My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 255 Pay attention to the police flower talk

Chapter 255 Pay attention to the police flower theory (two chapters in one)

I saw the fireflies flying all over the sky seemed to have spiritual intelligence, they approached Li Xiao actively, and circled around Li Xiao!

As Li Xiao swung his stick, the fireflies would also dance accordingly.

At first glance, I thought that fireflies could also do martial arts.

This scene is extremely visually impactful.

"Don't be around me alone, go try them out."

Li Xiao said casually.

These fireflies really understood.

Part of the people surrounding Li Xiao moved towards Peng Peng, Zhang Xincheng and the little sheep Xingxing.

"Fuck! The director can really communicate with animals!"

"Isn't this too unreal?"

"It's incredible that fireflies are flying around the director. I never thought they would listen to the director."

"I used to believe in science. Since I watched the director's live broadcast, now I believe in metaphysics."

"Don't say anything, buckle up the word awesome!"

"What's the big deal, I can also communicate with small animals. During the Chinese New Year, I met a puppy. I asked it if I was prosperous this year. It was barking at me. There is no problem in communicating. This is mastering a The importance of a foreign language."

When the performance was over, in order not to miss this rare and beautiful scenery, everyone did not leave, but lay on the grass, looking up at the starry sky and fireflies, chatting casually.

As guests, Zhang Xincheng and Liang Jie talked about their debut.

It is really difficult to make a debut in the entertainment circle nowadays.

Because those domestic art colleges have to train tens of thousands of students every year, it is impossible for everyone to debut, and it is impossible for every debut to become a first-line star, the chance is not even [-]%.

In addition, there are still many talent shows in China nowadays. Some young people with no education but rich families can make their debut and become first-line traffic stars as long as they pass the talent show for a few months.

There are not a dozen talent shows every year, but seven or eight, too many and too messy, as long as you have money, you can make your debut.

As a result, it is even more difficult for those art school students who study hard in the cold window to succeed.

It was difficult to debut, and it was hard before, but looking at the beautiful scenery in front of them, they still feel very comfortable.

They thanked Li Xiao from the bottom of their hearts. Without Li Xiao, it would be difficult to see the beauty of nature in this life.

Suddenly, Li Xiao said: "The moon is quite round tonight, and there are fireflies, do you think of a TV series?"


"A TV series with the moon and fireflies?"

"What the hell is it?"

"Little fish and flowers are perfect!"

Li Xiao said seriously: "In order to watch this TV series when I was young, every time I came home after school, the first thing I did was to stay in front of the TV."

"I remembered, the one played by Zhang Weijian and Nicholas Tse!"

Peng Peng said excitedly.

Liang Jie added: "Is it the episode where the little fairy is about to die, because of that episode when I was a child, I cried so much that my eyes were red for two days."

The TV series "Little Fish and Flowers" is adapted from Gu Long's novel "Peerless Twins". Every character in it is very classic, and it is a childhood memory of many people.

This drama has a characteristic: how happy you laugh in the first dozen episodes, how miserable you will cry later.

There is a character in the play called Murong Xian, who is Xiao Yuer's wife and calls herself a little fairy. Although many girls always call themselves a little fairy now, she was indeed called a little fairy at the earliest. Compared with some actresses now The silly white sweet heroine played by this little fairy is also a silly white sweet character, but more of her performances are sweet and fairy, rather than silly.

The death of the little fairy has become a regret in the minds of countless people. Every time I think of it, I can't help but feel heartache.

"Little Fairy, that's the moonlight I was in when I was a child. She has a fairy air, is moody, and has a clear distinction between love and hate."

"In the era when the term "little fairy" was not widely used, the only little fairy in my heart was Murong Xian."

"The memory is deep, full of memories, the beautiful yearning for love in childhood!"

"It's hard to calm down! I still clearly remember Xiao Yu'er and Little Fairy watching the moon, touching the moon, and catching fireflies on the top of the mountain!"

"Delicate but not overbearing, cute and not self-willed, this is a little fairy!"

"No, I have to revisit it tonight. I've prepared a big bag of tissues. Cry me to death!"


Li Xiao's words brought the tourists in the live broadcast room back to their childhood in an instant.

In the era when there were not many TV dramas, almost every drama was a classic among the classics, and every character was impressive.

Appreciating the beautiful scenery and remembering my childhood, the mushroom house tonight is beautiful.

