My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 238 Boundary Shepherd Is Boundary Shepherd, Dog Is A Dog

Chapter 238 Boundary Shepherd Is Boundary Shepherd, Dog Is A Dog (Subscribe)
Li Xiao chatted very well with the old men, and after a while, they became friends.

"Young man, we old guys have something to do, so we'll leave first. Let's leave a contact information and we'll talk later."

After breakfast, the leader, an old man in a plaid shirt, had a good chat with Li Xiao, and he was reluctant to part with him, and even left his contact information.

Watching the old men leave, Li Xiao waved goodbye to them.

not simple!
This is Li Xiao's evaluation of the old men!
Although it was only about half an hour, Li Xiao's strong sixth sense told Li Xiao that these old men were not simple.

All of them are dressed plainly, and their appearance is ordinary. At first glance, they are no different from ordinary old men, but Li Xiao noticed that almost every one of their hands has thick calluses.

These calluses seem to be formed by touching guns all year round!

The tourists in the live broadcast room did not observe Li Xiao carefully, and they were all laughing and laughing.

"It's weird, I'm wondering, why does the principal like to chat with the old man so much?"

"I don't like chatting with the elderly. It's not that I dislike them, but that they are too good at urging marriage, and they are very annoying."

"Cut the camera over quickly, I want to see beautiful women in bikinis."

"Wow, there is a border collie by the pool, it looks so cute."

After Li Xiao wiped his mouth, he saw this barrage, probably because he missed Xiao Hei, so he simply turned his head and looked at it.

The border collie ranks first in the IQ of dog breeds in the world.

Border Collies have many advantages, not only have a strong herding instinct, but also eye control ability, strong learning ability, docile and loyal temperament, can withstand bad weather, etc. Therefore, more and more people like to raise Border Collies.

The border shepherd in front of him looks to be more than two years old. At this time, he is sitting by the pool, watching the beautiful women in bikinis coming and going.

The tongue is flicking from time to time.

It can be seen that it is very happy.

The appearance of the cute border collie immediately attracted many beauties in bikinis.

Soon, four or five beauties with fair skin and long legs walked towards Bianmu.

Sometimes he stroked Bian Mu's head.

Sometimes he holds Bian Mu in his arms.

Kiss Bianmu from time to time.

Bian Mu was very docile, he didn't resist, and even limp in his arms, with his head gently resting on the soft breasts of the beauties, allowing the beauties to ravage him.

At this moment, Bian Mu was even happier.

The human smile on his face became more and more obvious.

"Fuck! People are not as good as dogs!"

"Who the hell is this dog? Hurry up and take care of it!"

"Nowadays there are few girls, and many boys are single. Who would have imagined that even dogs would come to snatch girls."

"This is my good brother from my previous life. It finally reincarnated successfully. I am so relieved."

For a while, there was a lot of wailing in the live broadcast room.

At this moment, a man in his early thirties came over and called softly, "Yuan Bao, where are you, Yuan Bao?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he noticed that his border herd was surrounded by a group of beauties in bikinis.

He has become accustomed to this.

He raised this border collie on the spot to increase the relationship with the opposite sex.

As long as you raise a cute dog and walk on the street, you will be struck up and liked by many girls.

And this border shepherd lived up to expectations, and every time he went to the street, he could attract many girls.

But it was the first time that he had attracted a large number of beauties in bikinis like this today.

The man's mood suddenly surged, and there was a surge of heat in his lower abdomen.

Whether we can eat meat tonight depends on the next performance.

The man secretly made up his mind, walked forward slowly, and said: "Girls, my Yuanbao knows a lot of things, such as diving, get out of the way, and I will order him to perform."

For the sake of having meat at night, he doesn't mind letting Bianmu perform diving, so as to attract the attention and love of more beauties in bikinis.

Hearing the man's words, the beauties in bikinis stepped aside one after another.

The man stood by the pool and shouted loudly: "Yuanbao, listen to my password! Three! Two! One! Jump!"

As soon as the words fell, Bian Mu Yuanbao rushed forward behind him.

The man was overjoyed, he seemed to see that he was surrounded by many beauties, and a mask of happiness was put on his face.

In the next second, it can become a pain mask in seconds.

I saw that when Bian Mu Yuanbao rushed to the pool, he didn't jump straight down, but turned sharply and slammed into the man fiercely.


Caught off guard, the man's body was unstable, and he fell into the water like a cannonball, turning into a drowned rat, in a state of embarrassment.

I wanted to pretend to be aggressive, but I was slapped in the face in seconds.

The man wanted to curse, but with so many beauties in bikinis present, he could only hold back.

Seeing this scene, Li Xiao couldn't help laughing even though he had received professional training, and said, "Bian Mu is Bian Mu, and a dog is a dog. This guy actually wants Bian Mu to dive in order to pick up girls. die!"

In the live broadcast room, the tourists who were howling suddenly burst out laughing.

"Hahahaha, my god, I'm going to laugh out loud."

"Beautiful job, let the girl pick up girls!"

"Bian Mu: If you want to pick up girls, jump off by yourself, don't pull me in, don't care about your rot."

"Bian Mu: Please don't treat me like a dog!"

"I know this border collie. It sat in front of me in the college entrance examination a month ago."

"That's why I don't raise border collies. I'm too smart, and I'm worried that it will dislike me for being too stupid."

"Why can't the border collie be a police dog? Because it has its own independent thinking, and if it encounters a dangerous task, it might make people go to explore the way."

"Uncle Policeman: The enemy is ahead, go after them.

Bian Mu: It's so dangerous, why don't you chase after it?And don't you have a pistol? "


Looking at the naughty and lovely Bian Mu, Li Xiao missed Xiao Hei even more, and was going to call Shi Yong. If there was nothing to do here, he was going to return to Taohuayuan and continue to participate in the recording of "Longing for Life".

As soon as Li Xiao took out his cell phone, the bell rang.

And it was Shi Yong who opened it.

"Director, are you awake?"

As soon as the connection was made, Shi Yong couldn't wait to ask.

Li Xiao replied truthfully, "I already had breakfast."

"Can you come to the zoo?"

"What happened? Don't tell me, the finless porpoise family of three has another accident!"

Li Xiao felt something bad in his heart.

"No, no, the finless porpoise family is very good. Now the police from Guangzhou City are here, and I want to ask for your help with something."

"what's up?"

Li Xiao was puzzled.

I am just an ordinary commoner, what can the police uncle do with me?

Is it to thank yourself and give yourself some bonuses?
"They don't say anything specific, they insist on waiting for you to come and tell you."

Shi Yong said helplessly.

"I'll be there soon!"

After hanging up the phone, Li Xiao went straight to the Pearl River Wildlife Park.

(End of this chapter)

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