My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 196 "The Son-in-Law" Here Comes the Couple

Chapter 196 "The Son-in-Law" Here Comes the Couple (for Subscription)
In "Longing for Life", there will be no phone calls easily.

As soon as there is a call, it is definitely a new guest.

"I'm going to answer the phone!"

Peng Peng volunteered to run away, not caring about eating the braised pork in the bowl.

After all, this is his business in Mushroom House, and practice makes perfect.

A few minutes later, Peng Peng ran out of the room excitedly, saying, "Teacher Guo is coming!"

"Mr. Guo?"

"Which Teacher Guo?"

"How many teachers Guo are there in Huaxia?"

"Which one is talking about cross talk? Or which one is on Douyin's short video?"

Li Xiao and the others all cast curious glances.

"It's Mr. Guo's son who is coming!"

Peng Peng added, raising his voice.

"That's Mr. Guo who talks about cross talk, the one on Douyin's short video is still single!"

Li Xiao suddenly realized, with the word joy written on his face, he said, "It's Da Linzi who is coming over!"

To be honest, Li Xiao admires Mr. Guo's son, Da Linzi.

As the son of Mr. Guo, his debut has been questioned and even ridiculed.

The reason why the public can know him is in the comedy variety show "Happy Comedian" hosted by Mr. Guo.

Competing in Dalinzi, the Internet was full of cynicism, and the keyboard man even gave pointers.

What Deyun comedian.

What is a variety show run by Mr. Guo's house.

There is no need to compare anything, the champion is definitely Da Linzi.

As a result, he was slapped in the face, and Dalinzi just won No.4.

Mr. Guo is very smart and knows that his son can't win the award, otherwise he will be shady and suffer more abuse.

The program group was smarter. In order not to offend the three giants of the comedy circle at the time, Happy Twist, Deyun Society and Liao Ning Folk Art Troupe, they respectively made the champions of the current three seasons, no one offended, and everyone please.

Although Wang Ning Allen's work "The Return of the Great Sage" by Wang Ning Allen, who was happy in the second season, and "The Road to Comedy" by Chang Yuan and Chang Baohua in the third season were very effective, with the most applause and lots of laughs, but they just didn't Let them be champions, only runners up.

This also led to the fact that in the next few seasons, Happy Twist did not send people over at all, but chose other variety shows instead.

Li Xiao also got to know Da Linzi from "Happy Comedian", and he gradually appreciated it as he got to know him better.

First of all, under Mr. Guo's explanation, although Da Linzi didn't read much, he knew everything he should know, even some young people didn't understand, he also understood.

A person does not have to study for a perfect interpretation, but he must read more books.

Secondly, Da Linzi is very humble and courteous in dealing with people. When facing female celebrities, no matter whether it is shaking hands or hugging, he will never deliberately extend his hands to take advantage of them.

Thirdly, Da Linzi said that although his cross talk ability is not the best among the younger generation of Deyun Society, he can be regarded as the number one, but he did not just because he is the son of Mr. Guo The Deyun Club is messing around.

As long as he has a little selfishness in Deyun Club, other cross talk actors Xiao Yueyue, Meng Hetang, Qin Xiaoxian, etc. in Deyun Club will not be famous and popular.

How can people not appreciate such an excellent second-generation star?
At least he is much stronger than many second-generation stars in terms of business ability and character.

For example, the daughter of Uncle Benshan, the son of Uncle Long, the son of Teacher Zhang Guoli, etc.!

Of course, Nicholas Tse is still the best second-generation star.

It's a pity that when it comes to Nicholas Tse, most people will think of his ex-wife Zhang Bozhi, when they talk about Zhang Bozhi, they think of Chen Guanxi, and when they talk about Chen Guanxi, they think of those dense photos in the computer!
Li Xiao seldom appreciates celebrities in the entertainment industry, because there are too few celebrities in the entertainment industry who are clean, but when he appreciates a person, the most important thing is cleanliness and character.

It happens that the big forest is all occupied!
Huang Sanshi asked while eating: "Who else is there besides Dalinzi? It can't be that there is only one here, right?"

"The other one is Song Yi!"

"Okay, the son-in-law and his wife are here!"

He Rihuo said with emotion.

Li Xiao rolled his eyes and said, "It just so happens that they can make preserved eggs for us!"

As we all know, although Da Linzi has a good character and a good ability to talk about cross talk, there is no work that can be achieved in the entertainment circle, until "Celebrating More Than Years" made the audience familiar.

Too bad it's just a supporting role.

Subsequently, the starring TV series "Zuo Son" became a hit.

Use one sentence to describe the popularity of this show: The sense of CP is too strong, and the audience can't wait for the male protagonist Da Linzi and the female protagonist Song Yi to fall in love in reality!

I had a very happy dinner, it was full of hard dishes, and it made Li Xiao feel full.

Xiao Hei was even more supportive.

Because it looked down on the dog food that little H and little O ate, it also ate all the meat and bones left over from everyone's food.

After dinner, Li Xiao and Tao Yaoyao made a WeChat video call.

During the two days when Li Xiao left, tourists came one after another. Hama Village was already overcrowded and lively, like a market in a small town every day, and Tongfu Inn was even more full, so it needed to be done online. Prior reservation.

There is also the Gushan Zoo, which accepts countless tourists every day.

It was easy for Li Xiao to leave, but Tao Yaoyao was so busy that she needed to take care of things at Tongfu Inn and Gushan Zoo every day, lest there be any accidents.

After all, this world is very strange. As long as there are people, conflicts and accidents will inevitably erupt.

Fortunately, Li Xiao had drawn ten intelligent robots from the system before, which helped a lot and made Tao Yaoyao a lot easier. He only needs to wander around the Tongfu Inn and the zoo every day.

The animals in Gushan Zoo are very spiritual, they will not harm tourists, and they know how to behave well in order to win the favor of tourists and get delicious food from them.

Through the video, watching the animals in the zoo, and listening to Tao Yaoyao's words, Li Xiao felt very relieved.

However, all I heard was good news.

Li Xiao asked, "Is there nothing else happening at the zoo?"


Tao Yaoyao on the other side of the video said, "Actually, it's just a small matter. Those four Madagascar penguins always run away, taking the opportunity to steal fish, or deliberately bullying tourists."

"They ran too fast and ran away after stealing. They didn't find it many times, but only found traces."

"Hahaha, it left traces, it seems that it is still not as professional as the four penguins in the cartoon!"

Li Xiao laughed.

He has long been accustomed to the mischievousness of these four Madagascar penguins.

Huang Sanshi came up and said, "Where are Caiyun and Zhinan, let's see."

Ring Ring Ring!
At this time, the phone rang again.

Are there any guests coming?

"Come and see Caiyun and Zhinan, I'll answer the phone."

Li Xiao said very tactfully.

After all, Huang Sanshi and the others hadn't seen two peacocks for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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