Chapter 228 (Subscription)

"Professor Yang, let's have some dumplings. My mother cooked them herself just now."

On the banks of the Pearl River, more and more citizens gathered, and some of them were well-meaning nearby residents who specially brought hot food.

"Master Shi, this is my dad's braised pork, you can eat some."

"Little comrade, finish your tofu soup."

"Miss, I'll give you my beef jerky."

The residents are very enthusiastic, and they specially packed food in food boxes, lest they be spilled along the way.

Looking at Professor Yang and others who have been busy all day, they feel distressed from the bottom of their hearts.

Just ask, who doesn't have a child?Who doesn't have an old man?

Old people as old as Professor Yang, some have retired and rest at home, or take a walk, or play chess. Still resolutely fighting on the front line.

In today's profit-oriented society, if there is no pay, who will do things for others?
However, Professor Yang, Li Xiao and the others were not paid and got nothing, but they were still doing their best to help and rescue the finless porpoise.

No matter who it is, it will feel distressed and moved after seeing it!

At this moment, the number of people online in Li Xiao's live broadcast room increased more and more, far exceeding any previous live broadcast.

But Li Xiao didn't care about this data.

He only cares about the finless porpoise mother.

"Thank you everyone for coming to my live broadcast room and cheering for me and the finless porpoise mother." Li Xiao rubbed his nose when he got out of the water, and said with a relaxed smile, "Don't worry everyone, we will be able to find it successfully!"

"Director, you are a man, you have to keep your word. If you say you found it, you must find it!"

"Don't put pressure on the principal, the principal is not omnipotent!"

"There's nothing wrong with it. Even if the principal can't find it, at least he's tried his best."

"Do your best!"

"Come on, director, pay attention to your body, don't let the finless porpoise find you, and you will be exhausted first."

Tourists in the live broadcast room commented one sentence at a time.

The public screen scrolled too fast, Li Xiao couldn't see it, and didn't bother to communicate with them.

Anyway, it is impossible to be exhausted.

Because every once in a while, Li Xiao would drink some spiritual water.

The supply of spiritual water can support the body, but as for the spirit...

If you can't find it all the time, even if you don't even have a clue, you will more or less collapse.


After taking a deep breath, Li Xiao got into the river.

And sprinkled the spiritual water.

Lingshui has many benefits, but it is more attractive than ordinary river water.

If the other two finless porpoises happen to be in this water area, I believe they will be attracted.

Every time he came to a new water area, Li Xiao would drop a little.

Don't dare to put too much, because the water flow is too strong, and it will soon drift to other areas.

In this case, you can only deliver more, but the amount should not be too large each time.

And if the investment is too large, it may attract other animals, and it will be messed up at that time, which will make it more difficult to find the finless porpoise baby.

Soon, a group of small fish were attracted by the spiritual water.

Li Xiao approached the school of fish slowly, without disturbing them with large movements, and immediately got out of the water, moved the end of the live broadcast away, and then greeted teasingly: "How are you?"

The whole school of fish was shocked, each small fish spit out bubbles and looked at Li Xiao in unison: Are you talking to us?
Li Xiao nodded.

Fish School: What are you doing?
Li Xiao asked, "Have you ever seen two finless porpoises? They are very big fish."

Fish School: Are you talking to us?
Li Xiao frowned slightly and said, "That's right!"

Fish School: What are you doing?
Li Xiao felt that something was wrong, but he still said patiently: "Have you ever seen two finless porpoises?"

The school of fish did not answer, but still asked: Are you talking to us?

"Yeah, I've said it twice."

Li Xiao was in a hurry.

Yuqun: "Then you said it."

These small fish were obviously a little impatient, and they scurry impatiently one by one.

"Have you ever seen finless porpoises? One big and one small!"

Fish School: Are you greeting us?

I am Nima!
Li Xiao collapsed: "..."

In a daze, he seemed to suddenly understand something.

Paralyzed, the fish's memory is really seven seconds long!
But the golden koi and black catfish raised in my home before are very smart and can communicate with me normally.

It seems that the golden koi and black catfish have really become fine.

And what was in front of them was just a group of silly fish.

The brain is not as big as a walnut kernel. What was said in the last second can be forgotten in the next second.

Li Xiao suddenly remembered the famous scene in the movie "Charlotte Annoyance".

Charlotte: "Master, is Ma Dongmei's house upstairs at 322?"

Uncle: "Ma Dong what?"

Charlotte: "Ma Dongmei."

Uncle: "What winter plum?"

Charlotte: "Ma Dongmei."

Uncle: "What plum?"

Charlotte: "Okay, sir, let's cool off first!"

"Go and stay where you are cool!"

Li Xiao waved his hands helplessly.

The school of fish was not polite, turned and left, whispering one by one.

"Why is there someone here?"

"Did he greet us just now?"

"I do not know!"

"Hey, what are we doing out today?"

"Oh my god, what was the first question just now?"

Li Xiao watched them go away, feeling in his heart: I am afraid that this group of stupid fish can only be eaten by people!

At this time, the mother finless porpoise who had been submerged in the bottom of the river for more than 20 minutes also came out of the water with her head popping out.


Mother finless porpoise: No in this area!
After yelling at Li Xiao a few times, he continued to swim towards the next piece of water tirelessly.

Li Xiao followed closely again.

On the shore, someone shouted: "There is no light in the water in front, let's go there quickly."

"Let's go!"

"Get in the car, get in the car!"

The people were very qualified and polite. Although there were many vehicles, they did not quarrel because of the crowding. The vehicles drove forward in an orderly manner.

Finally, find a good location, turn on the headlights, and illuminate the waters into daylight again.

After that, no matter where Li Xiao and mother finless porpoise went, they immediately followed closely.

so repeatedly.

in Apple pie order.

Neat as a military parade.

Throughout the night, more and more citizens gathered from both sides of the strait, but they all accompanied the convoy.

Some people couldn't hold on and were sleepy and tired, so they lay down on the grass to rest for a while.

Or lie in the car.

Wait until you hear someone screaming and driving, then open your eyes and move on.

Although they know that doing so is of no use, it can only provide spiritual support and encouragement, but they believe that man will conquer nature.

With so many people supporting and refueling, miracles will surely happen.

They even hope that their insignificant light can illuminate the way for the finless porpoise mother to find her child.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, doing so is just to move oneself.

But kind people know how meaningful this matter is.

(End of this chapter)

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