My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 251 The Evil Yellow Skin

Chapter 251 The Evil Yellow Pizi (Two Chapters in One)

"The oranges I grow are all in abundance, so you can pick them as you like, and don't waste them."

Chen Sihai exhorted.


Li Xiao put down the bamboo basket on his back, turned over and jumped, like a nimble ape, he had jumped onto a slightly taller orange tree and started picking.

"Director, be careful, don't break Grandpa's tree."

Liang Jie stepped forward and reminded carefully.

She stood under the orange tree where Li Xiao was picking, so that when Li Xiao picked bigger and golden oranges from the tree, she could catch them immediately.

"Don't worry, my skills are good, comparable to Uncle Jackie Chan."

Li Xiao gave Liang Jie a reassuring look.

Uncle Jackie Chan has been making movies for 56 years, with more than [-] works, and won the Oscar for Lifetime Achievement Award. He is currently the most famous Chinese star abroad, and there are countless stars all over the world who like him and regard him as their idol.

However, in recent years, more and more people have begun to doubt the authenticity of Uncle Jackie Chan's filming. It is undoubtedly all kinds of speculations about whether Uncle Jackie Chan used a double.

Regardless of whether or not Uncle Jackie Chan used a double, who dares to say that he is not good at martial arts?
Especially in the furniture city!
There is a meme on the Internet called: Jackie Chan in the furniture city is invincible, and he can single-handedly challenge the army of Thanos!

When Li Xiao and Liang Jie cooperated to pick oranges, the rest of the people also started to get busy.

Looking at the busy people, Xiao Hei, who followed all the way, became bored, because no one started to play with it, so he simply flicked his tail in boredom, lay down in the shade under the orange tree, and began to squint his eyes to rest.

After an unknown amount of time, Xiao Hei, who was sleeping soundly, sniffed instinctively.

In the next second, he jumped up, and the dog's eyes shone with a trace of human joy.

It smells like wild game!

Xiao Hei, who was bored at first, became energetic in an instant, and ran towards the grass at the fastest speed.

"what's the situation?"

"Xiao Hei seems to have found something?"

"I saw it. It seemed to be a hare."

"Hahaha, the director and the others can eat meat again tonight."

"Wait, it seems that it's not a hare, but a yellow skin!"

"Hiss! You can't touch Huang Pizi, Xiao Hei, come back quickly, don't chase after him!"

After seeing the specific animal, the tourists in the live broadcast room became anxious.

Li Xiao, who was standing on the tree, heard the sound, and when he heard the sound, his face suddenly changed.

Huangpizi is very evil in folklore, and it must not be provoked unless it is absolutely necessary!

"Little black, come back!"

Li Xiao stepped forward, jumped down from the tree, and shouted hastily.


It's too late!


Huang Pizi moves quickly, secretly, and is good at running. He can move forward on the ground, drill through gaps and caves. It is reasonable to say that it is difficult to be caught, but for some reason, the speed of Huang Pizi is very slow.

Since Xiao Hei has been with Li Xiao, he has been drinking Lingjing water, eating special dog food, and supplementing with powerful pills every day. His body has already undergone earth-shaking changes. With a shining luster, the fangs and claws have become sharper and sharper, and most importantly, the speed is faster and fiercer.

Three times, five times and two times caught up with Huang Pizi.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Xiao Hei's two hind legs slammed on the ground, and when he was only one meter away from Huang Pizi, his body jumped up inconceivably. After landing, his teeth that were shining coldly had already bit Huang Pizi's body.

"Xiao Hei, don't exert force, don't bite it to death!"

Li Xiao was startled, and his voice became louder.

You don't have to believe in some things, but you must never question its existence.

After all, there were too many stories and legends circulating in the Chinese civilization a few years ago, and there is no way to explain it with existing science.

Especially some old people will be convinced of certain things.

"It's over!"

Not far away, Chen Sihai's pupils shrank suddenly, and he said with a sad face: "If Xiao Hei kills Huang Pizi to death, we will definitely suffer retribution. I didn't read the almanac when I went out today!"

There were quite a few ordinary people in the village on the side. After hearing the sound and seeing this scene, their faces were full of worry, and they seemed a little at a loss.

If Xiao Hei really killed Huang Pizi, they couldn't beat Xiao He to death to pay for Huang Pizi's life.

First of all it's not their dog, they don't have the say.

Secondly, although they are afraid, they are not so pedantic.

