My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 148 Black Catfish Becomes Essence

Chapter 148 Black Catfish Becomes Essence (Subscribe)
Hearing what Li Xiao said, the tourists in the live broadcast room were very depressed.


"The director's strength is not fishing, why did he suddenly change to fishing?"

"I guess the director wants to challenge himself. After all, fishing is too unchallenging. Once you catch one, it's like picking up girls. No matter it's all walks of life and all kinds of women, you can pick up women in just one dip. There is no sense of accomplishment, and life will become dull."

"No! The director is going to raise fish in the zoo's artificial lake this time. The fishing speed is too slow, only one fish at a time. If you catch fish, you can catch a lot."

While the tourists were discussing lively, Li Xiao had already prepared fishing tools.

This is a square fishing net, and it is also a commonly used fishing tool in the village!
The four corners of the fishing net are respectively tied to four curved bamboos, and the other ends of the bamboos are gathered together, and a longer straight bamboo is tied together with a rope, and finally a rope is tied for easy pulling.

Unlike fishing, this thing does not need to put bait, just throw the fishing net in the water, wait for a while, and then pull it up.

As for how many fish you can catch, it all depends on luck.

Of course, putting feed works best.

This is a very recreational method of fishing.

Because when you throw the fishing net out, you can still have time to do other things, and you don't need to wait in place all the time.

The reason why Li Xiao chose this is because this fishing method will not hurt the fish with the fishing net, which can ensure the safety of the fish as much as possible, and will not be injured by bumps, and then brought home. , If you can't survive the night, you will die.

"Wait, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Me too. I saw this thing when I was a child, but it's rare now."

"It's amazing, someone can actually type its name!"

"Anyone who is too big, can explain to me, what is 打罾? I can't even read this word!"

There are still people who know the goods in the live broadcast room.

After all, it is only individuals who can recognize goods.

After seeing the latest bullet screen, Li Xiao did not wait for anyone to answer, and explained with lightning speed, saying: "Tuan, the second word is pronounced zeng. If you really don't know how to pronounce it, you can read it." Recognize half of the characters, this method is very practical and effective."

"The puller is a commonly used shrimp fishing tool in ancient times. It is made of cotton gauze. Can!"

"I have increased my knowledge, and I really learned a lot in the director's live broadcast room!"

"The head of the garden is talking too fast. I was about to explain, but he said it all. Is he trying to prove that some parts of me are big?"

"I blocked the host from catching a single fish today!"

"Same as above!"

"You guys, haven't you been slapped enough?"

"Fishing is a test of skill and patience, but fishing is pure luck. I don't believe the director is so lucky."

"You are all too sloppy. Although the director can't catch many fish, he can at least catch one or two. I have great confidence in the director. He will definitely be able to catch a fish."

It's not that the tourists this year are a bit skinny, or that they don't like Li Xiao.

But since Li Xiao's live broadcast, almost everything he does as a matchmaker is proficient, and he has never slapped his face. He has attracted the admiration of female fans, while male fans are envious and jealous, without hatred.

All the male fans hoped that Li Xiao could slap him in the face, even if it was just once.

At least it can prove that Li Xiao is not omnipotent, and it can also make them regain some face.

When Li Xiao came to the small river with fishing tools, he met an acquaintance again.

As a fishing enthusiast, Uncle Zhang still fishes here.

After a brief greeting, Li Xiao began to arrange his own fishing nets.

As soon as the arrangement was finished, Uncle Zhang yelled, "Xiao Lizi, come here and see what's going on here?"

"You have been fishing for so many years, what kind of evil things can you encounter?"

Li Xiao asked back, walking towards the shore where Uncle Zhang was.

As soon as I got close, I saw an interesting and funny scene.

I saw a black catfish swimming back and forth leisurely under the fishing rod placed by Uncle Zhang, but did not bite the hook.

Facing the fat and tender earthworms on the fishhook, he just remains unmoved.

If this black catfish was reincarnated as a human, it would definitely not be a traitor to a dog, at least it would be able to resist the temptation.

To a catfish, an earthworm is like a young guy who has been single for more than [-] years, facing the most ruthless trick other than eighteen tortures: beauty tricks.

Not only that, but the black catfish also sensed that there were people on the shore, and swam over with its fat body swinging.

Immediately after...


With the agitation of the mouth, a mouthful of river water gushed out.

The target is Uncle Zhang and Li Xiao.

Although the distance was too far, the power of the black catfish was limited and he missed the spray, but this move was still extremely insulting.

Uncle Zhang's face turned dark immediately.

He has lived most of his life and has been fishing for more than ten years, but this is the first time he has encountered this kind of fish.

What the hell?

Give it a few more years of practice, will it become the Benboerba and Baboerben in "Journey to the West"?

"I'm going to laugh out loud, the director's live broadcast room is really full of energy!"

"Uncle Zhang is not a professional at first glance. As a professional fisherman, I will not return empty-handed. If I can't catch herring, I will catch grass carp. If there is no grass carp, I will get carp. If I can't get carp, I will steal dogs. If I can’t steal a dog, I’ll catch chickens. If I can’t catch them, I’ll pick cucumbers and break other people’s corn. If I can’t get anything, I’ll lie down by the river and drink a few sips of water before leaving. After all my fishing, No fish dares to disrespect me!"

"When I was young, my family was poor, and the only valuable thing was the big iron lock at the door. Whenever it rained, I would run to the door, hold the iron lock, and shout loudly: "Old iron, don't rust, don't rust." !"

"Hahaha, this is too insulting. If it were me, I would have kicked it if I went up."

There was laughter in the live broadcast room.

And Uncle Zhang really couldn't stand the black catfish's provocation, the more he thought about it, the more angry he got up and wanted to catch it with his bare hands.

But the black catfish has a spirituality. The moment Uncle Zhang got up, he rushed to the depths of the creek without a trace.

Li Xiao didn't know how to comfort the sad Uncle Zhang, so he simply left to check his fishing results.

As Li Xiao pulled hard, four or five fish jumped out.

They are all grass carp, but they are all fat.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Li Xiao hurriedly packed all of them into the bucket.

This scene made Uncle Zhang greedy. He has been here all morning, but he didn't catch a single fish. He is really angry.

At the same time, the tourists in the live broadcast room were also shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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