My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 102 Little Black PK Big Big Wolf

Chapter 102 Little Black PK Big Big Wolf (ask for tickets, please collect)

As soon as the mantra was recited, King Jiji immediately had a splitting headache.

How could he dare to be mischievous again, he ran out of the speed of the charter woman chasing Master Xing in "Kung Fu", and brought toilet paper for Li Xiao.

When Li Xiao walked out of the toilet with a face full of grief and indignation, the tourists in the live broadcast room couldn't help laughing anymore, and crazily deducted words.

"Principal, don't make trouble, King Jiji is also thinking about you, no matter how hard you work, you have to eat! (The dog's head saves your life)"

"Why did the director throw his chopsticks? I understand, it must be the director eating thin meals in the toilet, and needs knives, forks and spoons."

"Upstairs, you are very wrong. The director has obviously finished eating and needs a tissue to wipe his mouth."

"Life must have a sense of ritual. I think what the director needs is a job!"

"How many times have I told you that the director wants straws! Straws are more convenient!"

"You have taken all the bamboo shoots on the mountain!"

Li Xiao couldn't care less about looking at Gongping, and glared angrily at King Jiji in front of him.

King Jiji grinned, forced out a harmless smile, and gestured with his hands: Just kidding!joke!Don't mind, I'm just playing with you!

King Jiji was really joking and wanted to take revenge on Li Xiao.

It's just because Li Xiao let it go untouched to deliver underwear.

King Jiji obediently sent all the underwear back. The whole journey was safe and sound, and no accidents happened. He even took the opportunity to go down the mountain and wandered around again, feeling very carefree until...

Met that 40-year-old unmarried woman!

After the woman knew that King Jiji stole her underwear, she knew that she had no chance to marry again. She was disappointed and even more angry, and chased King Jiji for three miles in a rage.

Women are tigers!

What's more, it's still a crazy tiger!

At that time, King Jiji was alone, not an opponent at all, only fleeing in embarrassment.

Fortunately, King Jiji ran fast, otherwise the woman would have cut all the hair on King Jiji's body.

Because that woman held the scissors the whole time!

Even though King Jiji managed to escape back to the zoo in the end, he was still in shock and worried for a whole day.

As the Monkey King, when has he ever been wronged like this, so he decided to take revenge on Li Xiao who asked him to return his underwear.

After all, Li Xiao is the source!
For this reason, they also teamed up with the mechanical wolf king Hui Tailang.

Big Big Wolf wanted to compete with Xiao Hei a long time ago, to see who is better, so he nodded logically, willing to help.

Li Xiao has been renovating the zoo during this time, and Xiao Hei has been working as a supervisor. For this reason, he has made a lot of noise to those lazy animals. Naturally, those animals have become more and more annoying to Xiao Hei, and the same is true for Big Big Wolf, not to mention the relationship between wolves and dogs. Shen, Big Big Wolf wants to compete with Xiao Hei more.

During the renovation of the zoo, Xiao Hei is like a student in the class who likes to give small reports to the head teacher. Although this kind of person is regarded by the teacher as a little padded jacket in winter and panties in summer, in the eyes of his classmates, he is a little bastard. !

As for why King Jiji suddenly had an extra fruit knife with him, it was because of this incident that he wanted to better protect himself.

It fantasizes that it can be like Monkey King in "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons", holding two watermelon knives from Nantianmen to Penglai East Road, hacking back and forth for three days and three nights. He raised his sword with his hands down, and raised his sword with his hands, without blinking his eyes.

On the other side, Xiao Hei and Big Big Wolf are already fighting hard.

Xiao Hei wanted to find Li Xiao and deliver toilet paper to Li Xiao, but he had no intention of fighting at all, and was always looking for opportunities to leave.

But, easier said than done.

Besides Big Big Wolf, there are two little monkeys around.

And as the playing time got longer and longer, many animals were also attracted.

One is the supreme king of wolves with a mechanical arm, and the other is a loyal and intelligent Chinese pastoral dog. They all want which one is stronger, stronger and more powerful.

Although more and more animals were attracted around him, Xiao Hei still keenly found an opportunity, turned his head and ran away.


Big Big Wolf suddenly flashed out from the side.

This empty opportunity was deliberately leaked out.

When Xiao Hei realized it, he had already received a solid paw.

Fortunately, it wasn't a mechanical claw, otherwise Xiao Hei would be miserable.

But Xiao Hei still felt severe pain, and stared at Big Big Wolf with gritted teeth.

Xiao Hei: You are despicable!

Big Big Wolf: Wolves are despicable and cunning, thank you for your recognition!
When Li Xiao figured out what was going on from King Jiji and hurried over, he happened to see this scene.

Li Xiao thought for a while, but didn't stop him.

Because he also wants to see who is strong and who is weak.

Of course, it must be stopped.

Gray Wolf is equipped with a mechanical arm, just like the superhero 'Winter Soldier' ​​in Marvel.

And Xiao Hei has just taken a powerful capsule, and his explosive power is three times higher than that of the same kind, more like the superhero 'Captain America' in Marvel.

The battle between the Winter Soldier and the Captain of the United States is very interesting!
"Come on, Xiao Hei, don't be cowardly! I like you!"

"Why do I feel that Xiao Hei is a little overwhelmed?"

"Big Big Wolf is equipped with a mechanical arm, which is simply cheating. I admit that Xiao Hei is very strong, but it will definitely not be able to hold this claw. I am optimistic about Big Big Wolf."

"Come on, let's play a game too. If Xiao Hei wins, I'll shoot a rocket, who will follow?"

"I follow!"

"I brush two hairs!"

"I am optimistic about Big Big Wolf. If it wins, I will use ten rockets."

"I'll take three shots!"


There is a PK function in the live broadcast room.

Especially in the live broadcast room of the game, it is the most common.

For example, how many heads a host can have in a game and how many times he is killed can be set up so that tourists can bet.

Depending on the bet, some can get virtual currency, while others need to send gifts.

With such a good opportunity, Li Xiao decisively set it up and let the tourists place bets.

Soon, tourists started scrambling to place bets.

Some bet on a rocket, some bet a few cents, it all depends on their own financial conditions, anyway, they just play in the live broadcast room, what if they can still make money?
In just 1 minute, 60.00% of the four people bet on Big Big Wolf.

Although Xiao Hei is very popular and has many fans, but Big Big Wolf has cheats after all, and more tourists are optimistic about Xiao Hei.

As the bet was settled, the discussion between Xiao Hei and Big Big Wolf also began.

After Xiao Hei noticed that Li Xiao had come out of the toilet, he stopped worrying and started to take it seriously.

After fighting again, taking advantage of Big Big Wolf's unpreparedness, the two hind legs kicked hard on the ground, like a spring compressed to the extreme, and after being compressed to the extreme, the body was like an arrow shot out, straight and fierce at Big Big Wolf. Ruthlessly rushed.

Lightning fast.

Jump like thunder.

(End of this chapter)

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