My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 11 The Cub and the Big Black Dog

Chapter 11 The Cub and the Big Black Dog

"Little plum."

The old man yelled loudly from all the way.

Li Xiao said helplessly: "Second Master Xue, just call me Xiao Li, and remove the back."

"Oh, don't worry about it, just follow me."

"where are we going?"

"Of course it's my home."

"Second Master Xue, I'm going to the zoo now, and I'll visit your house when I come back tonight."

"There is a blind bear in my family, please come and see me."

"Blind bear?"


Second Master Xue nodded emphatically, and explained: "Yesterday I went hunting in the mountains, and I met a cub of a blind bear. I searched around, but I didn't find a female bear, so I brought it back."

"But I'm an old man and I don't know how to raise them. I didn't expect you to run a zoo, so I thought why don't you go and have a look and take it to your zoo by the way."

Second Master Xue is a hunter in the village.

However, according to regulations, his shotgun has been turned in.

Now, he is just setting traps in the mountains and forests, catching some hares and pheasants to sell.

"So that's the case, then I'll go with you."

Li Xiao turned to the live broadcast room and said, "Everyone should have understood what's going on just now. Now let's not go to the zoo, and pick up a little bear cub temporarily."

"Congratulations to the anchor's zoo for adding another member."

"I like the bear cub the most. It's chubby and very cute."

"It was cute when you were young, and it looks cute when you grow up."

Li Xiao smiled and said: "Everyone can call me the head of the garden, and the anchor and anchor sounds very good."

About 10 minutes later, the two came to a house that was smoking.

Second Master Xue invited Li Xiao in, and said, "The old lady is making breakfast, little Li, would you like some?"

"I just ate, let's go see the bear cub first."

"Okay, come with me."

When I entered the yard, I saw an old woman busy in the kitchen.

Seeing Second Master Xue come back with Li Xiao, the grandma wiped her hands, walked out the door, and said, "I haven't seen you for a few years, and Xiao Li has become a big guy, and he is also handsome."

Little plum?
It's really a husband and wife!

Even so, Li Xiao still greeted politely, "Grandma is good."

"Does Xiao Li have a girlfriend? My relative has a daughter who is also a college student. She looks so tender."

"Okay, put away your old profession, and don't scare Xiao Li away."

Xue Erye joked.

The grandmother used to be a matchmaker.

As long as you see a young handsome guy or a little girl, the three sentences must be inseparable from the blind date.

Although I am old now, I still go out occasionally.

After all, many young people in the village were made by her, so they still have some status and prestige.

After sending the grandmother to continue cooking, Second Master Xue took Li Xiao to the backyard.

As soon as he entered the backyard, a big dog barked at Li Xiao.

The hair of the big dog is black all over.

Just by looking at its appearance, you can tell that it is a standard Chinese pastoral dog.

The body is not small.

About one meter long.

It is half a meter high.

If it wasn't for the iron chain around his neck, he would have jumped on him long ago.

"What a big dog!"

"Scare me!"

"Is this a dog? It looks so hideous."

"My God, are all the Chinese pastoral dogs so big now?"

The tourists in the live broadcast room were all taken aback.

Li Xiao did not.

Because he was mentally prepared.

He already knew that Second Master Xue had a good dog.

I usually take it with me when I go hunting.

I've heard it before, but never seen it.

Seeing him today, Li Xiao couldn't help giving a thumbs up.

This dog has a large skeleton, and its limbs are particularly muscular, strong and powerful. It looks like it contains endless strength, speed and explosive power.

The body shape is like the big dog in "Tom and Jerry".

And its eyes are extraordinary.

Just looking at each other, Li Xiao knew that it was smarter than other dogs.

It has a high IQ and is more likely to obey its master's orders.

"Xiao Hei, don't call."

Looking at the big black dog that kept barking, Second Master Xue yelled.


No use at all.

The big black dog seemed to have been stimulated by something, and it didn't show face to its owner at all, and even barked at Second Master Xue.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Big Black Dog: When did you get rid of that brat, it took up my den, and I'm so pissed off.

Li Xiao understood what the big black dog said, looked intently, and understood what was going on.

In order to settle Xiong Zaizi, Xue Erye put Xiong Zaizi in the kennel where the big black dog lived before.

Worried that the big black dog would bite the cub at night, Second Master Xue put the big black dog on an iron chain and tied it to the corner of the wall.

Cub spent last night in the warm kennel.

The big black dog was chilling in the cold wind.

Naturally full of anger.

"Don't bark, don't bark, I'm here to take away the bear cub, you eat some dog food first."

When Li Xiao went out, he casually put a small bag of pet food in his pocket, which is just in time for use.

He casually threw the dog food in front of the big black dog.

The big black dog sniffed it with its nose, and the next second, its eyes lit up, and it immediately started to gobble it up.

Second Master Xue asked curiously, "Xiao Lizi, what are you doing?"

"Dog food! All the dogs in the city eat this now."

"One by one is like sheep dung, not as good as the meat I feed Xiao Hei."

"Xiao Hei eats meat every day?"

"Basically eat it every day, occasionally catch a few more pheasants and hares, and let it eat more."

"No wonder he grows so strong."

Li Xiao said with emotion.

After eating meat, it became more and more wild, and it was no longer an ordinary Chinese pastoral dog.

"This is the bear cub."

Xue Erye brought Li Xiao to the kennel.

The kennel was lined with thick hay.

The cub was still drowsy.

Letting the big black dog bark outside didn't affect it at all.

The kid seemed to be able to hold his breath from an early age.

Li Xiao took a closer look, and there was still milk dregs around Xiong Cub's mouth.

It must be that Xue Erye made it specially to feed the bear cubs.

No wonder the big black dog even dared to shout at Second Master Xue just now.

It's fine to live in my nest, but I still eat better than me. No one can swallow this breath.

Li Xiao carried Xiong Zaizi out of the kennel.

The bear cub opened his eyes in a daze.


And get up gas.

"The bear is so cute."

"It seems to be raising one."

"The little paws are fat, like a kiss."

"It's no exaggeration to say that I can suck ten of this cute little bear in one go."

"Is that you, Xiong Er? I'm Bald Qiang!"

The sleepy-eyed bear cub has a cute aura.

Immediately attracted a large number of ladies and sisters in the live broadcast room.

Xue Erye asked: "How is it? Are you sure it's a bear?"

"That's right!!!"

Li Xiao nodded affirmatively, and said: "This is a standard Asian black bear. There is a 'V' shaped white spot on the chest, which is its symbol."

"However, are you sure you didn't find a female bear nearby?"

(End of this chapter)

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