Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 83: Chapter 083

Chapter 83: Chapter 083

Sure enough, Gu Youxuan was at a loss.

Shen Xi didn't want to scold each other, and if he did it, it wouldn't be worth it.

At this time, the organizer's staff also came over, and Gu Baixun and Du Yueqing also arrived with cold faces.

When Wu Binhua saw Gu and Du, he was immediately timid, and pulled the woman who was about to have a big fight, and left the place.

The woman was stumbled by Wu Binhua and wanted to get mad at Wu Binhua.

But being stared at by Wu Binhua, he dared not make a sound for an instant.

An inexplicable episode disappeared like this.

Gu Baixun and Du Yueqing didn't ask any questions, they just wrote down Wu Binhua.

Shen Xi could tell from the eyes of the two of them that Wu Binhua might be in trouble in the future.

Then continue to watch and check, turn around, and Shen Xi has gained a lot.

Not only to find good things, but the most important thing is to see gemstones of various categories and qualities.

With divine consciousness, it will be very convenient for him to identify these things in the future.

Then the group sat down, and the staff brought coffee and tea, waiting for the auction to start.

During this period, many wealthy businessmen greeted Gu Baixun and Du Yueqing with polite greetings.

Shen Xi and Gu Youxuan sometimes had to get up to shake hands with others.

It's like a party for business tycoons.

Following Gu Baixun's direct introduction, many bigwigs in the business world also remembered the name of Shenxi.

Of course, Shen Xi also met many people because of this.

Not to mention, among the people who came here, only Gu Baixun and Du Yueqing were the oldest.

When there is an auction at their age, it should also be an auction of antique calligraphy and paintings, not emerald gemstones.

Of course, there are also old people who like to hide emeralds deeply.

Time flies, almost all the people who should come have arrived, and the auction has started.

Everyone in the hall sat down, the staff began to hand out price tags, and the auctioneer also appeared on the stage.

Lots are numbered, so the order starts with number one.

Although there are many rough stones with hundreds of markings, the auctioneer is not sloppy and the speed is very fast.

One number shouted out the low price, but no one raised the placard three times, and the auction was immediately passed, and the next number went on.

This one in Shenxi, until number seven, no one made a move.

But when the number eight was called, Du Yueqing and Gu Baixun raised their cards almost at the same time.

Both of them are actually optimistic about the No. [-] rough stone.

Shen Xi thought for a while, remembered No. [-], and couldn't help smiling.

The golden body is divine and soul, and the memory can be called terrifying.

In the end, this No. [-] rough stone was bought by Du Yueqing. Old Du was grinning, as if he was very confident in this piece.

Gu Baixun was not disappointed either, and there were several rough stones he was optimistic about.

At this time, the staff came over, and after confirming with Du Yueqing, they took the No. [-] rough stone and went to the next door for on-site cutting.

Soon, the rough stone was cut open, cleaned, put on a plate, and sent to Du Yueqing by the staff.

Not bad, no loss, should make a small profit of 10,000+.

Du Yueqing looked at Gu Baixun complacently, but Gu Baixun ignored him.

Soon it came to NO.19, which was the piece that Gu Youxuan was optimistic about. The stone skin was green, and it seemed that it could produce good jade.

The starting price was 50 yuan, and as soon as the auctioneer called out the price, several people began to bid.

Shen Xi took a glance, and actually saw Wu Binhua among them.

Sure enough, they were all confused by the stone skin of the original stone.

The bidders don't want to miss out, they just want to make a profit, and maybe they can make a profit if they buy it.

When only Wu Binhua and a middle-aged woman were left, the price reached 100 million, with an increase of [-] each time.

At this time, Shen Xi suddenly raised a placard, [-] million.

He could see that Wu Binhua seemed determined to win, and he was influenced by the woman beside him.

So, explore the way, see if you can stir it up, and give it a shot.

After shouting the price, Wu Binhua and the middle-aged woman all looked over.

But Shen Xi made a provocative expression towards Wu Binhua and the woman beside him.

Wu Binhua knew that Shen Xi was like this, it was obviously revenge.

If you sneer in your heart, if you overestimate your capabilities, then I will play you to death.

