My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 227 The whole people is one heart, looking for the finless porpoise

Chapter 227 The whole people unite to find the finless porpoise (for subscription)

On the banks of the Pearl River.

Professor Yang and other staff are exhausted.

They sat on the bank, drinking the mineral water they bought, staring at the distant river with tired eyes, expecting a miracle to happen.

"It's already four o'clock, and it will be dawn in two or three hours. I'm afraid I can't find it."

Professor Yang talked to himself and sighed softly.

He didn't want to say this sentence either, but sometimes the truth is really cruel.

Shi Yong and others were by the side, all silent.

The reason why a miracle is a miracle is because it doesn't even have a one in ten thousand chance!

But even if there is no miracle, still can't give up!


At this moment, a Wuling suddenly drove over.

Professor Yang and others thought they were passing by, so they didn't care.


More and more cars are coming.

There is a private car.

There are also taxis.

No one was occupying the road, no one was arguing, no one was rear-ended or bumped into bumps, and they all consciously drove their cars to the side of the road, just in time to shine their headlights on the Pearl River in front of them.

In an instant, the entire water area was caught cold.

Neat and beautiful, like a grand fireworks show.

Professor Yang and the others were all taken aback, turned their heads, and were completely stunned by the scene in front of them.

I saw citizens getting out of their cars one after another.

Some are middle-aged.

Some are boys.

Some are even seven or eight-year-old children.

The eyes of each of them are a little red, but they all exude perseverance and trust.

"Mother finless porpoise, come on!"

I don't know who suddenly yelled.

Although the voice was a little weak, it quickly spread through the crowd very loudly and quickly.

After about three or four seconds, more and more people shouted loudly: "Mother finless porpoise, come on!"

"Come on, principal!"

At first, the voice was a bit sparse and scattered, but after shouting a few times, it became orderly and loud.

The essence of human beings is a repeater.

But this re-reading is really touching.

Seeing so many citizens coming to support and refuel, Professor Yang and others were so excited that they wanted to cry.

Li Xiao, who was still in the Pearl River, first felt a burst of light, like the day when the sun was rising, and then he heard the uniform and loud shouts, and got out of the water curiously.

The finless porpoise mother also came up.

Looking at the scene on the shore, Li Xiao, who was already a bit tired, suddenly felt relieved, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Damn it! So many local passers-by and fans have gone to the director!"

"I stepped on my horse and cried."

"Grass, trick me into tears."

"I was defeated in the World Cup four years ago. I was left with only my underpants. I have never cried like this."

"We Chinese people are really too humane."

"Mother finless porpoise, come on!"

"Come on, principal!"

"Mother finless porpoise, come on!"

"Come on, principal!"

Soon, the live broadcast room was also flooded with these two sentences.

Not only in the live broadcast room, but also on various platforms, some fans and passers-by who were not local and could not rush to the scene to refuel also recorded a few seconds or tens of seconds of video to show their support.

"So many people come to cheer for us, we can't relax."

Li Xiao comforted the small head of the finless porpoise mother silently.

When doing anything and feeling physically and mentally exhausted, if someone suddenly supports you without reservation, you will be full of motivation in an instant.

Just like writing a novel, because of poor grades, there are many people who decide that the eunuch is unfinished after it is put on the shelves, but there are still some people who persist.

Not only did he want to write this story well, but he was also a newcomer, and he didn't want to let down the few readers who only supported him, and chill their hearts.

(These two passages are exactly the author's shabby, pitiful, and helpless inner monologue)!

The finless porpoise mother was also quite moved.

It once captured poachers, and was unwilling to trust humans for a while. It was not until Li Xiao's arrival that it eased up a little. But now seeing this scene, it understands that the human world is still full of good people, and it also let go of the hatred in its heart and resentment.

After Li Xiao and the finless porpoise mother encouraged each other, they plunged into the river again.

At the same time, more and more citizens and vehicles rushed to the shore.

Now when people get married, they have to find at least seven or eight cars.

Some will find more than a dozen.

At this time, hundreds of cars had already gathered by the river.

They come from various industries, and it is impossible to meet them on weekdays, but because of the finless porpoise time, they all gathered here and became one heart.

With so many people and so many cars, those who didn't know thought that the ancient princess was going to get married!

There are many people on the shore, and the battle on the Internet is even bigger.

More and more celebrities and other public figures forwarded it to speak out for this matter.

The first is Hu Ge, the "Little Prince in Ancient Costume" who has more male fans than female fans.

As we all know, Hu Ge is not only a star, idol, entertainer, actor, he is more caring.

He not only built schools for children in poor mountainous areas, but also went to XZ to pick up garbage more than once, and often called on people to protect animals and the environment.

Because of this, it can become an evergreen tree in the entertainment industry.

Even if he is not filming, he will have a large number of fans who will support him without hesitation.

People like him not only for his appearance and acting skills, but also for his character and various excellent qualities.

As more and more people participated, this matter also attracted more and more attention.

In Guangzhou, all kinds of large and small media were dispatched.

As for ordinary people, someone drove here specially.

Someone specially ordered takeaway and delivered it.

Some people stopped making villains in the middle of the night and came wearing clothes.

This city that never sleeps has completely become a real city that never sleeps tonight!
The commotion was so great that even the local mayor began to pay attention.

In an ordinary residential building, a man in his 50s was woken up by a phone call. In order not to disturb his wife who was sleeping next to him, he quietly went to the living room to answer the phone.

"Are there two finless porpoises that have not been found in the Pearl River? Okay, I understand the situation. In case someone takes the opportunity to poach, I will immediately notify Shipping and suspend the transportation of cargo ships of the Pearl River generation tonight until nine o'clock tomorrow."

"I will immediately call the police station and ask them to send someone to maintain order." "That's all I can do. To the extent permitted by the rules, protect them as much as possible. I hope the finless porpoise family can be reunited."


Fortunately, the mayor paid attention in time, otherwise something might happen.

Because as this matter became more and more popular, the number of people gathered was also increasing every minute.

People use car lights to illuminate the Pearl River, just like daytime.

Standing on both sides of the river bank, shouting loudly to come on.

Many media reporters also broadcast live interviews on the shore.

It is early in the morning, as long as the video manuscript is finished as soon as possible and sent out at dawn, so that people who wake up can see it, then more people can know and pay attention to this matter.

 ps: Thank you for the monthly tickets of lku250, Qingwuwugui, Qiangqiang, and Longhuangyi here!
  Thank you qq for reading the monthly pass of my heart is happy with the sea and Yu Yakun!
  thank you! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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