Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 81 Chapter 081: Emerald Jade Exhibition

Chapter 81 Chapter 081: Emerald Jade Exhibition (Please recommend, please collect, please support!)

After Gu Youxuan came back from the old house of the Gu family, she took out the bag of wild fruits.

The family didn't take it seriously, they didn't eat any kind of fruit.

It can be said that they have eaten rare and exotic fruits from all over the world, let alone these wild fruits.

However, Gu Baixun was very curious, looking at the cleaned plate of wild fruits, vermilion in color, about the size of a plum, and oval in shape, it was very beautiful.

He couldn't recognize the type of fruit like this.

So curiously picked one up, put it to his mouth, and took a bite.

Gu Baixun's eyes suddenly lit up as the juice entered his mouth.

Gu Youxuan stood aside and smiled, and said at this time: "It's delicious! I ate one on the way back. It was unimaginably delicious, sweet and fragrant, and full of body fluids.

Especially after eating, the breath in my mouth has a fruity aroma, I said how does the taste in Shenxi's mouth..."

Speaking of this, Gu Youxuan suddenly realized that she had slipped her tongue.

Immediately, he blushed.

Gu Baixun and Gu Youxuan's parents, uncles, aunts, cousins ​​and others were taken aback for a moment, then laughed.

Gu Baixun looked at his granddaughter dotingly, and said with a smile: "My little princess has grown up, it's okay, very good!"

According to the old man, the last two are good, and the Gu family can't help but sigh.

It has been 20 years since I was born with congenital heart disease, and I have been worried for 20 years. I thought I would leave at any time. I didn't expect the congenital heart disease to be cured, and I have grown up to have a partner.

"Come, come, eat them all, good things, it's a good thing for a girl to have a partner, a happy event, except for Shen Xi to bring out this kind of fruit, otherwise, you won't be able to eat it in your life, and you won't be able to eat it even if you have money..."

What Gu Boxun said was not an exaggeration. After taking a bite, he realized that it was not an ordinary thing.

Sure enough, each of the ancient family members took a bite, and everyone's eyes lit up.

Seeing this scene, Gu Youxuan was very happy, and her heart was sweet!

In Pudong Convention and Exhibition Center, Shen Xi and Gu Youxuan walked hand in hand.

Gu Baixun and Du Yueqing were walking behind, seeing the intimacy of the two in front, Du Yueqing smiled and said: "Take the dragon to be a son-in-law, there is nothing better than this, but it's a pity that my granddaughter never falls in love.

I want to be famous all day long, to be a big star, alas! "

"Haha, Lao Du, don't be so sour, Shen Xi is very human, I don't mind if he has another An Yufei."

Hearing this, Du Yueqing glared at Gu Baixun, "I thought Shen Xi was just like you, old and outmoded."

Gu Baixun didn't admit it, and fought back: "Hey, I'm not serious? Ah! You think I don't know about that crap? Hmph, Tibet thinks others are blind."

I'll go, Du Yueqing looked at Gu Baixun in astonishment.

"You investigate me?"

"I'm too lazy to talk to you, I'm not that free yet, I'm investigating you, I'm sorry!"

"Then how did you know?"

"Go back and ask your boss, your little shit, look at your future, your wife has been dead for 800 years, you are afraid of a ball! Sneaky..."

"Hey! I'm not worried about the objection of my children and grandchildren. Forget it, let's not talk about it. The young couple went in. Let's hurry up..."

The two old guys stopped arguing and speeded up to keep up.

Followed by four bodyguards, followed closely behind.

In the exhibition hall, there was already a constant flow of people coming and going.

Each glass cabinet was lit with white light, making the inside of the cabinet white.

A piece of jewelry made of emerald, jade and precious stones is shining brightly and full of endless allure.

Gu Youxuan took Shen Xi's arm, and the two watched slowly, Shen Xi also learned from it, let go of his spiritual sense, and checked the fineness of jadeite and jade, and the subtle differences in his spiritual sense.

There are also diamonds and gems, how to distinguish them, and what state is under the spiritual consciousness.