He had seen this piece of rough stone before, and based on the greenish skin of the stone, he estimated that he could get a jade material worth less than 500 million yuan.

Let's see if Shen Xi dares to raise it to 500 million.

Seeing the piece No. 19 that Shen Xi shot, Gu Youxuan was a little taken aback, didn't she say that piece is not good?
And Du Yueqing and Gu Baixun also became interested.

The two of them naturally saw that Shen Xi was provoking Wu Binhua, so they waited to watch the show.

Then there was another bid, and finally when it reached 200 million, the middle-aged rich woman withdrew, and only Shen Xi and Wu Binhua were left to compete.

Seeing that the middle-aged rich woman had withdrawn, Shen Xi immediately raised the price all at once.


With a price increase of 100 million, everyone cheered up.

Many people like to watch this kind of secret rivalry.

Especially knowing that there is a bit of conflict between the two, I am even more curious about who will win and who will lose.

Wu Binhua was calm on the surface, but secretly happy in his heart.

Then fuck this idiot.

He decided to call the price only once. With Shen Xi's current state, he would definitely follow up, but he would not follow up again.

At this time, the auctioneer is shouting 300 million for the second time.

But Wu Binhua's woman was in a hurry, how could she be compared to that little bastard, so she urged Wu Binhua, "Shout! Are you scared?"

Wu Binhua glanced at this superficial woman before Shi Shiran raised his sign, "500 million."

After shouting, he turned around and gave Shen Xi a provocative look.

It seems to be saying, you add 100 million, I add 200 million, you can follow if you have the ability!
When Wu Binhua's woman heard Wu Binhua call out the price, she looked over proudly.

Everyone looked at Shen Xi at this moment, thinking that Shen Xi would definitely come again.

But what was surprising was that Shen Xi picked up the teacup, took a sip slowly, and said: "Since Mr. Wu is determined to win, then I am the beauty of an adult."

When Shen Xi said these words, Wu Binhua almost swallowed his old blood, waiting for him to cheat Shen Xi, but he didn't expect this guy to stop following him.

Fortunately, it should not be a loss. The rough stone is a value-preserving material at first glance, just like a rough stone with a window.

The head of the pan-green stone skin is also good, and the quality should be a gamble.

Maybe there is still some money to be made.

When the staff came over, Wu Binhua naturally chose to open it on the spot.

He also wanted to use this to save face, and let Shen Xi and everyone else see that 500 million is not a loss.

Yes, he is betting again.

Du Yueqing and Gu Baixun looked at each other and smiled, Shen Xi was a cunning kid, so he accepted it as soon as he was good.

The last price increase cost Wu Binhua 300 million.

And he accepts as soon as he sees it, the precision of Wu Binhua's psychology is not to be underestimated!

I just don't know what material can be obtained from that rough stone.

The auction continued, but Wu Binhua and the two were restless and unable to meditate.

Not long after, the staff came out and put the rough stone in front of Wu Binhua.

Many people were curious and got up to watch.

But Wu Binhua had an ugly face. The rough stone that was opened was indeed green, but the quality was inferior, with uneven color, many impurities, and full of ice cracks.

The reserve price of 50 is not worth it, and whoever buys it will be cheated.

Many people left after watching it in whispers, which made Wu Binhua even more ashamed and annoyed.

Money is a trivial matter, the key is losing face.

Being tricked by a young man is not a matter of more money and less money.

Thinking of Shen Xi hitting his two sons twice in a row, he became even more angry.

Wu Binhua's woman, seeing the cut rough stone and Wu Binhua's face and eyes, was too frightened to speak out.

But at this time, what was even more irritating was that Shen Xi got up and walked to Wu Binhua's side. After looking at it, he clicked his tongue.

Then he returned with a laugh.

This time, Wu Binhua was so angry that he almost lost control of his anger.

Du Yueqing and Gu Baixun shook their heads and smiled wryly. This Shenxi was a bit childish, but Gu Youxuan was very happy and relieved.

Many people think that Shenxi is childish, but no one knows that he did this to lay the groundwork for taking down that huge top-level glass emperor green in a while.

(Three chapters end today, please support!)

(End of this chapter)

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