This kind of behavior is like the floods in ancient times. The pedantic villagers thought that the river god was angry, and they always picked out some beautiful girls from the village and threw them into the river.

To put it bluntly, it is a sacrifice to the river god, and you can pray for good weather throughout the year.

To put it bluntly, it is actually murder for money.

Li Xiao's speed was very fast, three steps turned into two and he had already rushed in front of Xiao Hei.

And Xiao Hei had a yellow leather in his mouth, and deliberately put it in front of Li Xiao, raised his head to show off, showing a humane and proud expression, as if begging Li Xiao to praise him.

"Huh! Fortunately, he is not dead!"

Li Xiao let out a long breath of relief.

Xiao Hei just held it gently in his mouth, and didn't exert any force, otherwise Huang Pizi's throat would have been shattered at this moment.

After the little sheep Xingxing and others rushed over in large numbers, they also relaxed with relief.

"Xiao Hei, be good, put it down first!"

Li Xiao said softly.

Xiao Hei was very obedient, he opened his mouth slightly, and let go of his yellow skin.

"Chi Chi!!!"

After all this tossing and being surrounded by a group of humans at the moment, Huang Pizi was so frightened that he crawled on the ground and didn't know where to escape. He could only tremble and his small eyes rolled around.

"It hurts!"

Li Xiao noticed Huang Pizi's injured right hind leg.

At this moment, I realized that Huang Pizi must have been hurt by something like a bear trap before his right hind leg, which affected his own speed, and was easily caught by Xiao Hei.

"Don't be afraid, I have no malicious intentions, I am a good man!"

Li Xiao smiled lightly, and casually uttered the lines from Teacher Chen Peisi's "Protagonist and Supporting Actor".

Maybe Huang Pizi understood what Li Xiao said, maybe he felt the strong aura of various animals on Li Xiao's body, and he also wanted to get close for no reason, and slowly stood on his legs like a human being, standing upright, In front of Li Xiao,

"Grandpa Chen, do you have debridement drugs and gauze in your fields?"

Li Xiao touched Huang Pizi's head, then turned to ask Chen Sihai.

"Yes, yes, I'll get it right away."

Chen Sihai nodded violently, while running towards an adobe house not far away.

In the rural fields, almost every few hundred meters, you can see a simple adobe house, or simply built with bricks and mud, or a so-called pergola.

In the house, some water, hoes and other ground tools and medical tools such as gauze are occasionally placed.

Nothing else.

An adobe house is very small and can only accommodate four or five people at most.

But don't underestimate the small size of the house, but it has played a big role for the farmers.

When encountering a sudden heavy rainstorm and it is too late to return home, you can take shelter in the adobe house.

When you are in a hurry to go to the ground, forget to bring water, and catch up with the sun exposure, you can also go to the adobe house to drink some water and cool off for a while.

The fruits and vegetables in the local area are ripe. When some thieves want to steal them at night, they can simply build a small wooden bed in the adobe house to take care of the crops in their fields at night to prevent them from being stolen.

When the fingers are cut by the pruning scissors or the feet are hit by the hoe because of careless work, the gauze and other tools placed in the adobe room can also be treated in a simple way in time to avoid rushing to work. When I arrived at the hospital, I missed the best time for rescue.

Every year, one or two farmers will cut their fingers or even cut them off when pruning the branches. They can be reconnected after arriving at the hospital, but because the medical expenses and surgery fees are too expensive, and the farmers don’t have much money, they can only do so in the end. Choose to forego treatment.

Li Xiao grew up in the countryside and knew all these things well, that's why he asked this question.

Soon, Chen Sihai brought some debridement medicine and gauze.

After Li Xiao took it, he began to carefully bandage Huang Pizi.

"Okay! I'll help you, but you also have to remember not to go to the village to steal chickens and ducks in the future!"

Li Xiao's technique was professional, and those who didn't know it thought he was a serious veterinarian. He quickly finished the dressing, and he didn't forget to remind Huang Pizi.

Next, a strange scene appeared.

Huang Pizi seemed to understand, but his little head actually ordered like a chicken sucking rice.

"It's done, let's go home!"

Li Xiao waved his hand as a farewell to Huang Pizi.

Huang Pizi didn't leave immediately, but actually stood up, hugged his two front paws together like a bow, bowed to Li Xiao, then turned around and disappeared into the grass behind the orange orchard.


"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it was real."

"Just ask if you don't understand, is Huang Pizi really smart and evil?"

Such an interesting scene instantly aroused widespread discussion in the live broadcast room.