After returning home, it was already around eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, and everyone simply washed up and began to lie down on the bed to rest.

The next morning, because he was too sleepy and tired last night, Li Xiao didn't get up early to run with Huang Sanshi.

However, he was still awakened by the excited Liang Jie.

Liang Jie and Zifeng's younger sister woke up first, and they were not in a hurry to get up, but were boringly swiping their phones on the bed.

About two or three minutes later, Liang Jie and Zifeng's younger sister ran to the boy's bedroom excitedly, and Liang Jie sat on Li Xiao's bed even more excitedly, shaking his mobile phone, and said, "Principal, principal, get up, you're on the news! "

"Everything is reporting on you on the Internet today. It turns out that the director of the school did something big without telling us."

Sister Zifeng stood aside and added.

After this tossing, everyone opened their eyes in a daze.

He Rihuo said sleepily, "What news is it?"

"Teacher He, look!"

Sister Zifeng handed the phone to He Rihuo.

He Rihuo rubbed his eyes and began to examine carefully.

The more you look, the more spiritual you are.

Soon, He Rihuo said in shock, "Oh my God, it turns out that the director not only rescued the finless porpoise mother's family, but also helped the police catch the leader of the fugitive poaching gang. Wow!"

"real or fake?"

"Let me see!"

"I want to see too!"

Peng Peng, Zhang Xincheng, and Little Sheep Xingxing woke up one after another, and began to look at their phones.

In the news, there was a serious, true and grand report and thanks for Li Xiao's actions a few days ago.

The news was released on the official website of the police station in Guangzhou, and was quickly forwarded by the official websites of the police stations in other provinces and cities.

Even the People's Daily got involved.

Such a positive thing naturally needs a lot of coverage.

And no one on the Internet dared to doubt it.

After all, these sites are authoritative!

Who dares to question authority?
The popularity of this matter rose quickly, and the number of people who paid attention gradually increased, and it rushed to the hot search in just a moment.

The comment area is full of likes and praises.

"It's no wonder the director didn't broadcast live for several days a while ago. It turned out that he was helping the police uncle to do something important."

"At that time, there were fans who questioned the principal about going on a blind date, getting married and having a baby, so they slapped me in the face!"

"The head of the garden is awesome, he helps the police and the animals."

"Please restrain yourself, don't praise my husband so much, as the principal's wife, I will be jealous."

"Go away, the principal is mine."

"Sisters, let's go together, the director is in good shape and can handle it!"

Seeing so many female fans in the comments, Peng Peng said enviously: "Wow, the director is so charming, I feel that these female fans can't wait to stick to the director, unlike my female fans, they only know I miss my looks from a few years ago.

Wait, another official forwarded this news, it seems to be the police flower. "

"The police flower said? Let me see!"

Li Xiao finally got up from the bed.

Taking the mobile phone, Li Xiao noticed that the police flower really paid attention to it and forwarded it.

In my heart, I suddenly felt a little more relieved and secretly happy.

What is "The Story of the Police Flower"?
Police Huashuo is a group of police flowers that combines beauty and wisdom. Serving police flowers from all over the country will shoot videos to popularize various knowledge for netizens, such as telecom fraud, household registration management, and making money by swiping bills, etc.

The purpose is very simple, just hope that netizens will not be easily deceived.

The police flowers in the story of police flowers come from all over the country, including Huahua, Mengmeng, Xuexue, Shuke, Xiaohua, and Chaofan.

Each of them has a different position, because they are too busy at work every day, and they just take out their spare time to shoot videos and popularize science for everyone.

Today, Jinghuashuo has 80 million fans on Weibo, the same number of fans on Bilibili, and the short video on Douyin has reached 800 million.

Although there is a bit of a gap compared with the number of fans of those first-line traffic stars and Internet celebrities, their videos are definitely positive.

Although mischievous netizens will often ask some irrelevant questions, such as is sister Jinghua single, is molesting sister Jinghua illegal, will she be arrested for shouting at sister Jinghua's wife, etc., but these police girls are still very dedicated and upload videos almost every day. popular science.

The popularity was too high, and a new word was once coined: hold the police!

Li Xiao had paid attention to the police and said.

When he was bored, he once saw the video of Jinghua Huahua, and he felt that it was very positive, and the knowledge of popular science basically kept up with current events, and basically could be used, so he decisively paid attention to it.

