Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 82 Chapter 082: Horror, who is the opponent

Chapter 82 Chapter 082: Horror, who is the opponent
Shen Xi saw this piece, numbered 26, which was made of glass.

Originally the color was light green, Shen Xi still felt it was a pity, but after hearing Gu Youxuan's words, he decided to shoot it later.

This piece of rough stone is not small, but the real high-quality stone is only as big as a fist.

The edge part is too poor in quality, with uneven dispersion and ice cracks.

Taking a look at the starting price, [-], Shen Xi thought it was okay, and the price was very high.

Since Gu Youxuan agreed, then this piece must be won.

Xu Laifu, the boss of Jin Yuyuan, is also a talent, he actually innovated and came up with such a way to sell rough stones.

It is also interesting to set the starting price and change the rules of stone betting.

Of course, he can make more money, he is worthy of being a businessman, old fox!

"This one looks pretty good, NO.19, I'll take a picture of it in a while, and it's a good jadeite, I'll carve jade pendants for you or something."

Gu Youxuan took a fancy to a rough stone with green skin, and said excitedly.

This kind of rough stone bet is of little value.

Because at a glance, any fool would know that emeralds can be produced.

So Gu Youxuan saw it, and she was very happy.

Shen Xi was very speechless, this girl is so innocent.

You can tell from the auction price, 50.

It is half smaller than the original number 26!

In the end, it was photographed, and if it was less than 200 million, I would definitely not be able to get it.

It's just that with a sweep of Shen Xi's consciousness, a vague smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"You seem to be smiling."

After Gu Youxuan finished speaking, she waited for Shen Xi to speak, so she saw Shen Xi's faint smile.

Shen Xi nodded, and said in a low voice: "I don't think this one is good, the stone belt is green, what does it mean?"

Gu Youxuan didn't understand, and asked curiously, "What?"

"It means it's impure! There are many dispersion impurities, and it's easy to get the worst grade of jadeite."

When Gu Youxuan heard it, she felt that it made sense, and she nodded as if she had realized something.

In fact, she didn't know that Shen Xi was just fooling around.

It's just that the divine sense has seen the inside clearly.

The two continued to watch, when Shen Xi suddenly stopped, stopping in front of a boulder.

This rough stone is really big, it is estimated to weigh five or six hundred kilograms.

The shape is irregular, and there are still stones left in some places, which makes people feel uncertain at first glance.

But when Shen Xi saw it, he was pleasantly surprised. Inside this boulder, there was a top-quality glass species, and it was very, very large.

After removing the stone skin, he estimated that there were three to four hundred kilograms of jade.

And they are all top-quality glass, especially the color, which is very bright and even.

Seeing this color, Shen Xi thought of imperial green.

Although he had never seen Emperor Green, he had heard of it.

He guessed that the color of this piece was probably imperial green.

The imperial green glass jadeite is so big that its value is immeasurable.

Looking at the auction reserve price again, Shen Xi was overjoyed, one hundred thousand.

There is a play, and the possibility of missing it is very high.

On the 37th, Shen Xi kept it in his heart.

"This one is so big, it looks like a rock! It has edges and corners, how could there be emeralds in it, Boss Xu couldn't be fooling people, right?"

Gu Youxuan stretched out her hand to touch it, and bent down to look down, muttering.

"Let's go! Let's continue to look."

Shen Xi pulled Gu Youxuan and continued to search.

He only looks for glass species, and the ice species is basically just knowing what he knows.

In the Hetian jade raw stone area, unlike jadeite, many of the raw stones of Hetian jade look like pebbles.

There are two kinds of yellow skin and black skin.

Of course, there are also yellow and white, black and white.

Don't think that if the yellow belt is white, there must be good jade, many of them are really pebbles.

There are too many Tibetan friends who are fooled by this thing.

Some people spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy it back, but they are reluctant to open it, and store it as seed material, but when it is finally opened, it is a pebble.

It's just that the stone skin is beautiful.

It's just crystal rock, and the lighting is also very good, which can confuse people the most.

