Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 85 Chapter 085: Emergency Treatment

Chapter 85 Chapter 085: Emergency Treatment

The place was silent.

Countless rich men are curious, and many women are full of greed.

What was that just now?
It's so beautiful, it's a gem, it's a rare treasure.

It is impossible for Gu Baixun's granddaughter to carry a plastic electronic product that changes color.

Du Yueqing glanced at Shen Xi, and knew that he must have taken out that thing.

Gu Baixun naturally thought of this too.

However, neither of them showed joy, but a look of worry.

The strange treasure touches people's hearts, and the crime of pregnant Bi is really not just for fun.

It will really kill people.

Not too many outlaws.

What's more, such a peerless thing will cause so much trouble.

Shen Xi looked around with a solemn expression. In just a short time, someone had already taken a video.

Nowadays, the speed at which people can shoot videos is astonishing.

Not to mention that there was still a conflict just now, many people wanted to take pictures and send them to Moments.

Now he also realizes that Yanxia Stone will pose a personal threat to Gu Youxuan.

It is conceivable what kind of sensation and suspicion will be caused by such a public exposure.

Looking at the greedy eyes of these people around, you can tell how big the trouble is.

The conflict disappeared abruptly. Both Wu Binhua and the woman seemed to have forgotten about being beaten. They looked at Gu Youxuan with unkind eyes, full of probing and coveting.

After making a quick judgment in his heart, Shen Xi possessed himself and whispered in Gu Youxuan's ear, "Take out the Yanxia Stone, and I will find a way to find you a better one in the future."

Gu Youxuan is Bingxue smart, so she naturally knows that she cannot be covered up, the more she is covered up, the more dangerous she is.

What's more, Shen Xi said that he would find another piece for her.

She was not reluctant to bear this gem, but rather, this was the first gift Shen Xi gave her.

Smiling and nodding, Gu Youxuan took off the Yanxia Stone.

Somewhat reluctance to put it in Shen Xi's hands.

Seeing her small appearance, Shen Xi couldn't help rubbing her head affectionately.

Afterwards, Shen Xi raised his hand and held up the Yanxia Stone, showing it to everyone.

At this moment, everyone in the exhibition hall was attracted.

At this moment, the beauty of Haze Stone overwhelms all the gemstones in the exhibition.

Gu Youxuan didn't understand why Shen Xi did this, but Gu Baixun showed his appreciation, Du Yueqing smiled, and said to Gu Baixun in a low voice: "You should call Xu Laifu, and leave the auction of this item to him operate."

Gu Baixun nodded, "Well, he is in this line of work and has a top-level security team, so he can store it temporarily, but it will take a while for this item to be authenticated before it can be auctioned.

Top auction houses and insurance companies also need to intervene in time to ensure nothing goes wrong. "

After speaking, the two started making phone calls.

This is the old fox. Before Shen Xi said anything, the two of them knew Shen Xi's plan.

Naturally, there were reporters in the exhibition hall, and they gathered around at this time, desperately filming.

In the self-media era, some people have already posted the small videos they took on the Internet.

Seeing that the time was right, Shen Xi said: "This is a rare gem, I picked it up by accident, and gave it to my girlfriend, Ms. Gu Youxuan.

But just now Ms. Gu Youxuan said that she wanted to put this thing up for auction.

Proceeds from the auction will also be used for public welfare.

Because she has been plagued by diseases since she was a child, she knows the pain of the patients and tries to do her best.

Therefore, I will set up a sickness relief fund, and no cent of the auction proceeds will be poured into this fund.

Today I am here to announce that this rare gem will be put up for public auction..."

Since you can't keep it, let's say it better.

Let Gu Youxuan also have a good name and be able to protect her somewhat.

Now that it's up for auction, the focus is different, no one will pay attention to Gu Youxuan.

Xu Laifu came quickly, talked with Gu Baixun and Du Yueqing for a while, and then the security personnel entered the venue to take photos and videos of Yanxia Stone as evidence.

After a while, the person in charge of the top auction house in Shanghai also arrived.

All things were handed over to Gu Baixun and Du Yueqing, while Shen Xi pulled Gu Youxuan and left the exhibition center.

In the car, Shen Xi comforted Gu Youxuan, said with a light smile, "Don't bring such things with you in the future, I want to give you something worthless but meaningful, how about it?"

Gu Youxuan nodded and smiled at Shen Xi.