Li Xiao looked at Gongping and explained: "In China, there are five immortals enshrined by the common people. The five immortals are also called Wujia or Wuxian Gods of Wealth, which refer to: Fox Immortal, Yellow Immortal, White Immortal, Willow Immortal and Gray Immortal The fox fairy is a fox, the yellow fairy is a weasel, the white fairy is a hedgehog, the willow fairy is a snake, and the gray fairy is a mouse."

"The folks generally believe that the five great families have been associated with human beings for a long time, and they belong to ghosts and immortals. If they violate them and cause them to be damaged, they can retaliate against human beings with black magic, and make human beings punished by disasters of varying degrees. ; If people worship them, they will be blessed.

In the worship of the five great masters, the folks are more in awe of the fox fairy, yellow fairy and white fairy among them, and there are many legends about their miraculous signs, and they are attached as the third grandfather Hu, the second uncle Huang, and the old lady Bai. "

"According to the records, the fox fairy is good at transforming into beautiful women to seduce and harm the strong men and scholars along the way.

Baixian mainly treats people's diseases, and is proficient in witchcraft. Whenever the family eats meat and steamed buns, he must make offerings to him.

People's worship of Liuxian also comes from ancient times. Legend has it that both Fuxi and Nuwa are gods with a human head and a snake body. Snakes are often considered to be the incarnation of dragons. It can form a human form and has the spell of capturing objects for thousands of miles.

Everyone should know the story of "The Legend of the White Snake", and there is also a description of Liu Xian in the Guoman "Under One Man".

Gray Immortals are believed to have wisdom, can predict the future, can tell fortunes, and can also make people rich.

As for the yellow fairy, it is the most evil among the five kinds of great immortals. It not only has the cunning of a fox, but also can control people's spiritual world, which is related to a kind of insane disease.This insane disease is called hysteria, and it is commonly known as zangke among the people.

It is believed that once a weasel possesses a body, hysteria will occur. When this disease occurs, weeping, talking and singing, telling some mysterious things or injustices in life.

There is a description of this in the classic tomb robbery novel "Ghost Blowing the Lantern: The Grave of the Yellow Pizi". "

"Although the Five Great Immortals were said to be miraculous, but as we all know, after the founding of the country, they were not allowed to become immortals, and the Five Great Immortals gradually disappeared and were forgotten by people."

"Although it has been forgotten, I must popularize it. It is included in the "IUCN Red List of Endangered Species". Sit down and wear it!"

Li Xiao's vivid science popularization is like listening to wonderful stories. For a while, not only the tourists in the live broadcast room were fascinated by it, but they all pressed 666 on the public screen, and Liang Jie and others around him couldn't hear it for a long time. back to God.

After listening to the story, Li Xiao and others continued to pick oranges.

When everyone filled the bamboo baskets behind their backs with oranges, they returned with a full load of talking and laughing.

Chen Sihai and his grandson Chen Ping went home.

Li Xiao and others returned to the mushroom house.

"Today is really a bumper harvest!"

Along the way, sister Zifeng smiled happily, and couldn't wait to pick up an orange from time to time and peel it to eat.

"Everything is fine, but it's very hot."

Liang Jie followed Li Xiao closely.

For some reason, she always felt that being beside Li Xiao was cooler and more refreshing than other places.

"Secretly tell you, I was actually a descendant in my previous life. Give me 20 yuan, and I will shoot the sun down for you. 20 yuan is definitely the price of conscience."

Zhang Xincheng followed behind, smiling.

Without even thinking about it, Li Xiao added, "Isn't every man a descendant in his previous life?"


"What do you mean?"

"Why is every man a descendant in his previous life?"

"Damn it! This speed is too fast, my face hurts from being crushed!"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, everyone, please get on the train."

"This time, the little train was started by the head of the park himself. It is absolutely fast and stable."

In the live broadcast room, the tourists who understood it burst into laughter.

But Zhang Xincheng and the others were still in a daze.

In the end, a few men were the first to react, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

Everyone was thankful that Li Xiao didn't continue to talk, otherwise when the program was broadcast, it would definitely be cut out later.

Sister Zifeng was still young, too innocent, she couldn't understand it from beginning to end, she just smiled along with Hanhan.

And Liang Jie's face turned red very quickly, and he glanced at Li Xiao sullenly, cute in his shyness, tender in his gentleness, so beautiful.

 ps: Chapter 250, this is an excellent number!
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(End of this chapter)

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