My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 256 Li Xiao Helps Find Abducted Children

Chapter 256 Li Xiao Helps Find Abducted Children (Subscribe)

"Here comes the newcomer!"

He Rihuo was the first to notice the couple brought by the director's team, and said excitedly.

When everyone turned their heads to look at the past together, they couldn't help being taken aback.

Not a star!

Not an internet celebrity!

Not idols!

This couple is a complete amateur, how could they be invited to the program group?

And looking carefully, you can notice that they are very nervous, looking around in a panic, a little at a loss.

After all, seeing so many stars who can only be seen on TV for the first time, any amateur will inevitably be confused.

"You are this?"

Li Xiao stepped forward and asked first.

The director explained: "Director, they are your fans, and you are the only one here this time."

"Thank you!"

Li Xiao was a little flattered, and at the same time noticed that the two of them seemed to have something hard to say, and their every move seemed a little awkward, so he said very intimately: "If there is anything, we can come here to chat."

While talking, Li Xiao had already taken the couple to leave the Mushroom House, and was going to find a farmer nearby, avoiding the director team and Huang Sanshi and others, and have a brief exchange at his home.


Without hesitation, the couple followed closely behind Li Xiao and stretched out his hand.

In this way, the three of them avoided the shooting of the program group far away.

Xiao Hei followed Li Xiao spiritually.

Li Xiao originally planned to find a farmer's house in the village, but halfway there, he found a lawn with a fairly good environment, so he sat down and asked, "Thank you for supporting me so much and coming here to see me." , you must have something to hide, but it doesn’t matter.”

The two looked at each other, and instead of getting straight to the point, they introduced themselves first.

The man said: "Hello, director, my name is Lin Lang, this is my wife Jiang Yan, we are from Henan province.

I saw the live broadcast of you helping the mother of the finless porpoise find her child in the Pearl River before, so I rushed to Guangzhou City, wanting to help as much as I can, and even more wanting to meet you.

But when we arrived in Guangzhou, you disappeared, and there was no live broadcast for several days. Today we watched the news and found out that you were helping the police catch poachers in those few days.

In order to be able to find you, we made a special trip here again.

It's a bit abrupt, please don't blame us. "

The man spoke very carefully.

As if afraid of accidentally offending someone.

It's more like a low self-esteem that comes from deep in the bones.

Li Xiao has seen such a low self-esteem child.

This kind of child is taught by his family to be poor, not to cause trouble, to save money, and to make money is not easy. When he grows up, he will really feel a little inferior.

But although the man in front of him was a bit sloppy and dirty, he was still handsome, and the woman was also very beautiful. It stands to reason that this kind of inferiority complex should not appear, unless something important happened and encountered, and he was hit and hurt. Many people have treated them coldly and indifferently for a long time, which has formed this kind of inferiority complex and humble psychology.

Li Xiao took a deep breath and said: "If you really watch my live broadcast often, you should know that I am a very easy-going person. If you need help with anything, you can just say it. Don't be cautious, I will definitely help."

"Thank you thank you thank you!!!"

Lin Lang and Jiang Yan kept thanking each other, their eyes were red with excitement, and tears were rolling in their sockets.

"Don't be in a hurry to say thank you, what is it, let's talk about it first."

Although he had only been in contact with this couple for less than half an hour, Li Xiao could feel the blow they must have been unacceptable to ordinary people.


Lin Lang quietly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, carefully took out a photo from his pocket wallet, handed it to Li Xiao with trembling hands, and said, "This is a photo of my daughter, who was abducted by human traffickers when she was a child. Ran."


No wonder the couple wanted to come to Guangzhou to help the mother of the finless porpoise. It turned out that they had similar experiences!
Li Xiao took the photo and looked at it seriously.

In the photo is a cute little girl with a chubby and rosy face.

It's a bit like Dodo in the cartoon "Bear Infested".

While Li Xiao was looking at the photos, Lin Lang said: "After the child was lost, my wife became depressed. It has gradually improved in the past few years. We also started looking for children all over the country. We called the police, distributed leaflets, added Many groups of children who were also abducted and trafficked have tried various methods, but they have not been found yet.”

