Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 6 006: Money touches people's hearts

Chapter 6 006: Money touches people's hearts

Putting the gold and silver into the trunk, Shen Xi has a sense of peace of mind.

It was the first time he faced such a thing as digging treasures, and his state was still not very calm. Anyway, it was really exciting.

Even on the operating table, facing the cut human body, Shen Xi can remain as calm as a mountain.

But it was the first time he dug up treasures, such a windfall, but he was not calm enough.

Of course, these are actually a person's normal psychological state.

At this moment, he glanced at the map in his consciousness, and the light red spot had disappeared.

He also noted that the light red dots, including their lightness and darkness, represent gold and silver and their quantity.

So, he also carefully checked the map, how many red light dots there are, and he didn't know if he didn't see them.

It seems that he is really going to develop.

Without leaving immediately, Shen Xi sat quietly in the car, let his mentality regain his composure, and then he started the car and left slowly.

What is ownerless is not ill-gotten wealth.

Nothing to worry about, even if someone finds out, so what?

After thinking about it, I became more and more relaxed.

But at this moment, he suddenly stopped the car with a puzzled look on his face.

It turned out that I just glanced at the map unconsciously just now, but found a different place, behind the merit point, there was an extra set of numbers.


The previous merit point three is still there, but this new eleven is flickering at this time.

And a little unreal.

What do you mean?
Where did it come from?
Is it because of treasures?
For a moment, Shen Xi seemed to understand something like a blessing to his heart.

Could it be said that these gold and silver are worth eleven points of merit?
But now it can't be counted into merit points, so it needs to be spent?

Shen Xi thought about it, and felt that these wealth could not be simply spent to get those eleven merit points, which probably has something to do with accumulating virtue and doing good deeds.

It is very likely that if you spend it on yourself, you will not get merit points.

Regarding this, Shen Xi was a little bit dumbfounded, as expected, there was no such thing as a good thing that fell from the sky.

What he does seems to be for the sake of merit. This is for him to accumulate virtue and do good deeds, and save all sentient beings!
But if you spend a little on yourself, there shouldn't be anything.

At most, you won't get merit points.

He couldn't estimate the value of these gold and silver, so he had to go back and look it up, and weigh it again, so that he could roughly estimate it.

After the estimation is made, one merit point can be calculated based on the eleven merit points, which is roughly equivalent to the value of how much money.

Of course, it doesn't seem to make much practical sense to do so.

After roughly figuring it out, Shen Xi heaved a sigh of relief and drove away. A bunch of headlights streaked across the dark night and drove towards the brilliant lights in the distance.

Passing by the street, Shen Xi wanted to buy an electronic scale, but he went to several stores, but there was no such thing, so he had no choice but to buy a weighing scale.

When I returned to Mingyuan Community, it was already 07:30 in the evening, and I packed a dinner at a restaurant outside the community.

After entering the house, closing the door, and putting down the heavy load in his hand, Shen Xi felt the pain and exhaustion all over his body.

After sitting at the door for a while, I finally recovered.

This afternoon, he was tired.

Especially the mental tension, which made him very tired.

Feeling that tonight is not suitable for dinner, Shen Xi thought about it, and then said it in the group.

: I'm sorry, I feel a little unwell tonight. I took medicine and I'm going to rest early. After a few days, please brothers and sisters, have a big meal...

After the message was sent out, several nurses replied in the group, telling him to rest well and have more opportunities after dinner.

There was even a little nurse who asked him if it was okay and if he needed someone to take care of him.

Of course, Shen Xi refused. These little nurses are so open that it is unimaginable, especially those born in the [-]s, when they pursue doctors, they take the initiative to make men feel ashamed.

Telling nasty jokes and jokes, male doctors and nurses run away after hearing the news.

When I came out of the group, I received a private message from Liu Xiaodan, a resident doctor in Guipei, asking him if it was all right, and looked very worried.

Regarding this, Shen Xi was a little warm, and sent a smiling expression, saying that it was all right, but she was sleepy after taking the medicine.

Immediately afterwards, Tian Mengmeng's private message, as well as Meng Yu, Wang Wei and others, followed closely behind.

After replying one by one, they stopped.

After finishing it, his energy recovered, Shen Xi got up and went to the bathroom to take a bath, and after taking a hot bath, he felt much more comfortable.

But the soreness on his body and the blood blisters on his palms made him very uncomfortable.

He did farm work when he was a child, but after so many years, his hands are too tender.

He was already injured, and he had been digging all afternoon, so his muscles were trembling at this moment, and his arms were trembling uncontrollably.

He fetched a big bag, found some medicine and ate it. He didn't rush to clean up the gold and silver, so he ate first.

After eating and drinking enough, Shen Xi carried the gold and silver into the bathroom and began to wash.

After washing and drying, start counting. There are 37 gold bars, with a single weight of 310 grams and a total weight of 11534 grams.

Seeing this weight, Shen Xi's heart beat wildly again, then he picked up his mobile phone to check the current gold price, made a calculation in his mind, and was tongue-tied.

Nearly 500 million gold.

It was so shocking, Shen Xi has been a doctor for so many years, when did he see so much money.

It took a long time before he calmed down again.

The old saying is true, money touches people's hearts, no matter how calm a person is, it is impossible to be calm in the face of huge wealth, let alone dug it out by himself.

It's like the excitement of winning the jackpot when you buy a lottery ticket.

If a normal person picks up 100 yuan on the road, it is estimated that they will be able to enjoy it for a long time.

If you grab a red envelope in the group, you will be excited if you grab one or two yuan.

This is the pleasure of getting something for nothing.

One can imagine Shen Xi's mood when facing this pile of gold bars.

Then began to count the silver dollars, the amount of silver dollars is not small, 300 yuan integer.

Shen Xi began to examine it carefully. It was Yuan Datou who lived in the third year of the Republic of China. From this, he could guess the approximate time when this batch of gold and silver was buried.

At that time, there were many rich people in the Songhu area, and this wealth is not surprising.

Continue to check the phone, enter silver dollars, and a lot of information comes out.

Selling to collectors, the price of a Yuan Datou in three years is about seven hundred to nine hundred.

Three hundred Yuan Datou, almost 10,000+.

Facing this number, Shen Xi was already very calm, and even felt a little less.

The main reason is that I have experienced more than 400 million gold bars before, and my psychology is different for 10,000+ silver dollars.

After the surprise, it is time to consider how to make a move.

Silver dollars can be contacted with collectors, but the number of gold bars is a bit large and there is no evidence, so I don’t know if there will be any trouble if I sell them.

Shen Xi naturally wouldn't hoard this thing, cashing in is the first choice.

Now he needs money, and he won't feel at ease if he doesn't realize this thing and put it at home.

So next, he went online, looking for information on gold sales.

(End of this chapter)

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