Whoever imagined it, Jinghua said that she paid attention to herself today.

It can be regarded as a dream linkage.

After reading the news, Li Xiao got up from bed and made millet porridge for everyone.

Drink some rice porridge early in the morning to nourish the stomach and nourish the people.

After breakfast, Liang Jie and Zhang Xincheng were about to leave.

Although every guest came to the Mushroom House, although they wanted to stay forever, they almost only stayed for one day.

Of course there are exceptions, those who apply for an extra day or two.

After sending Liang Jie and Zhang Xincheng away, Li Xiao and his party sat under the awning in the courtyard drinking tea and chatting.

The sun at noon today is too poisonous, too hot and too hot, causing everyone to be lazy and unwilling to move more.

When I move, I sweat, and when I sweat, my body becomes sticky and uncomfortable, and when I feel uncomfortable, I want to take a bath.

In the hot summer, isn't it just so repeated.

Suddenly, Xingxing, a little sheep who was playing the piano in the room, hurried out and said, "News news! Read the news!"


"Another news?"

"Could it be that the director is on the hot search again?"

"No! This time it's a herd of elephants!"

Little Sheep Xingxing explained seriously.


Li Xiao frowned slightly, took out his phone, and began to read the news.

According to news reports, three days ago, a group of wild Asian elephants that originally inhabited the XSBN began to migrate northward. The group consisted of 6 adult female elephants, 3 male elephants, 3 subadult elephants, and 3 juvenile elephants. .

They are fearless, and even enter people's villages and fields to eat crops.

Fearing that the villagers along the way would be injured, a large number of police officers were immediately dispatched to help the villagers evacuate and transfer.

In order to track and report on this huge herd of elephants, many reporters and media have been mobilized, and the Forest Fire Corps has continued to use drones to carry out surveys and tracking, and to report the latest clues of the elephant herd's activities in a timely manner, and notify the people along the border to do a good job as soon as possible. Prepare for evacuation.

In response to this phenomenon, some experts say that the reproduction of Asian elephants is hardly restricted by natural enemies. In addition, the population of Asian elephants is gradually increasing. Once the number exceeds the capacity of the habitat, it will spread. The reason for this elephant group's northward migration may be to find new habitats.

Some say that it is the time when wild Asian elephants are running out of food. The elephants know that humans will not harm them, so they leave the protected area and enter human farmland to forage for corn, bananas and other crops.

Others say it has something to do with the Earth's magnetic field.

Because the northward migration gene is passed down in the bones of elephants, they will carry out seasonal long-distance migration under the guidance of geomagnetism, and the disturbance of the magnetic field will more or less stimulate their potential.

Anyway, what to say.

More and more outrageous.

Huang Sanshi looked at the news reports and sighed: "The earth is not very peaceful now, and every once in a while, a major event that will cause a sensation in the whole country and even the world will break out."

He Rihuo asked suspiciously: "Director, from your professional point of view, why do these elephants move north?"

"I do not know either."

Li Xiao shook his head helplessly.

I just saw the news, and I have never had close contact with these elephants, so I can't say for sure.

Although Li Xiao couldn't explain why, but his heart was a little hairy, and he always felt a little weird.

These elephants don't come here for themselves, do they?
Just when Li Xiao was puzzled and puzzled, at this very moment, a couple who looked a bit down and out came to the village.

As we all know, when filming a variety show, the program team will take the lead in temporarily blocking a certain place.

The reason is very simple, it is worried that too many fans will pounce on them, which will cause the artist to be injured.

But also to ensure the safety of fans.

This is not a joke or being overly vigilant. Too many fans can easily lead to stampedes, and many fans nowadays are really ignorant. After they don’t get a response from their idols, they will turn black and start attacking idols non-stop.

The most important thing is that a few years ago, there was a variety show on Blueberry TV where an artist surnamed Gao died.

The appearance of this couple quickly attracted the attention of the show.

The director team quickly sent people to intervene and communicate.

But after hearing what happened to the couple, the director team instantly softened their hearts, and brought them to the Mushroom House to meet Li Xiao, whom they dreamed of meeting each other.

 ps: Thank you Qidian for reading the monthly tickets of 123wfz and Xianfengweidu here.

  Thank you qq for reading the monthly pass here.

  grateful! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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