My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 193 Little Black Dog Training

Chapter 193 Little Black Dog Training (for Subscription)

little black?

problem occurs?
Li Xiao suddenly became nervous.

Suddenly, he remembered that Xiao Hei said last night that he wanted to let Xiao H and Xiao O see how powerful he is.

Li Xiao was almost the first to rush into the room.

When I saw the scene in the room, I was dumbfounded.

Huang Sanshi and others who came in one after another were dumbfounded again.

This director is awesome, even his dog is so awesome?

Awesome people raise awesome dogs?
I saw that Xiao Hei was patting the pet dog communication button with his paws.

In front of it, Little H and Little O heard the instructions and immediately made corresponding actions.

Xiao Hei tapped the leftmost button, and Li Xiao's specially recorded voice sounded immediately: "Sit down! Sit down!"

"Wang Wang Wang!"

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Little H and little O sat down obediently, sticking their tongues.

"Round around! Turn around!"

The second button on the far left was pressed by Xiao Hei.

Little H and little O immediately circled in place.

"Pack up the toys!"

Xiao Hei pressed again.

Little H and little O continued to do so obediently, picked up the toys on the ground respectfully, and put them in a pile.

After finishing all this, Xiao H and Xiao O looked at Xiao Hei, as if seeking praise.

Xiao Hei was also very decisive, pressing the button on the far right.

"Good dog! Good dog!"


Little H and Little O showed obvious smiles.

They are not unhappy because of being directed by Xiao Hei, on the contrary, they are very happy to be trained by Xiao Hei.

It seems that Xiao Hei has been regarded as the boss!

Li Xiao: "..."

As expected of the king of dogs, after just one night, he tamed the dog couple, Xiao H and Xiao O, obediently to himself, and only obeyed the leader.

"They're both dogs, why is there such a big gap between being a dog?"

"These three dogs are very much like the head teacher talking in class with those students who are particularly good at pretending in the class. The head teacher compliments a few words, and those students who are particularly good at pretending will look up, longing for the head teacher to praise him more. I'm afraid that everyone will not know."

"I know Xiao Hei. He sat in front of me during the college entrance examination two days ago."

"I also met Xiao Hei in the examination room, and I even glanced at Xiao Hei's test paper, good guy, it's even better than the first one in our school."

"The newcomers are all calm, this is Xiao Hei's routine operation."

"Xiao Hei: I am the king of dogs, taming one or two Shiba Inu is not a big problem, everything is under control!"

"Xiao Hei, the eternal God!"

"Since he is an eternal god, why couldn't he beat Big Big Wolf before?"

"A real man never judges a hero based on his immediate success or failure. I think the next time we meet, Xiao Hei will definitely be able to completely abuse Big Big Wolf. Now Xiao Hei is smarter and stronger than before!"

In the live broadcast room, the new tourists were all shocked and applauded.

And the old fans have long been surprised by Xiao Hei's various high-end operations, and they are used to it, and their performance is much calmer.

Huang Sanshi thought it was quite interesting, stepped forward and said, "Let me try it."

After finishing speaking, he squatted on the ground and reached out to tap the button casually.

"Sit down! Sit down!"

The voice sounded, but...

Little H and little O stood in place, motionless.

Nothing seemed to be heard.

Huang Sanshi doesn't believe in evil.

Press again.

"Handshake! Handshake!"


Little H and little O are still unmoved.

"Round around! Turn around!"

"Play dead! Play dead!"

No matter which button Huang Sanshi pressed, Xiao H and Xiao O were indifferent, and they didn't even look at Huang Sanshi, but stared straight at Xiao Hei beside him.

Huang Sanshi: "..."

He Rihuo: "..."

Peng Peng and the others: "..."

I go!

Is Xiao Hei brainwashing Xiao H and Xiao O?

Even Teacher Huang ignored him.

I'm fat!

"It's not very harmful, but it's extremely insulting!"

"I'm going to laugh out loud!"

"My husband and I have already flown, we can't fly anymore, our body can't take it anymore!"

"Little H and Little O: We all communicate in dog language, so we won't listen to you!"

"I feel that if Xiao Hei continues to train at this speed, Xiao H and Xiao O's IQ and education will definitely be higher than mine."

"I don't know if Xiaohei can train Bianmu and Erha."

"One is the smartest dog and the other is the stupidest dog. Isn't this embarrassing Teacher Xiao Hei?"

"Am looking forward to!"

Although Xiao Hei's dog, but human god operation, the popularity of the live broadcast room soared, and the barrage also increased sharply.

Huang Sanshi was not convinced, and teased for a while, but it still had no effect.

Immediately afterwards, He Rihuo, Peng Peng, sister Zifeng and the little sheep Xingxing tried it curiously.

The effect is all the same.

Everyone had no choice but to give up temporarily.

There are still many days to come, so you can try slowly.

For breakfast, I ate milk tea made simply by Mr. He.

After that, everyone started planting trees arranged by the program group.

This season has changed. If you want to get food, you must plant trees in exchange.

Every food and item has a clearly marked price.

This is also good. First, it can increase the amount of exercise of the guests. You can’t just lie down the whole time when the show comes on, doing nothing, just waiting to eat the meal cooked by Mr. Huang, which will be complained by countless viewers. Second, planting trees can improve Environment, so that the sky can become bluer, the air can become better, no longer gray sky and air shrouded in haze.

Kill two birds with one stone!
In order to become different from the previous seasons and to convey positive energy, the program team has made some rectifications, and it really took a lot of effort.

Before going to the field, Li Xiao was very moved by the intentional changes of this season's program group. In order to make the audience like it more, they really worked hard and racked their brains behind the scenes.

But after arriving in the field, Li Xiao greeted the program team in his heart when he was five meters away, and the emotion just now was gone.


What the hell is this place?

The pigsty is not so messy!

I saw four mu of land in front of me, and every mu was overgrown with weeds and potholes.

This is completely uncultivated wasteland!
The home is an adobe house, and the land is a wasteland. Why is this season so ruthless?

Li Xiao grinned, and said: "We must have gone wrong, I think the well-organized acre next to it is our land."

Li Xiao is unwilling to accept this reality.

Are you bullying me new here?

Or are you bullying me for not watching the previous seasons?

In the past few seasons, no matter how bad the conditions were, there were at least a few acres of good land that had been reclaimed by the program crew in advance, allowing the guests who came to plant directly on it!
"This is our home!"

He Rihuo said seriously from the side.

Li Xiao wanted to cry without tears, and said, "Why do I feel like I'm on a thief's ship? Now there is only one line of lyrics that can represent my heart, that is, I really want to escape, but I can't escape!"

Huang Sanshi looked around the whole place, frowned slightly and said, "In this situation, there is no way to plant trees right away, we must turn the ground with a tractor first!"

 ps: Thank you for the monthly pass of 123wfz at the starting point, and thank you for reading the monthly pass of light blue de love on qq!


(End of this chapter)

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