My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 195 The Kind Li Xiao, Protecting the Lovesick Birds

Chapter 195 The Kind Li Xiao, Protecting the Lovesick Birds (Subscribe)

"Acacia birds are also known as red-billed jade, red-billed green Guanyin, and love birds. They are also called love birds in the West."

Li Xiao continued to do science popularization, and said: "Acacia birds are small, with a body length of only 105 to 180 mm."

"Acacia birds are vigorous and graceful, with elegant, clear, varied and beautiful songs; beautiful plumage, they are well-known ornamental cage birds at home and abroad, and their annual export sales are very large, but they are also difficult to catch, and they eat Insects are beneficial to farmers, and in order to use them rationally, they must be artificially bred and reproduced to meet the requirements."

"Acacia lovesickness belongs to the genus, and there are two kinds of white-eared lovesickness and red-billed lovesickness. Just like their names, the white-eared lovesickness has a black head, silver-gray ear feathers, and the red-billed lovesickness has a bright red beak. They're about the same size, shape and habits."

"The one in front of me is the red-billed lovesick bird!"

"It turned out to be a beneficial bird!"

Sister Zifeng said: "Then what should we do, we must not hurt it."

"It's simple! Why don't you drive the tractor around it? As for the weeds in this area, after turning them over with the tractor, pull them out by hand!"

Li Xiao said lightly.

For him, this kind of thing is described in Da Zhangwei's lyrics: five words floating in the sky, then it's not a problem.


The little sheep was stunned, and said, "With my skills, I'm afraid I'll hurt the little bird!"

Little Sheep Xingxing still has self-knowledge. He knows that he has just learned his driver's license, and he is not particularly proficient, so he dare not use it rashly.

After all, the tires of the tractor are now too close to the bird's nest, if you don't pay attention, you will be bumped.

"Let me do it!"

Li Xiao turned over and got on the tractor, saying: "Go to my field and continue driving the tractor, I will come to this field."


The little sheep nodded happily.

and did not leave.

He wanted to see with his own eyes how Li Xiao avoided the bird's nest from such a short distance.

It can be regarded as observing and studying, but also to make myself feel at ease.

Anyway, it was the first bird's nest he found, and they must be seen to be safe and sound.

Chu Chu Chu!
Li Xiao quickly started the tractor.

“Wow wow wow!!!”

Seeing the tractor start again, the mother bird became anxious and screamed louder.

Mother Bird: Don't come here!do not come!Please, don't drive over here!

Although the voice was loud, it was a helpless and pitiful prayer.

And when the little sheep Xingxing's eyes widened to see Li Xiao's high-end operation, Li Xiao turned the steering wheel calmly and easily bypassed the bird's nest.

When the old driver goes on the road, his heart is like a still water, and he can be sure of winning.

The little sheep Xingxing cast adoring eyes, and finally left with peace of mind.

More at ease than the little sheep Xingxing is the mother bird.

"Wow wow wow!"

Mother Bird: It seems that there are still good people among humans!
A simple sentence expresses endless sadness.

It is conceivable how many humans bullied Mother Bird before.

Birds live in human society, and they are inherently dangerous. Before they are born, they may be picked up by bear children, or crushed, or eaten. Attracting bear children, and thus being taken away, even if they can grow up, they may be arrested, or they may eat pesticides sprayed by humans by mistake.

The probability that a bird can spend its whole life safely in human society is less than 50.00%.

Even less!

"The director is awesome!"

"I came here for the first time today, I love it, I love it, and I pay attention decisively."

"It's all life, respect each other, don't bully because of strength!"

"Animals are really too weak, and we really need humans to take better care of them. They also need a sense of security, and they are also affectionate, righteous, and conscious. I salute the director and every human being who loves animals."

"We cannot allow our children to see animals on Earth only in textbooks."

"Isn't this frankly better than when the teacher who came to the school to sell books in junior high school told a story to impress people before starting? Is it true? Is it more touching?"

"Good people live in peace!"

"A good man will live a safe life, let Gongping go."

Li Xiao's move attracted countless fans.

All the public screens were swiping, all expressing their love and respect for Li Xiao.

Many tourists came to the live broadcast room for the first time, because of this move, they paid close attention to it and never canceled it.

Came here for the guests in "Longing for Life", but fell in love with Li Xiao.

Li Xiao's cat physique is effective again.

The four acres that Li Xiao and Little Sheep Xingxing turned over are neither big nor small. After all, the program team will use these four acres for a whole season, and the guests of this season will basically come back. to the ground.

Therefore, when Li Xiao finished turning the ground and stopped the tractor, the sky was already black.

But Xingxing, the little sheep, is not over yet.

After all, Li Xiao is a veteran driver, fast and stable, with long endurance, so he is naturally better than others.

After waiting for a while, Xingxing, the little sheep, finally came to an end.

A group of four can also return to the mushroom house.

When he got home, Huang Sanshi had already prepared meals.

Braised pork ribs, fried eel noodles with crayfish, braised watercress fish in braised watercress, roasted chicken with taro, and boiled pork slices are all hard dishes, filling the big table in the yard.

Before returning home, Huang Sanshi specifically asked Li Xiao what he likes to eat.

Li Xiao is very easy to feed, so he eats whatever he does, so he just says casually.

Although Li Xiao said it casually, what Huang Sanshi did was not at all casual.

These are all Huang Sanshi's specialty dishes.

In the past, when guests came to Mushroom House, they only cooked two or three hard dishes at most, which was enough to show Huang Sanshi's liking for Li Xiao.

Although we have been in touch for a day, I can't hide my liking.

Simple washing, everyone starts.

Although the food cooked by Huang Sanshi was indeed delicious, Li Xiao would definitely not make exaggerated expressions and shouts like He Rihuo.

Maybe it was because he was really tired after a day's work, and the consumption was too great. Li Xiao didn't move his mouth all the time, but only moved his chopsticks.

This move is the best illustration of Huang Sanshi's culinary skills.

"Today's tractor race, who won?"

He Rihuo asked suddenly.

"The principal has won!"

The little sheep Xingxing took the initiative.

"Lucky, proficient and lucky, it's only a few minutes faster."

Li Xiao is very tactful, trying to make face for the little sheep Xingxing.

But Little Sheep Xingxing was very down-to-earth, and said: "The head of the garden is really good. Before he found the bird's nest, he turned over the field faster than me. We changed in the middle, but he finished faster than me." , it shows that he is really better than me, I admire him from the bottom of my heart!"

"It's still less hands-on, more hands-on times, it will be fast."

Li Xiao said it very implicitly.

This thing is like fighting with a girl on the bed. For the first time, it will be very unfamiliar, and you can't even aim. But after fighting a few times, you will naturally become proficient, and there will be more moves.

"Ring bell bell!"

Just as Li Xiao finished speaking, the phone of Mushroom House rang.

(End of this chapter)

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