Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 84 Chapter 084: Haze Stone Exposure

Chapter 84 Chapter 084: Haze Stone Exposure

The auction continued, with some unsold and some sold.

There were no more disputes, and many people came here just to have fun.

Hundreds of thousands and millions are really nothing to the people present.

Soon it was the 26th, and Shen Xi took it easily.

When he bid, basically many people gave face, and they didn't want to argue with Wu Binhua like that.

Gu Baixun finally bought No. 31. The price was about the same as Du Yueqing's, but there was a small surprise when he opened it. Although the ice jadeite was not big, it was definitely more valuable than Du Yueqing's.

Du Yueqing was also speechless, unexpectedly being brought together by Old Gu Meng.

I'm willing to bet and admit defeat, it's just a small island.

Finally arrived at the boulder, number 37.

The starting price was only [-], and Shen Xi didn't bid immediately.

But after the auctioneer shouted, there was a brief silence. Is this the rhythm of passing the auction?
Just as Shen Xi was about to raise his placard, Wu Binhua suddenly raised his placard.

This guy is also a thief, and when he saw the cold scene, he wanted to spend one hundred thousand for a gamble.

Shen Xi immediately stopped hesitating, since Wu Binhua cooperated so much, then he will do it again.

Repeating the old trick, Shen Xi shouted: "One million."

After shouting, he looked at Wu Binhua with a provocative expression, needless to say.

Seeing this, the people present all thought that Shen Xi deliberately made trouble with Wu Binhua, and wanted to cheat Wu Binhua again.

Will Wu Binhua fall twice in the same pit?
Obviously not.

So Wu Binhua laughed and stopped shouting.

Shen Xi deliberately showed a depressed look, and after the auctioneer said three times, the largest rough stone belonged to him.

It's so big, naturally it won't be cut open on the spot.

Shen Xi also didn't want to attract too much attention.

Choose to be low key.

Waiting for another promising piece of top-grade suet white jade.

If that piece is won, today's trip will be very rewarding, with nearly [-] million.

Gu Youxuan thought that Shen Xi had screwed up, so she couldn't stop laughing.

Shen Xi smiled meaningfully.

Time passed by in a hurry, and finally I waited for the piece of mutton fat white jade seed material, No. 83.

The starting price is 100 million.

As soon as the auctioneer finished speaking, four or five people raised their cards.

Shen Xi glanced at Wu Binhua, that guy was obviously silent.

He simply waited a while.

The price kept rising, quickly reaching 250 million, and still rising.

Du Yueqing and Gu Baixun were both paying attention to Shen Xi's expression, and could vaguely see that Shen Xi seemed to be very interested in this lot.

Although he pretended to be indifferent, how could he escape the eyes of the two old guys.

Shen Xi is also thinking in his heart at this moment, how to win it.

When the price reached 300 million, Gu Youxuan suddenly picked up the sign and shouted, "400 million."

Gu Youxuan is very sensitive, how could she not be aware of Shen Xi's thoughts.

So she also imitated Shen Xi, wanting to make a bid to set the price.

Seeing this, Shen Xi smiled lightly, and gave Gu Youxuan a look of praise.

This time, Gu Youxuan was relieved.

At the same time, she was also a little nervous. It was the first time she participated in the auction and the first time she called for a price. Her little head was also quickly analyzing how much she should call if someone followed her.

Is it 500 million or 600 million?

Sure enough, after a brief pause, someone raised a sign and shouted 450 million.

Although Gu Youxuan's quotation caused many people to return it, there were also some who knew the price.

Seeing this, Gu Youxuan looked at Shen Xi, a little undecided, Shen Xi whispered, "Add [-]."

After receiving Shen Xi's instruction, Gu Youxuan immediately calmed down, "450 million."

The man pondered for a while, "500 million."

Gu Youxuan didn't need Shen Xi to teach her this time, and immediately called out five million and fifty thousand.

That's right, that person gave up completely, and couldn't figure out Gu Youxuan's way.

I also don't want to offend Gu Baixun for a piece of jade.

In the end, this piece of suet white jade was sold for [-] million, and was won by Shen Xi.

Gu Youxuan's face flushed with excitement, it was too exciting.

If the little heart hadn't been healed, it might have been so excited that it stopped beating at this time.

Gu Baixun nodded to the man to show his thanks.

That man was in real estate, and he was very happy to see this.

Everyone present, who didn't give Gu Baixun and Du Yueqing face, from the two of them raised their cards, it can be seen that basically they can win as soon as they bid.

This is the influence of status, so they generally do not participate in this kind of auction.

The two most promising pieces were won, and Shen Xi was also a little happy.

This feeling is so good, God sense is cheating, everything is under control.

It seems that I have time to go to Myanmar, search for some top-notch goods and come back, so that the master sculptor Xu Changhuai can carve some decorations, which can be given away or placed in his own home.