Gu Baixun and Du Yueqing were not interested, they were sitting in the rest area chatting.

One of the bodyguards, seeing the crowds in the hall, was a little worried about Miss, and wanted to follow to protect her, but was stopped by Gu Baixun.

With a master like Shen Xi by his side, there is no need to worry.

After watching the hall, Shen Xi and Du Yueqing Gu Baixun met and walked inside together.

In the original stone exhibition hall, there are a lot fewer people.

There are not only raw stones of emerald and white jade, but also raw ores of various gemstones and diamonds.

It was an eye-opener for Shen Xi.

During the period, he also saw the raw ore of the crystal, which was not very large, and in terms of transparency, it was much worse than his one.

While Shen Xi was studying the rough jadeite, the founder of Jin Yu Yuan, Mr. Xu Laifu, finally rushed over.

The arrival of Du Yueqing and Gu Baixun surprised Xu Laifu.

Of course, I am also very happy.

His coffee position is not as good as the two of them. Similarly, he is also an outsider, while Du Yueqing and Gu Baixun are from a wealthy local family.

The three of them were polite, and then, Gu Baixun introduced Shen Xi.

"Boss Xu, let me introduce you. This is my granddaughter's boyfriend, Mr. Shen Xi. This is my granddaughter, Gu Youxuan. Please take care of me, Boss Xu."

When Du Yueqing heard this old guy's introduction, he was speechless. The old guy couldn't wait to show the world that Shen Xi was his grandson-in-law.

"Where do you need my attention, Gu Gu, you are polite." Xu Laifu is not young, and he is about the same as Du Gu Gu. After speaking, he stretched out his hand to Shen Xi and Gu Youxuan, and said with a smile: "Hello, Mr. Shen, hello Ms. Gu."

After some polite greetings, the group was invited into the auction hall by Xu Laifu.

This hall is not arranged in rows of seats, but in sets of sofas and tea tables, forming small environments where relatives and friends can gather alone.

Around the hall, there are rows of shelves, on which are placed auction items, among which there are many rough stones, all of which are numbered.

There were already many people watching closely, Xu Laifu apologized after a few polite words and left to get busy.

Shen Xi didn't sit down, but walked over.

He wanted to use his spiritual sense to check the rough stone first, so that he knew what it was.

Gu Youxuan wanted to follow, but was held back by Du Yueqing.

"Don't follow me all the time, you have to stay away. You have never been in a relationship and don't understand. You have to learn how to make a man unable to leave you, not that you cannot leave him.

As the old saying goes, a fair lady, a gentleman loves to be rich, and she can't get what she wants, and she tosses and turns, understand! "

Du Yueqing's words made Gu Youxuan look thoughtful.

But Gu Baixun was not happy, "Don't listen to your grandpa Du's nonsense, good ones don't teach, just teach things that destroy feelings, you have ulterior motives!"

Gu Youxuan smiled when she heard the words, immediately ignored Du Yueqing, turned around and chased after Shen Xi.

"Haha, Old Gu, I'm just looking at the little girl's simplicity, and I'm afraid she will suffer."

"There's nothing wrong with being simple. He won't want someone like Shen Xi and a woman with a lot of heart. Be careful in the future, don't make any trouble. Let's go, let's go and have a look.

Hehe, remember to get the island procedures ready!"

"The outcome is not decided, and it is not certain who will win."

The two old fellows also took steps to find the rough stone to bet on. Gu Youxuan came to Shen Xi's side and held Shen Xi's hand.

Shen Xi turned her head and smiled at her, and said, "What kind of jade do you like?"

"Glass species, light green is the best."

Gu Youxuan replied without thinking, in fact, she has a lot of these things in her house, but there are very few top quality ones.

"I think this one is very good, on the 26th, I will buy it for you later."

"This is the rough stone, fool, how do you know it's what I want?"

"What? No?"

"Yes, even if it's just a stone, I want it."

(On Monday, the data will be refreshed. This book has only been on the new book list for a few days. Book friends, please support me, thank you!)

(End of this chapter)

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