing mentioned.

Thinking of the stories about strange people and strangers, Gu Baixun began to look at them unaffected.

Because of Gu Youxuan, he was preconceived and did not make a clear judgment.

But now excluding the influence of his granddaughter, Gu Boxun realized that there was indeed an unusual aura between Shen Xi's brows.

It is the momentum of looking down on the world and being the only one who respects me.

This kind of momentum is very strange.

It seems that this person used to have power over the world, holding the power of life and death.

This made Gu Baixun extremely strange.

He couldn't help but frown.

This Shen Xi is not simple, he has a big secret in him.

The momentum does not match his life experience.

This phenomenon is very strange.

Shen Xi didn't notice that Gu Boxun was observing him carefully, his attention was all on Gu Youxuan.

After the injection of the medicine, he stared at the sign monitoring data.

He didn't breathe a sigh of relief until half an hour later, when all the indications were stable.

He cared too much about Gu Youxuan, and he couldn't afford to make mistakes.

(End of this chapter)

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