"The tourists in the live broadcast room said that you are a cultivator, a fairy, and you are omnipotent in everything. We don't expect you to help us find the child. We only hope that you can hang your child's photo in the live broadcast room.

If more people can see it, we will have more chances of reunion. "

Jiang Yan added.

Tears splashed.

Poor baba.

Hard to say no to.

And this kind of thing cannot be refused!

After all, they came all the way here just to catch Li Xiao's traffic.

After all, Li Xiao's popularity in the entire network is too high now, comparable to some small fresh meat with first-line traffic.

They came here with a purpose, but this traffic must let them rub off.

"I know about this!"

Li Xiao seriously looked at the couple in distress in front of him, and said sincerely: "I helped!!!"

"thanks, thanks!!!"

The husband and wife thanked Li Xiao again, and they seemed to be bending over and bowing.

Li Xiao hurriedly supported the two of them, and said, "Thank you for what you are talking about, but any conscientious Huaxia people will help you as much as they can."

Is this world beautiful?
of course!

There are delicious food, beautiful scenery, beautiful women, etc., which make people linger and forget to return!

But in this beautiful world, there is darkness hidden after all. In this world, some people don't have the heart to take care of those beautiful things at all. They are already very difficult just to live!
"You guys wait here for a while, if you're bored, you can tease Xiao Hei."

Li Xiao put away the photos and hurried over.

Of course he wants to help, but he doesn't just hang up the photos in the live broadcast room, but uses the cub search machine to conduct effective searches.

The cub search machine was stored in the warehouse of the system, Li Xiao ran away, just not wanting to be seen by the husband and wife.

To conjure up a laptop computer for no reason, wouldn't it confirm the status of a fairy.

Soon, Li Xiao returned with his laptop in his arms.

Immediately afterwards, under Lin Lang and Jiang Yan's puzzled eyes, they entered the photo.

The photo was successfully accepted, and the search engine immediately started the simulation and search.

Lin Lang asked curiously, "This is?"

Li Xiao thought for a while, and said: "One of my little inventions can simulate the appearance of your children when they grow up through photos, and then search and filter across the country through the Internet to lock the specific location where the children are currently. Location."

"Is it so amazing?"

Both Lin Lang and Jiang Yan's excited eyes widened.

"This is currently just my first trial."

Although he really didn't want to hurt the couple, Li Xiao could only tell the truth.

More expectation, more disappointment.

Li Xiao was really afraid that they would not be able to accept it.

Li Xiao had tried to search for the son of the mechanical wolf king Hui Tailang before, but was unsuccessful.

"By the way, do you have any more pictures of your children?"

Li Xiao asked and explained: "The more photos, the clearer they are, the easier it is to simulate a more accurate appearance, and it can also ensure the success rate of finding."

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Jiang Yan hurriedly took out her mobile phone.

In the mobile phone photo album, there are no extravagant photos deliberately taken to show off in the circle of friends, all of which are photos of my daughter when she was a child.

Li Xiao took the phone, connected it with the data cable, and transferred the photos to the computer again.

What has to be done is done, and the next thing to do is to wait patiently.

Seemingly bored, Li Xiao began to look up and down the couple.

They are dressed very much like Liu Tianwang in "Lost Orphans".

In order to find their children, they don't care about their image at all.

After eating the last meal every day, he has long been skinny and skinny.

Without even thinking about it, Li Xiao quietly added Jiang Yan's WeChat account and made a fortune.

When Jiang Yan reacted and was about to ask, Li Xiao was already the first to say: "Buy yourself some nice clothes, eat something good, dress up well, so that you can see your children decently.

I think you don't want to see your children in a sloppy manner, do you? "

"But isn't that too much?"

The series of zeros made Jiang Yan unable to react for a while.

"Not much, not much, you all have to live in the future, don't you? If you really feel bad about it, consider it that I lent you in advance!"

Li Xiao actually transferred 10 yuan to the couple.

With his current situation, this money can be earned back in a day.

But for the couple, it may not be earned for several months.

Because they have given up their normal lives long ago in order to find children wholeheartedly. It is impossible for them to adapt to work as soon as possible.

The amount of money is more than it is, and it is less than it is. For Mr. Wu, one of the four returned sons recently exposed, it may not be enough for him to date a girl, and he can endorse a product casually. Earn hundreds or thousands of times more money than this.

