My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 130 Painting on the rural wall

Chapter 130 Painting on the rural wall
Li Xiao didn't know anything about what happened on Weibo.

Because he was concentrating on painting on the walls of the village.

After a month of renovation, Hamatun has taken on a completely new look, and earth-shaking changes have taken place.

Dusty dirt roads disappeared, replaced by clean concrete roads.

When it rains or snows, the road becomes less muddy.

On both sides of the road, different kinds of flowers are planted at intervals.

In addition, under the call of the village chief Li Daguo, the villagers dismantled the toilets built not far from their homes and moved them to their own homes, so as not to let the bad smell pervade the entire street.

Especially when it rains, the smell spreads throughout the village as the toilets flood.

And all the firewood placed at the door of the house was also transferred to the house, freeing up more space and looking more tidy.

And the small vegetable gardens at the door of every household continue to exist.

If tourists come, they can pick or plant nearby.

It is also an experience project.

It can also give every household the opportunity to make a small profit.

In addition to these, there are gradually more small shops, food stalls, small hotels, and small restaurants in the village, and some villagers even took the initiative to create parking spaces.

The former Hamatun felt like the 80s and [-]s.

But now, it has become a clean and tidy beautiful new countryside.

Of course, because this is a new village transformed by the villagers themselves, it is quite different from the current new countryside that looks the same and has no characteristics. At least it still retains the things of the 80s and [-]s.

For example: grain drying field, small stove, earthen house, earthen kang, earthen stove, etc.

It can give people who are nostalgic some strong sense of substitution.

After all, these things do need to exist.

Because with the transformation of some rural areas, these things disappeared. Some people wanted to dry crops such as millet or wheat, but they had nowhere to go. They could only put them at their door or in the square of the village, which seriously affected the passing vehicles and entertainment for the villagers.

Strolling on the tidy country trails, Li Xiao felt that the air became fresher and his soul was cleansed.

Soon after choosing a wall, Li Xiao began to paint.

The entire Hama Village has basically been remodeled, so Li Xiao was sent to paint the walls to add some color and freshness.

Because Li Daguo, the village head, had greeted every household, no one stopped them, and they all readily accepted.

After all, who doesn't want to make their house look better, like a castle!
Li Xiao is not just random scribbles, he has his own train of thought and ideas.

Li Xiao would draw similar pictures on the walls of houses in the field where children often pass by while leading a big yellow ox or driving sheep.

In the place where the wolf dog gang and the yellow dog gang often gather, Li Xiao will draw pictures of puppies playing and playing.

On the basketball court in the village, Li Xiao would draw Kobe.

Kobe has passed away. As the greatest basketball star who loves China the most, there is no one, and it is worth remembering.

Li Xiao's paintings are all wall paintings that are similar to the countryside or the surrounding environment, which will make the tourists who come to visit have a more artistic conception and sense of substitution.

This can also be regarded as a feature. After all, there are too many people who paint rural wall paintings, and there are a lot of them on the short video platform.

Some even use fire sticks to paint.

Most of them paint as they please.

Either draw your favorite star, or draw the latest movie, or draw something related to the hot search recently.

Li Xiao is different from them in that he wants to paint some rural features.

After all, more and more attention is paid to copyright issues nowadays. If you draw other people or things related to others without their consent, if you are not careful, you will be sued in court and compensated.

There is a child abroad, because he likes Nintendo’s game Super Mario, but the family’s conditions are not good, and he can’t afford a game console at all, so he made a simple control using cardboard and bottle caps, uploaded it to the Internet, and quickly It became popular and even made news in several countries.

Afterwards, the child received a letter from Nintendo's lawyer.

After all, what he provoked was the strongest legal department in the eastern hemisphere!

Soon, Li Xiao finished a painting.

It was a child leading an old scalper.

"Three idioms to describe, lifelike, lifelike, false ones."

"Damn it! I thought I was going to say that you are like a thorn in your back, like a thorn in your throat, and like sitting on pins and needles!"

"I have been learning from the first strokes of the director's painting, but why are our paintings different, and what step went wrong?"

"This thing is like taking math class when I was a child. One day I bent down to pick up the pen, then raised my head, and never understood it again."

"By the way, what else does the director know? He can paint, calligraphy, and carve. He's so damn versatile."

"Own the director, you will own the whole world!"

"No! I'd rather create the world with the director!"

In the live broadcast room, praise continued.

But before I knew it, I started the car again.

Li Xiao smiled and continued to look for a wall to paint on.

In fact, Li Xiao did not intend to paint all the walls of the entire village by himself.

He only paints a part, and the rest is handed over to tourists who love painting from south to north.

Not only can tourists experience it, but it can also allow villagers to earn a little money.

The entire studio was peaceful.


Several dissonant voices appeared.

"It's you trash who bullies us, Haohao, isn't it?"

"Sisters, it's him, scold me."

"Trash, you don't even deserve to carry our Haohao's shoes, yet you still rub his heat, shameless!"

Huang Dinghao's brain-dead fans appear.

This kind of fans are really stupid. In order to maintain their own fans, they will go to various people's Weibo or other platforms to scold.

Even because others just said that they didn't know the star, they would start overwhelming private chats, abusing and mocking.

They think that they are everything to the star, and they are also the person the star cares about the most, and they are shameless and want to restrain the star from doing anything.

For example, you are not allowed to contact this male celebrity, you are not allowed to fall in love with that female celebrity, and you are not allowed to reject fans.

When picking up the plane, Wu Yangyang rushed over, crying ghosts and howling like ghosts, which was more kissing than seeing his own parents.

Once the stars don't do what they want, they will go crazy and threaten to take off their fans to threaten the stars.

There are too many fans of stars like this.

Among them, small fresh meat and traffic stars are the main ones.

After all, idiot fans like the look of Xiao Xianrou with heavy makeup and light application.

As everyone knows, their behavior will only make passers-by hate these stars even more.

Of course, there is one more reason why passers-by don't like them: they don't have strength and acting skills, and they still get high salaries.

Even Master Xing's golden partner Uncle Da's salary is only about [-] yuan.

How can people not be disgusted and disgusted!

In the eyes of this star, they are just tools to make money.


(End of this chapter)

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