Not to mention that there are still a lot of fakes, dyed with Russian materials and sold as Hotan seed materials, there are too many.

Among Hetian jade, there is also aniseed.

No, Shen Xi took another fancy piece, which was twice as big as the washbasin.

Among them is the real mutton fat white jade, the jade material has no trace of impurities, it is delicate and oily, really like a piece of mutton fat.

There are so many Hetian jade raw stones, and they are of the best quality in such a short time.

Great value.

With such a large size and this quality, it can be sold for tens of millions.

Glancing at the starting price, it was an integer of 100 million.

With this starting price, Shen Xi was not surprised, the color of the stone skin was really good, burnt yellow with a little whitish.

Just the epidermis seems to be able to see the greasy feeling.

Shen Xi estimates that if there is no 300 million, it is very likely that he will not be able to get it.

But at this moment, an acquaintance walked up to him.

Wu Binhua, the CEO of Gemdale Corporation.

The father of Wu Zekai and Wu Zexuan's brothers can be described as an old enemy.

Wu Binhua was also taken aback when he saw Shen Xi, then looked at Gu Youxuan who was holding hands, and couldn't help but sneer.

The cooperation with the Gu family has failed, and he doesn't have to give Gu Youxuan a good face.

Next to Wu Binhua was a stylishly dressed beauty in her 30s, with the appearance of a famous lady.

The arrogance is written all over his face, and his body is full of famous brands.

Seeing Wu Binhua stop and look at the men and women in front of her, she also looked at them proudly.

Shen Xi is naturally not that superficial, and said with a smile: "Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Wu, you also come to the auction."

But Wu Binhua let out a cold snort, and walked past the two of Shen Xi.

And that noble lady, understanding Wu Binhua's attitude, also sneered, with a look of contempt all over her face.

Gu Youxuan was very annoyed, and the two of them were too rude.

Shen Xi patted Gu Youxuan, said with a faint smile: "It's not worth getting angry with this kind of person, let's go, let's go over there and see if there is any gemstone you like."

Gu Youxuan nodded, calmed down, thinking about it, it's really useless to be angry with such a low-quality person.

Actually, Gu Youxuan was angry mainly because of Shen Xi.

She can't see people treating Shen Xi like this.

Shen Xi doesn't want to cause trouble today, he just wants to earn some money, and before going abroad, he can spend it peacefully, and doesn't want to cause trouble.

But a lot of times it is like this, a word can start a war.

Wu Binhua heard Shen Xi's words, he endured it, and didn't say anything.

But when the woman heard Shen Xi's words, she immediately exploded, "Who are you talking about? What kind of person is it?"

Shen Xi couldn't help raising his brows, this woman is really arrogant, thinking that if she becomes a rich man, she is a famous lady?

Look down on anyone?

Do you think Wu Binhua is the most powerful, able to cover everything?
"Wu Binhua, take care of your mistress, don't yell."

Shen Xi is not polite, and will no longer calm down.

Well, this time, the woman completely exploded.

"You're a scumbag, a slob, and you want to see it, oh wrong, I'm so angry when I see you..."

Alright, this woman was so angry that she spoke in the devil's dialect.

This speed of speech is even more astonishing.

This is scolding Shen Xi!

You are a garbage picker, disgusting to death, dirty, I hate you when I see you.

Shen Xi was also drunk, and it was a headache to meet a local woman.

He can understand, but it is not easy to speak, let alone quarrel.

The combat power of the women in the quarreling city is off the charts.

Because the speed of the speech came up, I couldn't understand what I was cursing at all.

This is recognized as the dialect with the fastest speaking speed. The opponent has not yet reacted to the swearing of the eloquent words!
So terrifying, who is the opponent.

If Gu Youxuan scolded her, forget it, how could such a simple little girl be this woman's opponent.

One look at this woman is very aggressive.

(Thanks to the book friend, the girl and the carrot are in love, Qianshang supports! This name, this is a book friend with very connotation.)
(End of this chapter)

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