My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 229 Hope dashed, mother finless porpoise escapes?

Chapter 229 Hope dashed, mother finless porpoise escapes? (seeking subscription)
The whole night of searching was quickly over.

As the sun rises, the lights on the river are gradually covered by the light of the morning sun.

If you stand in the air and have a bird's-eye view at this moment, you will be dumbfounded.

Because too many people gathered on both sides of the strait overnight, as densely packed as ants moving.

Someone was so exhausted that he was lying on the grass and fell asleep.

Someone lit a cigarette and took a languid puff to refresh himself.

Someone was in good spirits and continued to follow Li Xiao and the finless porpoise mother.

At the forefront is a group of young people.

All of them have just finished the college entrance examination. Some of them did well in the exam and are considering which city to go to university. Some are not optimistic and are choosing to work in a factory.

Now they are in the period of confusion and choice in life, no one knows what their future will be like, no one knows what they will become in the future.

But watching Li Xiao's live broadcast, they suddenly felt enlightened.

No matter what you want to do in the future, you must at least learn from the director, and what you do is meaningful.

They spontaneously organized and acted as cheerleaders.

"Come on, principal!"

"Come on, mother finless porpoise!"



Even many middle-aged and elderly people on the shore couldn't help feeling: "It's good to be young, with a loud voice and a lot of energy."

"Energy? Where exactly do you mean?"

"There are so many people watching, don't drive blindly!"

Seven o'clock sharp.

The reporters were woken up by the alarm clock set on their mobile phones, rubbed their eyes indiscriminately, adjusted their makeup, and started live broadcasting and reporting.

"Good morning, everyone. I am Xiao Chen, a reporter from Guangzhou TV Station. It is seven o'clock in the morning. Last night, a major event that shocked the whole city happened. Some thieves secretly captured the finless porpoise of the Yangtze River and killed them. Lost in the Pearl River, the Pearl River Wildlife Park has successfully rescued the mother finless porpoise, but there are still two finless porpoises that have not been found.

The headmaster accompanied the finless porpoise mother to search for the whole night in the Pearl River, but has not received any good news so far.

After the mayor learned of the situation of the finless porpoise, he urgently dispatched an order to block off part of the waters of the Pearl River until nine o'clock in the morning.

We can now see that many citizens have spontaneously come to the shore to refuel and contribute their own strength. They are very eager to see that the mother finless porpoise can find her child and partner, but..."

When the pretty female reporter said this, her tone was a bit choked up: "But before nine o'clock, this section of water will be unsealed.

All we can do is to buy more time to find the finless porpoise mother within the prescribed range, and not let the freighter workers lose their source of livelihood. "

"It's seven o'clock in the morning, and there are still two hours before nine o'clock. I hope a miracle will happen. I hope the mother of the finless porpoise can find her child and partner. I hope the director's efforts are not in vain."

"The reporter of this station will conduct a live broadcast of the whole process for everyone, and wait for the result together with everyone."

In addition to the reporters sent by the largest TV station in Guangzhou, various media and anchors also started.

Some of them may be purely for hype, but most of them are kind and well-intentioned people.

At this moment, it is the peak time for work.

People get up one after another, or squeeze the bus, or take the subway, or take a taxi.

No matter what kind of travel tool, you will take out your mobile phone when you are bored on the road.

And as long as you take out your mobile phone, you can see these reports.

Or Li Xiao's live broadcast.

Or a reporter's live broadcast.

Or various posts on the Internet.

There are many ways of transmission, and the speed of transmission is naturally fast, and it will soon spread throughout the country.

Today, all kinds of noisy travel tools have become very quiet.

Because after seeing this news, everyone felt uncomfortable.

At this time, Li Xiao, who was still in the Pearl River, didn't know that the news had spread all over the country. He was just wondering why there was no freighter today?
It seems that since last night, there have been fewer and fewer freighters on the river, as if they had disappeared mysteriously.

Li Xiao didn't realize it until he saw the barrage in the live broadcast room.

While gratifying, there is also some melancholy.

Because of the unblocking, there are only two hours left.

Once the seal is lifted, there will be more cargo ships on the river, and it is inevitable that people with malicious intentions will come along and try to capture the finless porpoise.

Even if they were not captured, the other two finless porpoises would be disturbed.

The physical condition of the two finless porpoises was already bad, and if they were frightened again, it would be even worse.

Secondly, this can be regarded as setting a time for him and the finless porpoise mother.

If it is not found within the stipulated time, it will definitely cause frustration and loss of confidence to the whole people.

Time is passing by every minute and every second.

Soon, it was already 08:30.

The mother finless porpoise emerges from the bottom of the water again.

Li Xiao swam over in time, fed it with spiritual water, stroked its head and comforted it softly: "Let's continue, the time hasn't come yet."


The finless porpoise mother nodded, and suddenly jumped out of Li Xiao's arms.


Li Xiao secretly sighed badly.

The mother of the finless porpoise must have thought that she would take it back to the zoo when the time came, and it would lose the chance to find it. If it didn't want to go back, it would naturally choose to escape.

Li Xiao's swimming speed is very fast, but no matter how fast he is, how can he catch up with the finless porpoise?

Looking from a distance, there is only a white trace left on the river.

"It's not good, what happened to the finless porpoise mother?"

"It wants to escape."

"It's over, it's over, the finless porpoise mother knew it was time, and started going crazy."

"Why set the time?"

"If you don't set a time to unblock, those people who live by the Pearl River, you pay them wages?"

"We have tried our best to help the mother finless porpoise, but unfortunately the miracle still hasn't happened!"


Just when the tourists were discussing, the mother finless porpoise suddenly jumped up from the river with all her strength, reaching a height of more than one meter, then fell heavily and continued to swim forward.

After swimming a certain distance, continue to jump out of the water.

Repeat this action over and over.

It wants to use its last strength to make the biggest noise, so that its children and partners can find itself.

It didn't want to escape, it was still making the last effort.

Nine o'clock comes!

The blocked waters are finally opening.

The cargo ships that had been docked overnight began to sail on the river one after another, as if a city wall made of steel stretched across the Pearl River.

"Hey, can't I really find it?"

"In order to watch the finless porpoise family reunite, I didn't even eat breakfast."

"I didn't even eat dinner last night."

"After all, the Pearl River is too big, and the finless porpoise mother and director are too small inside."

Looking at the sailing cargo ships, netizens and citizens on the shore all became dejected.

At this moment, the hope in their hearts was shattered!

 ps: Thank you Qidongnan, Xiaowuwu, Shuhaiqusu, I'm not Chen Xiaoyao, Dongfang Tianyu, Shuyou 20181202220507025, and Shenyang Jingshao's monthly tickets!

  Thank you qq for reading here, I will take a look at the monthly pass that does not talk, surprises or surprises, surprises or surprises!
  thank you!

  grateful! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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