By the way, thinking of his own home, Shen Xi thought of the real estate agency, why there is no news yet.

Shouldn't it be?

According to the occupancy rate of Ziyuan, someone should make a move, right?
But after thinking about it, Shen Xi felt that he shouldn't spend hundreds of millions to buy it in Shanghai.

After the Philippines comes back, make plans!

At noon, the first half of the auction ended, and Shen Xi in the afternoon didn't want to participate anymore.

Gu Baixun paid for Shen Xi, and Xu Laifu will deliver the lot to the designated place.

Shen Xi thought for a while, he didn't need to bring this thing home, let alone send it into Lost Realm.

Simply let Gu Baixun handle it.

After the formalities were completed, Shen Xi and his group left the auction hall, Gu Youxuan went to the bathroom, and Shen Xi walked slowly with Du Yueqing and Gu Baixun.

While walking and waiting, we soon arrived at the exhibition hall.

The three of them stopped, and several bodyguards scattered around. Shen Xi turned his head and saw Gu Youxuan coming, so he didn't care, and continued to chat with the second elder.

He explained that he was going to go out in a few days.

Especially the brothers and sisters in the seaside villa, he also told Du Yueqing to take care of them.

There is also the matter of Li Fang and the other three preparing for the rescue fund.

Going out this time, first go to the capital to treat the old man Qin Peilong.

When you are done, you will fly directly from the capital to Manila.

In any case, it is a treasure hunt, in which the risks and time cannot be controlled.

Don't know how long it will take to come back.

With the care of the elders, he is also relieved.

Du Yueqing was just about to ask where Shen Xi was going, and wanted such an explanation, but at this moment, there was an exclamation.


As soon as they heard the voice, they knew it was Gu Youxuan. Gu Baixun and Du Yueqing immediately changed their faces and turned to look.

Seeing Gu Youxuan rushing forward and about to fall, both of them were startled.

However, Shen Xi had already disappeared from the two of them, and had already arrived at Gu Youxuan's side, hugging Gu Youxuan who was about to fall to the ground.

The speed was so fast that it was unimaginable, Gu Baixun and Du Yueqing's eyes showed shock.

He was still beside the two just now, why did he get there in the blink of an eye?

Gu Youxuan, who was in a panic, felt that someone was hugging her, so she struggled to push her away.

But when she saw that it was Shen Xi, she was relieved, collapsed into Shen Xi's arms, and laughed.

"Nice to have you!"

Shen Xi smiled, "Such an adult, don't walk carefully."

After finishing speaking, she helped Gu Youxuan up, and Gu Youxuan looked at the crowd and said, "Someone deliberately tripped me, and I saw a foot sticking out suddenly."

Hearing this, Shen Xi's face instantly turned cold.

Gu Baixun and Du Yueqing also rushed over. Hearing these words, both of them were equally angry.

Among the crowd, Shen Xi saw Wu Binhua and that lady-like lady at a glance.

Wu Binhua's woman, seeing Shen Xi and others looking over, smiled proudly, and said lightly: "I'm sorry, I was careless just now, how can you say that you tripped you on purpose?"


As soon as the woman finished speaking, she was slapped on the face and took two steps back, startled and angry.

Everyone around was also stunned at this moment, looking at the beating young man in disbelief.

Only Gu Baixun and Du Yueqing's reaction to Shen Xi was not surprising.

If Shen Xi could hold back at this time, he would not be ruthless.

The most important thing is that Du Yueqing, Gu Baixun, and Shen Xi all know that Gu Youxuan will not lie.

Wu Binhua didn't expect this guy to hit people without any scruples on such an occasion.

Although I don't like my female partner's deliberate provocation, but now I can't admit that I am cowardly, so I am ready to speak.

But unexpectedly, when he reached the point of his mouth, he stopped, and stared blankly at Gu Youxuan in Shen Xi's arms.

The onlookers at this moment were also the same, staring at Gu Youxuan in amazement.

It turned out that she almost fell down just now, but the Yanxia Stone that hung Gu Youxuan around her neck was exposed.

At this moment, the haze stone is changing with blurred colors.

Even the woman who was beaten looked at her in astonishment and greed, forgetting the heat on her face.

Gu Youxuan found that everyone's eyes were wrong, she quickly lowered her head, and when she saw it, she was startled, and hurriedly stuffed the Yanxia Stone into her collar.

(I am trying to speed up the pace, enter the main plot as soon as possible, and start the bloody and bloody overseas treasure hunting road! Some plots have also been cancelled, so as not to stimulate the glass hearts of some book friends, let’s be simple and straightforward! It seems that I also It is suitable for writing simple and direct ones. Let me just say that this book has a single heroine. I don’t know if the protagonist will be drunk and messy.
(End of this chapter)

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