In fact, she didn't care anymore, and she knew what Shen Xi wanted.

Especially Shen Xi's words moved her very much, so she asked: "You really want to set up a relief fund for the sick and poor."

Shen Xi said: "Yes, it is already in operation."

"I know you are a kind person."

Gu Youxuan looked at Shenxi affectionately, feeling satisfied.

In the afternoon, Shen Xi and Gu Youxuan went shopping and went to the park.

Anyway, I don't want to be separated, and I can go shopping wherever I can.

The relationship between the two heated up rapidly. As a normal man, Shen Xi was also a little confused.

After several attempts to test, Gu Youxuan was invited to his house for dinner, and he cooked the dishes himself.

But in the end he didn't open his mouth, for fear that Gu Youxuan would guess what he was thinking.

Don't give that impression.

Finally, I watched a movie. After watching a movie, it was dark.

The two of them took two bodyguards to eat some snacks, and Shen Xi also received a call from his sister.

"What? At Pudong Airport? Okay, I'll pick you up right away, don't run around!"

Hanging up the phone, she said to Gu Youxuan: "My sister is here to see me, I'll pick her up, you go home first!"

Gu Youxuan was very happy and asked, "Do you want me to go together?"

She also wants to meet her future sister-in-law.

Shen Xi glanced at the two bodyguards, thought for a while and refused.

My sister is out of tune, let's see you later!

Don't say something that doesn't make sense and ruin the relationship.

Gu Youxuan understood Shen Xi, and she was not unhappy, she just said that she would entertain his sister tomorrow.

Watching Gu Youxuan get in the car and leave, Shen Xi also got in the car and rushed towards Pudong Airport.

When we arrived at the airport, we saw Shen Miao on the side of the road from a distance.

There is a young man?

Shen Xi stopped the car, but Shen Miao didn't get in the car, and shouted to him: "Brother, come down."

Seeing this, Shen Xi was a little baffled, could it be that his younger sister is in a higher class, and it is impossible for him to open the door and take the luggage.

Puzzled, Shen Xi got out of the car.

"Brother, this guy is a liar, trying to cheat me of money..."

Seeing Shen Xi approaching, Shen Miao also gained courage, quickly took her brother's arm, pointed at her boyfriend Ma Bo and said.

Ma Bo was still smiling, thinking about how to greet Shen Xi, but what Shen Miao said caught him off guard and was completely dumbfounded.

And Shen Xi also turned cold, "What's going on?"

So, Shen Miao told Ma Bo that he would buy this and that, and wanted to borrow 50 yuan.

She didn't dare to turn her face on the spot, for fear of losing money.

And he was unwilling to buy it for Ma Bo, so many valuable things made Ma Bo cheap for nothing.

So, I simply brought the magic capital and let my brother solve it.

I have to say that Shen Miao is quite clever.

If you turn your face on the spot, you might be beaten, and the liar will be exposed. In theory, you will become angry from embarrassment.

Hearing what my sister said, Shen Xi couldn't laugh or cry.

It's all about money.

The younger sister has money all of a sudden, and she is so embarrassed that she is targeted by bastards, thinking she is a little rich woman.

In front of Shen Xi, Ma Bo didn't have the slightest thought of resisting, and wanted to run, but this was the airport, and he was unfamiliar with the place, so where should he run?

"Okay, leave your expensive watches, necklaces and rings, and buy a return ticket to go back. I won't make things difficult for you."

Shen Xi said to Ma Bo that he didn't have much interest in this kind of bastard.

Ma Bo is very cooperative, this is Dr. Shen Xi, a celebrity on the Internet, and a doctor who knows martial arts.

Seeing the real person, he felt more and more that there was an invisible pressure that made him tremble with fear.

Although Shen Miao really hoped that his brother would beat Ma Bo, but he didn't want his brother's words to be weightless, so he didn't say anything, and went to pick Ma Bo's watch.

Finally, Ma Bo returned to the waiting hall with his luggage.

"You also lured a liar to the magic capital, I think you are getting more and more out of tune."

Shen Xi put his sister's suitcase into the trunk, counting in his mouth.

And Shen Miao surrounded the car, looked at it, and exclaimed: "No way! Brother, you are so rich, why do you drive this car?"

Shen Xi closed the trunk, glared at Shen Miao, "Get in the car, what's wrong with this car?"

"It's nothing, it's fine."

Seeing her elder brother staring, Shen Miao hurried into the car.

(End of this chapter)

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