My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 12 The Dog Bites the Master

Chapter 12 The Dog Bites the Master
Asian black bears inhabit mountain forests and are mainly active at night. They are good at climbing trees, digging for honey, swimming, diving into the water to catch fish, and walking upright.

Poor vision, but extremely sensitive senses of smell and hearing.

Downwind can smell the smell half a kilometer away, and hear footsteps 300 steps away.

Because of this, it is called Xiong Blind.

Black bears have a mixed diet, eating plant leaves, buds, fruits, seeds, and sometimes insects, bird eggs, and small mammals.

A black bear as small as this is not big enough to forage alone, and would never appear alone in the wild.

Nearby, there must be a female bear following.

Second Master Xue said, "I've double-checked that there are no female bears nearby."

"That's weird."

Li Xiao frowned slightly, stroked the little black bear lightly, and asked, "Little guy, where's your mother?"


The little black bear wailed: Mom drove me away.

chased away?
How can this be?

Black bears are definitely the most dedicated mothers in the world.

In order to protect children, they can fight all beasts and even attack humans rashly.

Even if it is a bear child, he will protect it very well and keep it by his side for two to three years.

Unless you encounter a male bear in heat!

Under normal circumstances, female bears are not interested in mating with other male bears while they are raising their cubs.

However, it is inevitable that you will encounter coercion.

In order for a male bear in heat to let the female bear take care of his cubs, he will kill the cubs of the female bear before forcing them.

The female bear will definitely not agree, and usually will desperately protect the cub.

But in terms of weight and strength, female bears are inferior to male bears, so if they fight, they will definitely lose.

In order to protect their own children, they will drive them away unbearably.

Alone bear cubs can be dangerous in the wild.

But at least there is a chance of survival.

If you stay with the mother bear, you will die quickly and tragically.

"Come with me from now on."

Li Xiao hugged the little bear, thanked Xue Erye, and was about to leave.


The big black dog seemed to have gone crazy.

Break free from the chain.

He rushed towards Li Xiao.

Second Master Xue was taken aback.

Fearing that the big black dog would bite Li Xiao, he hurriedly stopped him.

But after the big black dog rushed in front of Li Xiao, it sat on the ground obediently, wagging its tail non-stop.

Obviously, it likes Li Xiao.

Xue Erye shouted anxiously: "Don't touch it!"

"Xiao Hei is very fierce, anyone who touches and bites anyone, even my old woman dares to bite."

"If you touch it randomly, your hand will be bitten off!"

Blackie is a perfect hound.

In addition to being fierce enough, it also has a strong sense of self-protection.

Except for Xue Erye, who raised it from childhood, who can touch it, no one else can touch it.

However, Li Xiao has already touched it.

"Do you still want dog food? Sorry, it's gone. If you want to eat, I'll bring you some later."

Li Xiao opened his empty pockets, stroked the dog's head and said.

The big black dog was stunned for a moment, and after a few seconds, it rubbed its head against Li Xiao's hand affectionately.

"Second Master Xue, what did you just say?"

Li Xiao raised his head and asked.

Second Master Xue: "..."

"Hahaha, I'm so embarrassed."

"Second Master Xue said that I didn't say anything."

"Second Master Xue: who am I, where am I, and what am I doing?"

"I'm embarrassed even through the screen."

"I am so embarrassed that I have already dug out three rooms and one living room with my toes."

"Does this count as a slap in the face, principal?"

"Even the face of the old man is slapped, and the six relatives don't recognize it. It's really too beautiful."

Xue Erye stood there a little panicked.

What is this dog doing today?
In the past, if others gave it meat, it would never show intimacy with others!

Could it be that dog food in the city is better than meat?
"I'll see you another day."

Li Xiao touched the dog's head for a while, then got up and was about to leave.

Just took a step.


The big black dog followed closely.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Big Black Dog: Take me away too!
This dog food is so good, you only eat a little, and you want to come with me?
Li Xiao sighed in his heart, a little excited.

But no matter how excited he was, he couldn't take the big black dog away.

After all, this is Second Master Xue's hunting dog.

Li Xiao ignored the big black dog and continued walking.

The big black dog took a quick step and ran to Li Xiao.

Just go there!
Blatant cheating!

Big Black Dog: If you don’t take me away, don’t even think about leaving.

"Hahahaha, this dog made me laugh to death."

"This dog is too smart."

"Director, don't let Gouzi feel cold, take him away."

The tourists in the live broadcast room were all amused by the big black dog.

Second Master Xue had a dark face.

He was about to reach out to catch the big black dog.

Trying to stop the big black dog himself, so that Li Xiao can leave.

Seeing the hand is about to touch the dog's head.

An accident happened.

The big black dog stood up abruptly, bared its teeth and barked at Second Master Xue.

Big Black Dog: I'm leaving today, Lord Dog, and Jesus can't stop me, I said it!

What Xue Erye did yesterday chilled its heart, and it was a little emotional.

In addition, it feels that Li Xiao understands itself better.

Therefore, a must go today!

Xue Erye's right hand was frozen in the air.

The old face twitched.

"Don't call, this is your master."

Li Xiao quickly patted the dog's head.

The big black dog whined twice and lay down on the ground, neither barking nor being aggressive.

However, he opened his mouth and bit Li Xiao's trouser leg.

Prevent Li Xiao from leaving when he is not prepared.

Seeing this scene, Second Master Xue remained silent.

Silence is tonight's Cambridge Bridge, Zheng Banqiao, cable-stayed bridge.

This is my dog!

Because a bag of dog food betrayed me!

Grandma's legs!

After a long silence, Second Master Xue coughed lightly, and said, "I think Xiao Hei likes you quite a bit, why don't he follow you from now on."

"I'm getting old anyway, so I won't go hunting in the mountains much in the future."

Li Xiao didn't say thank you yet.

The big black dog has jumped up from the ground.

He shook his head excitedly.

Li Xiao said: "Then I will thank Second Master Xue, don't worry, I will take good care of it and bring it to see you often."

"I don't worry if you take it with you, at least if it's a tiger that goes berserk in the zoo, Xiao Hei can still protect you."

Li Xiao: "???"

I need little black protection?
And does the tiger dare to go mad in front of me?

It is afraid that it has not been beaten by socialism!

"Pfft ha ha ha ha, Second Master Xue looks down on the director too much."

"The old man hasn't watched the video yet, so he doesn't know how awesome the live broadcast is."

"Xie Mou, Eggy: How dare I go crazy? Why didn't I know that I was so obsessed? Please, it's the director who went crazy, okay?"

The tourists were once again amused by Second Master Xue.

Seeing that Li Xiao was silent, Second Master Xue looked him up and down, and said with a smile, "Did you get scared by the tiger when you went to the zoo yesterday?"

"Let me tell you, don't look at those tigers that were raised in the zoo, but they were trained by your grandfather. They are all wild."

"They don't listen to anyone except your grandpa, and only your grandpa can control them."

Li Xiao asked curiously: "My grandfather can tame animals?"

(End of this chapter)

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