My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 131 Dyeing clothes when I was a child

Chapter 131 Dyeing clothes when I was a child (for subscription)
"Where did the black powder come from?"

"Who is Haohao? I thought it was a mouse!"

"I know, Haohao is a very beautiful female star, she looks very delicate."

"Haohao is Huang Dinghao. He has already publicly attacked the director on Weibo. You can go and see it. You are paralyzed. Such a kind and gentle person as the director has garbage to attack. It's too much!"

Brainless fans are ferocious, but compared to Li Xiao's fans, they are still a little bit worse.

These fans basically watch the live broadcast all year round, understand all kinds of stalks, the speed of deducting words is unusual, and their mouths are more poisonous than the other.

Even Tao Yaoyao couldn't sit still.

[Tao Yaoyao]: Where did the silly dog ​​come from?Block them all!

Li Xiao looked at Gongping, and roughly understood what was going on, and said, "Don't block it, they can scold them if they want."

"We control the world, and we can control other people's mouths. Even if we block them here, they will definitely go to other places to scold me. Instead of letting them spread rumors about me in other places, it is better to let They scold me here, but it can also increase my popularity."

"Someone increases my popularity for free, why not do it?"

"Besides, isn't there an old saying, if Xiao Hei bites me, I can bite back!"

As soon as this remark came out, the tourists all praised Li Xiao's generosity.

Anyway, if they were themselves, they would definitely not be able to bear it.

Nowadays, many anchors have low self-esteem and depression because of black powder spraying and cursing, so they quit the Internet.

Even suicide.

Not in the minority.

In fact, the attitude is the most important.

Just like if someone scolds you and ridicules you because of something, you are angry, anxious, and annoyed, which will make the public misunderstand that it was really you who did it.

But if you face it calmly, you don't take it seriously at all.

Because you know that the matter is false, it is innocent rumors.

Over time, the public will forget about it.

When I was in college, some people called Li Xiao ugly because of jealousy, and even spread rumors that Li Xiao had plastic surgery.

Li Xiao didn't take it seriously at all, let alone put him in his eyes.

Because Li Xiao knows that he has a pure natural beauty, and he and Hu Ge, Peng Yuyan, Wu Yanzu have supported the beauty of the whole Asia!
And Xiao Hei, who was lying on the side, had an innocent face.


Xiao Hei: When did I bite you, and you don't utter dirty words when you swear, can you not bring me along, it will affect the reputation of this dog, it's too bullying a dog!

In the live broadcast room, according to what Li Xiao said, the tourists really stopped paying attention to those stupid fans.

Let those brainless fans scold and ridicule, but ignore it.

Even the deduction speed of the brainless fans is too slow, and there are too many tourists in the live broadcast room. As soon as they finish a sentence, the previous words are completely invisible due to the dense bullet screen, which makes some sentences impossible to follow.

This once made these stupid fans angry.

He began to observe the environment around Li Xiao, and continued to spray and report indiscriminately.

"Look there, everyone. There is an old woman who set up a big iron pot and lit it on fire. It's polluting the environment. Please report it."

"Yes, yes, report this anchor who pollutes the environment and transmits negative energy."

"What is cooked in the old grandma's big iron pot? It's disgusting. It affects your appetite. Report it!"

"You report, I report, the anchor will be banned tomorrow!"

Li Xiao was too lazy to talk to these black fans.

But still took advantage of the trend to look over.

In an open space, an old woman really set up a big iron pot.

Under the iron pot, there is a lit firewood.

It's a bit like a big pot of rice when you get married and have a banquet in the countryside.

However, what is boiled in the old grandma's iron pot is not food, but green boiling water.

Those who didn't know thought that the old lady was doing some chemical research.

Seeing this scene, Li Xiao smiled and said, "If there are people born in the [-]s in the live broadcast room, they should know what the old lady is doing. I don't even need to explain."

"What is the old lady doing? I really don't understand."

"Which elder explain?"

"Ask for science!"

"Dyeing clothes! When I was a child, my family was poor. The older brother gave the younger brother the clothes he finished wearing, and the younger brother gave them to the youngest child. The colors on the clothes faded long ago, but the family didn't have money to buy new clothes. In this way, the old clothes will be dyed and become new clothes!"

"That's right! I've worn clothes like this since I was a kid, and I poked them with a stick to speed up drying because I was in a hurry to wear new clothes!"

"When I was young, my grandma would shred old batteries and use the black inside to dye quilts."

"It's all childhood memories, I can't go back, only memories!"

"I thought that no one dyed clothes like this anymore, but I didn't expect to see it in the director's live broadcast room. I felt like I was there!"

"No matter how poor I used to be, the family could be together every day. Now I make money every day, but it is difficult for my family to be together! Looking back now, even though I was poor at that time, I was really happy!"

Many older tourists watched this scene in Li Xiao's live broadcast room, and couldn't help feeling a little jealous.

Because I remembered my former relatives.

Reminds me of the beauty of my childhood.

When I was young, the busiest thing was harvesting and threshing wheat. I would spend all day in the wheat threshing field. At night, I would lie on the grain pile with my grandfather and father, counting the stars in the sky, listening to my grandfather telling stories, and my father's snoring Voice.

When I was young, I went to bed at eight or nine o'clock, and slept until dawn, without nightmares, no melancholy and missing people, and no tears that fell down when I thought about it.

When I was a child, I didn’t eat meat a few times throughout the year. I could only wear a new dress during the New Year. My mother would put it back in the cabinet the next day after wearing it. I was afraid it would get dirty or scratched. I hope to celebrate the New Year earlier, but even so, I still miss it.

As some elderly elders explained the matter, those idiot fans were completely dumbfounded.

They lived in different ages, and they didn't know these things at all, so they could only be ignorant.

One by one, they couldn't find anything to scold about Li Xiao, and gradually they all quit the live broadcast room.

What's more, they didn't dare to continue cursing anymore, because there were many elders in the live broadcast room, and if one of these elders had their own father, uncle, etc., it would be so embarrassing if they were recognized!

"The director's way of handling things is really amazing, I like it."

"If you let the wind sweep away the fallen leaves, I will never move on Mount Tai."

"Hello, director, I am your loyal fan. I have encountered a big problem now, and I want to ask you how to solve it. This matter is actually very simple. There is someone in our company who doesn't like me as an intern. She often scolds me and wants to hit me, what should I do?"

Because Li Xiao calmly solved the matter of the brain-dead fans very well, many tourists also admired Li Xiao more and more, and they all asked their own questions and wanted to consult Li Xiao.

(End of this chapter)

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