Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 5 005: No one is rich without windfall

Chapter 5 005: No one is rich without windfall
You can get merit points for saving lives and healing the wounded.

At this moment, Shen Xi understood the meaning of merit point, which was ignored before.

In fact, it can be understood only from the literal meaning.

What is merit?

Isn't it just saving lives and helping the wounded, accumulating virtue and doing good deeds?
Why didn't he expect that these few days were really disturbed by these adventures, and he must pay attention in the future, no matter how big the adventure is, he still needs to maintain a normal mind.

After being vigilant for a while, Shen Xi thought about it, and continued to check that spot of light.

Now that there are three merit points, since one merit point is needed to enter the small world, does one also need one to come out?
What's more, if you bring something out of the small world, don't you also need merit points?
It seems likely.

Therefore, before entering, it is better to find a way to accumulate more merit points, so as to be prepared.

Don't worry if you don't have enough merit points, and you can't get in and out, then it's really over.

Even if the Lost Realm is a small world of fairyland fragments, Shen Xi doesn't want to stay in it alone for a lifetime.

He doesn't want to be a fairy, what he likes is the world of mortals, which is colorful!

Soon, the traffic resumed, and Shen Xi continued to drive towards the real suburban wilderness.

Due to the development of the magic city in recent years, many places in Songjiang have been demolished, and the place where the light spot is located is actually a ruined village after demolition.

Not far away, there are rows of factories in the industrial area. It seems that this village will become a factory soon.

The car couldn't drive in, and there were piles of construction waste everywhere. As a last resort, Shen Xi stopped the car, took out the shovel and pick, locked the car door, picked up the shovel and pick, and walked towards the ruined village.

Fortunately, it seems that this place has been deserted for a long time, and there is no one there, not even a scavenger.

Seeing this, Shen Xi was relieved.

With the guidance of the map in the consciousness, it is easy to find the light spot.

After careful identification, Shen Xi was a little moved and also a little pleasantly surprised. The light spot was located at a dilapidated section of the foundation, especially this light spot, which was very bright, and its color was light red.

This is an old village with a long history, but the spot of light is under the foundation of the old wall. Doesn't it mean that it is likely to be a buried treasure?
The possibility was too great, Shen Xi couldn't help being surprised, at this moment, he only felt his heart pounding, this was the first time he experienced this feeling of digging for treasure, it was so exciting.

Cautiously glanced around, there was no one there, only broken bricks and tiles, and a few lonely old locust trees.

In the afternoon of early summer, the sun was already shining on people, and before digging, Shen Xi was already covered in sweat.

Most of them are caused by stress.

Without further delay, Shen Xi started digging at the spot of light.

As soon as he started, he felt sore muscles all over his body, but encouraged by the possibility of digging up treasures, he also tried his best.

Enduring physical discomfort and soreness, he dug without haste.

Moreover, he remained alert all the time, getting up from time to time to check his surroundings.

It was the first time for Shen Xi to realize the difficulty of excavating the foundation. It was also the first time that he knew that the foundation could be so hard without cement.

Time is slowly passing away, and the pit Shen Xi dug is getting deeper and deeper.

His strength drained through sweat, and he felt parched, dizzy, and exhausted.

The physical work under the sun is really too much for a person like him who has been in the hospital all year round, not to mention, he still has injuries on his body.

Under the friction between the shovel and the pickaxe, his hands were already blistered, which made him dig more slowly.

Several times, Shen Xi wanted to give up, thinking to wait two days for his body to recover before coming back, but thinking that there might be treasures buried underneath, he gritted his teeth and persisted.

He also found that when he went outdoors, he was not prepared enough, he didn't even bring a bottle of water, and he really didn't have a trace of experience.

Consciousness looking at the light spots on the map also made him realize that physical fitness needs to be exercised.

Otherwise, with his current physical strength, it would be too difficult to dig treasures.

After returning home, I must exercise well, search for more knowledge about outdoor survival, and do some learning.

You can't just rely on the impulse of a hot head.

Suddenly, he understood a little bit, no wonder there is a practice method, probably to make him have a certain ability.

I just don't know how many merit points are needed to start the road of cultivation.

While digging persistently, Shen Xi was also thinking.

Before he knew it, it was almost dusk, the sky was full of rays of light, and the hole he dug was nearly one person deep, and he could no longer see the outside because he was inside the hole.

But at this moment, there was a dull bang from where the pick fell.

Hearing the sound, he knew he had dug something, and Shen Xi's face, which was smeared with mud and sweat, showed surprise.

In an instant, it seemed that there was a huge force in the body again, the movements were agile, the pain in the hands was gone, and the whole body seemed to be full of strength.

Soon, a round object appeared, and at a glance, Shen Xi knew it was a clay pot, and his heart was extremely excited.

There are really treasures, such a big pottery pot must be buried with copper coins and the like.

I have seen in the news before that a clay pot was dug up at a construction site, and it was full of copper coins.

He didn't know if the copper coins were worth much, but he had no doubts that it would definitely help him solve the economic crisis.

At this time, he didn't think too much, and focused on digging and speeding up.

Get everything here before dark.

The clay pot was only half exposed, so Shen Xi didn't continue, and smashed the clay pot with a pickaxe.

The appearance of this pottery pot is unlikely to be such a valuable cultural relic. Instead of digging out the whole thing, it is better to smash it and take out the contents. It comes quickly.

As the clay pot was smashed, Shen Xi was completely stunned, or rather shocked.

Under the shards of pottery pots, one can see a piece of golden yellow, which is gold bars, and there are many blackened white objects, which are silver dollars.

Although he had the intention of discovering treasures, when he was actually faced with a big clay pot of gold and silver, Shen Xi was still very frightened, his heart was beating wildly.

And subconsciously swallowed his saliva, his body trembled slightly, facing the windfall, Shen Xi's psychological quality was tested for the first time.

However, he quickly realized that instead of taking the treasure, he quickly climbed out of the pit and observed the surroundings.

Even standing under the setting sun, his body was still trembling slightly.

At this moment, tension, excitement, uneasiness, all kinds of emotions appeared in his heart.

Adrenaline is also surging rapidly.

After looking around, there was still no one, and Shen Xi slowly calmed down.

He took off his clothes, jumped into the pit again, and began to pick up the gold bars and silver dollars in the pots, and put them on the clothes. Soon, the pots were all picked up.

Shen Xi lifted a few corners of his clothes, wrapped them up, and climbed out of the pit with great effort. After getting out of the pit, he still cautiously checked his surroundings.

This is a subconscious behavior, just like the guilty conscience.

He didn't leave immediately, and now that he calmed down, he thought of filling up the hole. At this time, he didn't feel tired at all, and he worked hard to fill up the hole.

He didn't stop until it was completely dark, picked up the shovel and pickaxe, and carried the heavy gold and silver, carefully groped in the dark, and left the ruins of the dilapidated village.

(End of this chapter)

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