The couple looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a while.


Thousands of words can only be gathered into these two words.

Both of them knelt down in excitement.

Fortunately, Li Xiao was able to support them again in time.

"You help us so hard and give us money back, we don't even know what to say."

"Do you know the prototype of "Lost Orphans"?"

Li Xiao suddenly asked back, "Not long ago, the lost orphan finally found his son, but the son didn't want to go with him, but chose to follow his adoptive parents, why?
The reason is simple. Apart from being grateful for the nurturing grace of his adoptive parents, he may also consider a lot.

For example, in order to find themselves, the biological parents have already separated from their wives and children. They do not have a harmonious and beautiful family. They even lost their jobs and income sources.

The reason why I give you this money is very simple, at least so that your children can see that you still have some savings and are willing to return to your side. "

What Li Xiao said was cruel, but this is the reality of Hong Guoguo.

Some children are even adopted by wealthy families after being trafficked, so they are even more reluctant to return to their biological parents since they were young.

Unbeknownst to them, their parents were actually committing crimes.

Although they did have the grace of nurturing, they did participate in the sale of children back then.

Without their business, who can the traffickers sell to after abducting and trafficking children?
If no one buys it, the traffickers will disappear naturally.

Without buying and selling, there is no harm.

This sentence was originally an advertising slogan for protecting animals, but it can also be used here.

And this advertising slogan to protect animals and animals is actually full of irony.

May I ask where the poor can afford shark fins and ivory products? It’s not the rich who use them, but the rich use their money to shoot this advertisement to warn the poor not to buy or sell. You say it’s ironic, not ironic!
"Ding! The simulation is complete! The search is successful!"

Just then, the system sounded.

Li Xiao checked immediately.

After confirming again and again, he said: "You can use your mobile phone to take a picture of the simulated grown-up appearance, this is your daughter's current appearance, her name is Li Chaoyang, and she is in Guangzhou.

The specific address is below here, you can remember it! "

Lin Lang and Jiang Yan's eyes were full of disbelief, but they still started taking pictures and taking notes seriously.

When Li Xiao saw them taking pictures and taking notes, he was still crying uncontrollably.

These are the tears that are only one step away from success, and they cannot be suppressed at all.

"Thank you! We looked for it in Guangzhou City before, but we didn't expect it to be in Guangzhou City!"

"Thank you, principal, you are the benefactor of our family!"

The husband and wife hugged Li Xiao tightly uncontrollably, unwilling to let go for a long time.

"Okay, okay, this is what I should do. Hurry up and find your daughter in Guangzhou. I look forward to the reunion of your family of three."

Li Xiao repeatedly urged, saying: "Remember, you must tidy up and dress yourself well, and see your daughter decently!"

"We will!"

"If we find it, we will definitely come and thank you solemnly."

"There's no need to thank you, just live a good life with your daughter in the future."

It's not that Li Xiao doesn't want to see the beautiful picture of a family of three reunited, but he thinks that it's hard to find it after so many years, so he should enjoy it and don't let outsiders disturb the warmth of the family of three.

After chatting briefly with Lin Lang and Jiang Yan, Li Xiao separated from them.

The husband and wife were very excited and couldn't wait to go to Guangzhou to look for their children.

And Li Xiao took Xiao Hei back to the mushroom house.

Although amateur guests came to Mushroom House today, to Li Xiao, it was much more meaningful than the arrival of a celebrity.

This is also the first time that the cub search machine has successfully simulated and searched for human cubs, and Li Xiao is really pleased.

When Li Xiao returned to the Mushroom House, there were already two more people in the Mushroom House.

It is today's two guests.

"Fan Xian!"

Li Xiao recognized one of them at a glance.

It was Zhang Ruoyun who became popular last year with "Celebrating More Than Years".

The other one is her wife Tang Yixi.

Sure enough, this season of "Longing for Life" is the sugar-sprinkling season.

Li Xiao couldn't help but sigh in his heart again.

 ps: Thank you qq for reading the monthly pass of afalse smlile here.

  Thanks to the starting point for reading the reward of 20200314004217487 here.

  grateful! !
(End of this chapter)

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